Chapter 44
Gao Qi returned to BJ after staying at home for a day, got off the car and went directly to ***, and stayed in the guest house of the hospital according to the prior arrangement.During the Spring Festival, the entire hostel lived in Gao Qi alone, looking extremely deserted.

After contacting the leaders of the hospital, Gao Qi reported to Professor Zhang's office.

Knowing that this young man named Gao Qiming was sent by the organization, Professor Zhang politely stood up, shook hands with Gao Qi, expressed his welcome, invited Gao Qi to sit down, and handed over the summary of the content of the exchange to him. Give Gauchy a review.

From the moment Gao Qi met Professor Zhang, under the guidance of Professor Zhang, he began to supplement English words in computer science. For three consecutive days, he even memorized English words when taking a bath, eating, and going to the toilet. .

Hard work pays off.

Three days later, a group of computer experts from country M came to the **** institute, and the leaders of the institute extended a warm welcome to their arrival.

The leaders of the hospital arranged the two experts from Country M and the accompanying NSAL people in the guest house of the hospital, and they lived in the rooms next to Gao Qi, so that it was convenient for communication at work.

The reason why Gao Qi lived in the guest house was euphemistically called: to take care of the travel convenience of experts from country M.

Experts from country M came to the computer room of **** under the leadership of Professor Zhang. During the communication process, although Professor Zhang is very fluent in English and can communicate with experts from country M, according to the regulations, he can only speak Chinese , the content of his speech had to be translated by Gao Qi.

Gao Qi's translation work was completed smoothly. Although some rare words were unavoidable sometimes, with the full cooperation of Professor Zhang, Gao Qi did not make any mistakes during the whole work process.

During this exchange, Gao Qi found that the computer technology of country M surpassed that of his own country too much.From the analysis of the clues of the content of the exchange, it is very likely that country M has already established a military command center using a local network of computers.

They visited Professor Zhang in person this time because the related paper published by Professor Zhang was reprinted by a high-level foreign journal.

Gao Qi's judgment is not wrong. From the accompanying NSAL people, it is not difficult to see that this exchange is actually the intention of the top defense officials of country M, and this period is also the most tense period in the relationship between country S and country M.

If country M is using a local network to establish a military command center, only one command center is far from enough. Once this command center is destroyed by country S's nuclear weapons, the entire military command will be immediately paralyzed, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, the high-level national defense of country M believes that it is necessary to design a decentralized command system - when some command points are destroyed, other points can still work normally, and these scattered points can be contacted through some form of communication network .

At this moment, the computer experts from country M saw Professor Zhang's thesis, so they came here specially for academic exchanges, hoping to reach a consensus on a certain point and even hope to break through this dead point.

All of these gave Gao Qi a deeper understanding of the use of computer technology in country M. Because he had no experience with programming, he memorized various computer programming languages ​​by rote, as well as reasonable application and adaptation fields. .

From binary code machine language, assembly language, FORTRAN language, PASCAL language and C language, entry-level BASIC language, etc., he desperately stuffed them into his brain like a duck.

More than a week later, the hospital sent away the group from country M, because country M was only doing general academic exchanges this time, so the official leaders were not alarmed.

Gao Qi successfully completed the task assigned by Uncle Chen, and he handed over one of his belongings to the comrades who cooperated with him.

Gao Qi easily removed all disguises. He wanted to relax himself completely, so he checked the start date and found that there was still a week before the start of school.

It is rare that he has this free time, so he wants to go to Guyi County in Greentown for a tour, because there is a comrade-in-arms he has shared life and death with sincerity, Guo Haiyang, who was seriously injured in rescuing him on the battlefield and retired early for this reason.

According to the address on the letter, Gao Qi first took the train to Greentown, and then transferred to a long-distance bus to Guyi County Bus Station.

After he got off the bus, he asked the staff at the bus station for the direction of Guojia Town. The staff told him that he could take the bus from Guyi County to Luodu City, and Guojia Town was on the way.

Gao Qi declined the staff's kindness with a smile, and walked to Guojia Town where Guo Haiyang's family is located.

It was already mid-afternoon, and because the Chinese New Year hadn't finished yet, there were beaming people everywhere on the road visiting their relatives.

Young people riding Phoenix, Flying Pigeon, and Yongjiu [-] bicycles seemed to be showing off their skills. There were people on the front and back of the bicycle, laughing all the way and pedaling the bicycle very fast.

Some families were driving donkey carts covered with flowered quilts, and families and children were playing around in the carts.

There are also those who drive walking tractors and bring people along the way.The most typical one is a strong man, driving a large extended carriage, old and young are sitting in a carriage, it seems that he should be a big family, and he is so lively that he does not envy the passers-by.

Looking at the smiling people along the way, Gao Qi knew that the party's policies had benefited the people here, so he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It seems that the people here are living a good life!"

Gao Qi inquired all the way and walked all the way. After walking along the potholed asphalt road for more than an hour, he turned into a flat and wide asphalt road. There were always pedestrians on the road. villages and towns.

This should be a very prosperous and lively big town, which looks much bigger than ordinary villages and towns, because Gao Qi has been to many places, and has never seen such a crowd of people entering and leaving the village and town, and the roads outside the town are lined All kinds of vehicles parked everywhere.

Gao Qi walked into the town with the flow of people. The roads in the town are very wide, not like the roads of a rural market town at all. One street and two rows are full of various stores, and the business is booming, catching up with BJ's Wangfujing Main street.

Gao Qi searched and finally found Guo Haiyang's home, which was a house next to the street, and the signboard in front of the house said Guo's Donkey Meatballs.

There are two large pots on the side of the road next to the door. In one pot there are white and round glutinous rice balls, and in the other pot there are fragrant donkey meatballs. There are some tables inside and outside the door, and each table has people sitting on it. Seeing people, chatting while eating.

A young and beautiful girl with two short skirts was standing by the cauldron, with a coarse cloth apron around her waist, and she was attracting customers while stirring the meatballs in the cauldron with a spoon.

Gao Qi's stomach growled suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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