Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 490 Chen Yan's Character 1

Chapter 490 Chen Yan's Character 1
After receiving Wu Bo from Yanzhuang Airport, Chen Hua drove to the gate of the Provincial Department of Chemical Industry, found a parking space, and the three got out of the car.

Wu Bo said: "I heard that senior Chen Yan is a southerner with a weird temper, so let's be careful when we speak."

Chen Hua and Yao Qingyang nodded in response.

"Brother Bo, why do you insist on meeting this senior Chen Yan?" Chen Hua was a little puzzled.

"You really want to know?" Wu Bo asked back.

"Well, I really want to know. Look at how busy we are now!" Chen Hua spread his hands.

"I said, don't say I think too much, think I'm alarmist."

As soon as Chen Hua heard Wu Bo's words, he felt that something was going on inside, and it might have something to do with him, so he reached out and grabbed Wu Bo's arm, "Brother Bo, do you have something to hide from me?"

Wu Bo stopped, looked at Chen Hua for a while, and then said: "It's like this, Gao Qi called me yesterday, and the person in charge of his cement project who lives in Greentown called him and said that they are working on the provincial plan. In the corridor of the committee, I overheard the conversation of comrades from the source water planning committee, saying that the leader of the provincial planning committee said that a project as large as a fine chemical plant must go through demonstration and research by various functional departments in the province before it can be approved. Not approved."

Chen Hua was stunned for a moment, but he still thought of things simply, thinking that he would contribute the capital instead of the state, as long as the local government supports and the land is expropriated, he can build a factory by himself. It turned out that this is not the case!

Failure to approve the project meant that the land he expropriated was not allowed to build a factory. This was a big problem, and his heart was beating nervously.

He immediately used his mobile phone to call Director Lu Yuan of the Planning Commission of Yuanshui City to inquire about the status of the project declaration.

Director Lu Yuan truthfully told Chen Hua about the project being blocked.

Chen Hua hung up the phone with a complicated expression.

Yao Qingyang couldn't hold his breath anymore, "Chairman, I'm in trouble now!"

Seeing Chen Hua staring at him with straight eyes, Wu Bo supported him by the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, from a professional point of view, the fine chemical plant belongs to the Department of Chemical Industry. Let's first establish a good relationship with the Department of Chemical Industry through this senior. There are quite a few experts in chemical engineering, and they will support you after reading your technical information."

"Before returning to China, many people advised me to directly apply for a patent in country M. I disagree and want to apply for a patent in China, because I know what I know now, but others don't. I can completely understand the competent department's thinking. Yes. I was too hasty in doing things and didn't think carefully about things." Chen Hua said.

Wu Bo said, "Chen Hua, it's not too late to think about it now. Let's report the project to the Provincial Planning Commission through the Provincial Department of Chemical Industry. With the approval of these experts, things will be much easier."

Chen Hua nodded, "It makes sense, and you and I are also experts in chemical engineering, we both have the right to speak."

"That's right!" Wu Bo patted Chen Hua on the shoulder: "The solutions are all thought up by people, and our products can also talk."

"Okay, let's go!" Chen Hua nodded.

The three of them went up the steps and walked into the office building of the Chemical Industry Department.

Entering the elevator, Wu Bo pressed the floor number 6.

After getting out of the elevator, there was another small hall with corridors on both sides. The three of them didn't know which way to go.

Wu Bo took a look. There was a security door at the entrance of the corridor on the left, and the signboard of the Provincial Chemical Equipment Engineering Company hung on the wall. He pointed to the right, "Let's take a look to the right."

Yao Qingyang walked quickly to the front, knocked on the door of the first office, and when he heard "Come in", he pushed the door open and went in, standing at the door and asking, "Comrade, which office does Director Chen Yan work in?"

A young man sitting near the door replied: "Chemical equipment company on the left, director Chen Yan is now general manager Chen."

"Thank you!" Yao Qingyang withdrew, and said to Chen Hua and Wu Bo outside: "Director Chen Yan is no longer working in the hall, but has been transferred to work in the company opposite, and has become the boss."

Wu Bo was astonished, "I'm not working in the hall anymore!" As he said that, he turned his head and looked at the anti-theft door opposite.

"It's okay, as long as he's still in the corridor of the Chemical Industry Department, his relationship is still there, and he can still help us." Chen Hua said.

"You're right, the director is also very respectful to him." Wu Bo said, leading the way to the anti-theft door.

"Brother Bo, is this senior's hole card very strong?" Chen Hua always felt that Wu Bo had something to say to him.

Wu Bo looked around to see if there was no one there, approached Chen Hua and said mysteriously: "This Chen Yan is really amazing. He once saved a person's life at that time. This person is also a senior of our Tsinghua University. Now he is a member of the State Planning Commission* ** is also an expert in chemical engineering, when Director Chen Yan enters his home, it is like entering his own home, it’s awesome!"

Chen Hua was pleasantly surprised, "Ah, what's the name of this senior?"

"Yang **" Wu Bo replied.

"I saw Mrs. Yang's name in the newspaper. We have found the right person this time. We must maintain this relationship in the future. He is also a senior of our Tsinghua University. It would be great if there is a Tsinghua alumni circle in Greentown!" Chen Hua sighed.

"There must be. We'll know when we meet Director Chen and ask." Wu Bo replied.

The three of them had already entered the corridor on the left hand side while they were talking. There was no one in the corridor, and the offices seemed to be very quiet. The offices inside were all facing each other. There were twelve offices, and a white sign was nailed to the door of each office. A small sign with the name of the department written on it.

Yao Qingyang quickly found the general manager's office and waved to Chen Hua and Wu Bo.

The two walked over quickly, Yao Qingyang knocked on the door of the office, and a word "come in" came from inside.

Yao Qingyang pushed open the door of the office, and Chen Hua and Wu Bo walked in.

I saw that the size of the office was not large, it was a standard one-room office. A middle-aged man in his 40s was sitting in front of the desk. His hair was black and curly. come over.

A typical Fujianese face, very characteristic, with thick eyebrows, slightly wrinkled brows, and a serious face with Chinese characters, it looks like someone who is not easy to get close to.

"Who are you? What can you do with me?"

No nonsense, straight to the point, this is the first time Chen Hua met such a person.

Wu Bo spoke, but he didn't address Mr. Chen, "Director Chen, we are your juniors, both of whom graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering of Tsinghua University. My name is Wu Bo, and his name is Chen Hua. I'm here to visit you today. This is Wang Jianhua. The professor asked us to bring you a letter." He took out a letter and handed it to Chen Yan.

Without even moving his eyebrows, Chen Yan reached out to take the envelope, tore open the seal in front of Chen Hua and the others, and took out the letter to read.

Leaning slightly, he folded the letter paper and put it in the envelope again, then opened the drawer and put it in, then picked up the phone and dialed three digits, and said into the receiver: "I have guests, make three cups of Longjing." Then put the phone down.

Then he looked up at the three people in turn, and said, "Please sit down!"

The three sat down on the sofa.

Chen Yan looked at Wu Bo, "You are a doctor at such a young age, isn't it hard to study abroad?"

(End of this chapter)

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