Chapter 48

Principal Zhang was very happy to see Liu Hua and Qin Dali, and he immediately called all the teachers who had taught Liu Hua and Qin Dali to his office.

Undoubtedly, Liu Hua's teachers were all very happy when they saw his arrival, and they came to visit them specially.

. . . . . .

After the resumption of the college entrance examination, these teachers stood on the three-foot platform again without complaint, devoted their efforts, worked diligently, worked hard, did not expect anything in return, did not dare to delay a minute, and only wanted to pour out their knowledge Professor, I hope that all the students I teach can become useful people to the society, and they will be successful and satisfied in their life.

Now, as engineers of human souls, they really have done it!They have personally sent batch after batch of students to universities across the country, and Liu Hua is their pride.

The county education committee highly appraised and affirmed their outstanding contributions and achievements in teaching. For this reason, each of them was rewarded with a one-level salary increase. In the courtyard, they were all allocated a house, so how could this not make them feel elated after seeing Liu Hua.

Liu Hua and Qin Dali stood in front and bowed deeply to all the teachers, thanking them for their careful teaching.

Ding Huiqin, an English teacher, was so moved that her eyes were red.

Liu Hua took off the yellow satchel on his body, took out a pack of candied haws wrapped in oiled paper, and put it on the desk.

"Teachers, this is the candied haws that I personally made for you. Try it." Liu Hua and Qin Dali respectfully delivered the candied haws to each teacher.

"Liu Hua, you are so caring!" Ding Huiqin excitedly took the candied haws that Liu Hua handed over.

"This is today's new newspaper! Liu Hua, once again you have given our county No. [-] Middle School a face. "Yuan Shui Daily" has published your deeds today, saying that you used a bunch of candied haws to help the supply and marketing cooperatives get rid of the hoarded hawthorns , let the fruit growers have a safe year this year." Principal Zhang said excitedly, shaking a newspaper in his hand.

"Really! Let me see!" Liu Hua's class teacher Li Jiangyi excitedly took the newspaper from Principal Zhang.

The other teachers surrounded Li Jiangyi, and Qin Dali also coaxed him up.

Liu Hua smiled embarrassedly. Yesterday, Director Li took the deputy county magistrate Wang, the leader of the county agricultural committee, the leader of the county commune, and newspaper reporters to Dayu Village to interview him. Yao Zhenming and other leaders of the commune got the news They also rushed over.

To be honest, he really didn't like this kind of occasion, but he knew that Director Li was asking for political achievements, and he respected Secretary Yao. He knew what he had to do, and he had to cooperate.

In the face of deputy county magistrate Wang, the leaders and reporters in the county, he explained how Secretary Yao and Director Li boldly emancipated their minds, how they dared to think and act, and bravely pioneered; faced pressure, brainstormed new ways; united the masses, and led the villagers to tide over difficulties What happened to him was greatly exaggerated, but everything he did was mentioned in one sentence.

Unexpectedly, the reporter did not let him go, and instead, the newspapers highlighted what he did.

"Liu Hua, today is the opening ceremony of the new year. I hope you can say a few words to the students." Principal Zhang said.

"Principal Zhang, I will stutter when speaking in front of so many people, so don't embarrass me!" Liu Hua quickly refused.

"Liu Hua, after hearing your story, many freshmen want to meet you in person, so just say a few words!" Li Jiangyi helped Principal Zhang.

"There are also many freshmen from other places. They came to our No. [-] Middle School for your reputation. You should meet them and encourage them." Ding Huiqin also said.

"Yes, Liu Hua, don't be modest!" Qin Dali followed suit.

Liu Hua gave Qin Dali a hard look, raised his fist and made a gesture, which meant that I would beat you carefully.

Other teachers also started talking one after another, wanting Liu Hua to encourage the students.

Seeing this posture, Liu Hua wanted to refuse to run away, but Li Ting's shadow suddenly jumped into his mind at this moment without any premeditation.

Liu Hua hesitated, he wanted to see Li Ting face to face, maybe today was a chance, he thought he would be able to see Li Ting at a glance among the many students, because she was so dazzling.

"Okay, Principal Zhang, I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and reluctantly say a few words to the students." Liu Hua agreed to everyone's request with some embarrassment.

The school's loudspeaker rang, and the broadcast announced: 10 minutes later, all the teachers and students of the school will gather on the basketball court for a meeting. Each class will be led by the class teacher and stand in order.

Liu Hua followed Principal Zhang and sat on the rostrum.

The so-called rostrum is a row of four desks on the platform beside the basketball court, covered with a pink foreign cloth sheet with red flowers on it, and a microphone tied with red silk is placed on the sheet.

The classes quickly lined up. The students who had never met Liu Hua were all freshmen in the first grade. Seeing that Liu Hua was sitting on the rostrum who was not much older than them, they began to chatter.

"Then who is it? Why is he sitting on the rostrum?"

"I'm still sitting with Principal Zhang, and the dean is sitting on the sidelines, really awesome!"

When the second-year students heard the freshmen's comments, they said proudly: "You don't know each other?! He is the famous provincial college entrance examination champion Liu Hua, our senior!" Much like it.

"Ah! He is Liu Hua? No wonder!"

"Oh, today we saw a true God!"

"It's no wonder that the position of the teaching director is at the back, and the status of the champion is extraordinary!"

"I don't know if our No. [-] Middle School can produce another top scorer in the provincial college entrance examination this year?"

"The top scorer in the provincial college entrance examination, one in a thousand, stop dreaming!"

Li Ting did not expect that Liu Hua would attend the opening ceremony. Seeing Liu Hua on the rostrum, she was flustered and did not dare to look up, pretending to be watching Hu Qi's "Green Distance".

"Li Ting, why don't you read Liu Hua, what's so good about your book?" Chang Xiuqin kept chattering in Li Ting's ear.

Sitting on the stage, Liu Hua saw Li Ting at a glance. Unfortunately, Li Ting never raised his eyes to look at him, thinking: "It seems that I am not as attractive as the book in her hand as the champion of the provincial college entrance examination!"

Liu Hua felt very disappointed in his heart. He suddenly lost interest in this speech. The flustered mood just now had calmed down, and his mood began to become depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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