Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 388 Ma'am is Chinese?

Chapter 388 Ma'am is Chinese?

It turned out that Wang Qiang entered the waiting hall, and after seeing the words Haizhou Airport, she suddenly thought that there were two air tickets in her wallet, one was from country F to HK, and the other was from Haizhou to Greentown, that is, Said that this is her route back to country F.

It was immediately decided to refund the ticket and buy a ticket to Haizhou.

Wang Qiang is very smart. She inquired about everything on the plane. It turned out that her passport is visa-free in HK, so after getting off the plane, she came to HK smoothly and flew back to F. country.

Surprisingly, she found that she could understand French and speak it quite fluently.

She originally thought that she could only understand a few sentences in French on the passport.

I thought, I am a Chinese, how could I live in Country F?Language barrier, how inconvenient daily life must be!
"God bless you! If you can speak French, it will be easier for me to find someone!"

She came to the authentication place of the passport and wanted to find out the details of her household registration.

found it!
It's a small town in the east of country F facing the Mediterranean Sea. No wonder she likes Mediterranean style things so much.

After getting the address, Wang Qiang was very excited. She was about to meet her relatives. What did they look like?Will you be very close to them when you see them?
She didn't know, because she had no other emotions except excitement, and they were strange to her.

After a day's train ride, she got off at the station of this small town by the Mediterranean Sea.

The town is surrounded by patches of purple lavender, and the whole air is full of the smell of lavender.

She was breathing heavily and was drunk!
She walks into town.

The colorful stone roads, white Mediterranean-style houses, and small gardens in front of and behind the houses make the town beautiful.

10 minute later.

Wang Qiang was surprised to find that many gorgeous roses bloomed in front of the doors of many households, and they were different from Chinese roses.

"No wonder Lin Feng said that I told him before losing his memory that I like rose flowers, so that's how it is!"

Wang Qiang felt uneasy.

She rang the doorbell.

A middle-aged man in local folk clothes came out of the house and walked towards the door of the small courtyard step by step.

Wang Qiang stared at him, sizing him up carefully.

"...Well, the figure is different from the man in the dream. The forehead...is not right,...the eyebrows are not right, and...the eyes are not right. He is not the lover of my dream!"

The man stood inside the white gate, "Madam, what can I do?"

"I'm sorry to bother you! Sir. I want to ask, who is this family, sir?"

"Oh, madam, I am the man of the house."

The door of the house was pushed open again, and a tall woman from Country F came out, "Honey, are you here?"

The man said, "Honey, that's a beautiful lady!"

As soon as Wang Qiang heard the conversation between the two, she knew that they were a couple.

The man noticed that Wang Qiang's eyes were a little confused, "Ma'am, do you need my help?"

Wang Qiang hesitated for a moment, then took out her passport and original address and handed it to the man.

The woman came over and looked at the passport and personal information with the man.

The man looked surprised and exchanged glances with the woman with the same expression.

"Ma'am, if you took this kind of passport, you shouldn't come back to us, you should find the person who issued your passport." The man returned the things to Wang Qiang.

"Sorry, I can't find him! Please tell me, how can I find this person?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am, I can't tell you, please leave here." The man gestured for Wang Qiang to leave.

"Please, sir! I have lost my memory, and I can't find my family!" Wang Qiang begged.

"Ma'am, you don't need to look for them, they may not be in this country." The man shrugged.

"Sir, please tell me, what do you mean?" Wang Qiang was stunned.

"..." The man glanced at Wang Qiang with a strange look, then said something in a low voice, then put his arms around the woman's back and went back to the room, ignoring Wang Qiang.

After Wang Qiang heard the man's words, she was completely stunned, and her face became very ugly.

Poor Wang Qiang, how did she know?Because she did not want to become a citizen of country F, this passport was "specially" issued to her by Mr. Andre.

In the small restaurant in the town, Wang Qiang sat quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, watching the tourists coming and going, and the couples embracing each other, feeling empty in her heart.

She suddenly felt that she seemed to have been abandoned by this world.

No lover, no family, no real household registration that belongs to her, staying alone in this world, not knowing where is her destination?

At this time, she thought of Lin Feng, who had been dependent on each other for a year, Li Yue, who was more than smart but lacked stamina, and her group of lovely students.
She thought of the son born in the same year, the same month and the same day as Lin Feng. She didn't have any image of the son in her mind, and the man with the crew cut, full forehead and slender eyes. Where are they all?

They must have been looking for her too, looking forward to meeting her.

She tried her best to recall the man in her dream, trying to think of as many details as possible.

"Who is that soldier? Why has he never appeared again?"

After thinking about it, a burst of dizziness hit her, her face immediately turned pale, and she held her head in her hands in pain.

she moaned in pain
There was another thick fog, and the soldier appeared again, his collar badge was so bright, but his face was covered by the thick fog
The top of her brain seemed to be shocked by electricity, directly hitting her heart, trying to drag her into the dark abyss every second.
She trembled uncontrollably and struggled desperately to prevent herself from passing out. She wanted to see his appearance clearly, was he the same person as the man in the dark blue tunic suit?

Her nerves are tense, keeping her sanity clear, she is using her willpower to fight against fate
The soldier came towards her, getting closer and closer.
"My Rose"

Her body trembled even more
She saw slender eyes and beautifully contoured sword eyebrows.
"Ma'am. Ma'am, what's the matter with you?"

There are other voices creeping into her head, the soldier is gone
her temples hurt like needles
She moaned louder
"Boss, should you take her to the hospital?"

"All right!"

Wang Qiang felt as if she was flying
"Hmm." She opened her eyes hard.
"Boss, she seems to be awake!"

She heard clearly, the voice was right next to her ear.

"Yeah." Her eyes opened a crack.

Her body felt and she realized she was being carried away.

"Please put me down!"

"Ma'am, you're passed out! I'll take you to the hospital!"

Her eyes opened, slowly condensing from apathy to presence.

A typical gentleman's face from Country F appeared in front of his eyes.

She was sure that she was being held in the arms of this gentleman, striding down the streets of the town
(End of this chapter)

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