Chapter 52
Secretary Sun Zhengxin is quite satisfied with the attitude of Jiu Shushu since he took office.

At the beginning, before the wine book took office, Secretary Sun Zhengxin already knew who was behind the wine book from "gossip". He believed that the wine book was "gold-plated". If you slap your ass, you will leave. How can you settle down and really do things for the people of Yuanshui County?So at the beginning, his attitude towards wine books was always lukewarm, neither far nor near. After taking office in line with wine books, he "does not seek merit, but seeks no faults", and he is content.

Sun Zhengxin did not expect that this wine book had a broad mind, vigorous and decisive work, and did not have the slightest sense of superiority as an "airborne" cadre.

But he knew in his heart that every time he looked at the wine book, it seemed that he was humbly asking him for advice, but in the end it would lead him to his well-thought-out and pre-set thoughts, making him fully agree with his thoughts.

With insight into the details, he did not have the slightest aversion to these small tricks in the wine book. Instead, he felt that this was a very assertive young leader, because the ideas in the wine book were exactly what he wanted to do.And the painstaking efforts in the wine book are just a strategy adopted for fear of his opposition. As he has worked in a leadership position for so many years, he can certainly understand the psychology of the wine book.

After working together for a period of time, Sun Zhengxin re-evaluated his own behavior in the wine book, and finally couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Young people are awesome!"

In the wine book, Sun Zhengxin seems to have seen himself 30 or [-] years ago, the young man who dared to think, dare to do, and was full of enthusiasm.

Now the two are cooperating very well at work, and Sun Zhengxin has also given Jiushu the greatest support in his work.

With the support of Secretary Sun Zhengxin, Jiushu, Yao Zhenming, Chen Baohong and others started intensive work.

Liu Hua wrote a feasibility study report on the establishment of a quartz sand factory after consulting the professors of the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

In the report, a detailed feasibility analysis was made according to the geographical conditions of Dayu Village, the investment in capital construction, the investment in production equipment, and the market price of quartz sand.

The first item is to do three links and one leveling at the selected address first, which is the basis for building a factory.

In the report, Liu Hua wrote out some unforeseen situations that may occur during and after the entire project investment and construction of the factory. After making an overall investment estimate, he carefully made the project according to the production period of ten months per year. Static and dynamic analysis, calculated the break-even point.

After receiving Liu Hua's feasibility study report, Chen Baohong hurried to the commune to find Secretary Yao Zhenming.

All work is proceeding in an orderly manner according to plan.

When the summer vacation was approaching, Gao Qi suddenly invited Liu Hua to visit the newly established Haidong Special Economic Zone with him during the summer vacation.

Liu Hua specially wrote a letter to a classmate named Qin Xiaoli, telling him that he originally wanted to go back to meet him during the summer vacation, because he wanted to go to the special zone with Gao Qi, and the two of them could only meet during the winter vacation. And wish him the best of luck.

The reason why Liu Hua specially wrote back to Qin Xiaoli was because this junior would send him a letter every week, telling him about the troubles he had encountered in his studies, telling him some interesting things that happened in school, and sometimes the letter was to talk about what happened in Yuanshui County There are some things, but every time I send a letter, there will be intentional or unintentional concern for Liu Hua.

When he first received Qin Xiaoli's letter, Liu Hua thought it was Qin Dali who deliberately caused trouble, but after seeing that the postmarks were all from Yuanshui County Post Office, Liu Hua wrote to ask Qin Dali if he deliberately sent someone to make trouble for him.

Qin Dali wrote back and said, "I'm mentally ill!"

It was only then that Liu Hua began to treat the person who sent the letter with caution. He looked at the font, although the strokes between the lines were a bit rigid, but he could still inadvertently see a kind of feminine beauty.

Since someone wrote a letter, Liu Hua had to reply out of politeness.After coming and going, the correspondence between the two has become a habit, and every Saturday he looks forward to Qin Xiaoli's letter.

Another thing to be happy about is that Liu Hua has already submitted an application for joining the party to the party organization in the department, and has begun to actively move closer to the party organization.

The two of them wrote a letter of introduction in the department, applied for a pass at the District Public Security Bureau, and boarded the green train from BJ to Haizhou City.

Gao Qi booked two hard sleeper tickets for one middle school and one middle school. Liu Hua was a little embarrassed, but didn't say anything.

If Liu Hua insisted on taking the hard seat, Gao Qi would definitely take the hard seat with him, but it would show that he is too petty, not to mention that the two are sworn brothers.

If Gao Qi followed him along the way and squeezed in the sweaty crowd, and it was difficult to go to the toilet, what a boring trip it would be!
After changing the brand, the two put their luggage away, took out a large porcelain jar with a lid to boil water, and just sat in front of the window, they came over and killed the police.

"Hello, two comrades. I'm Xiao Wang, the policeman on the car. I want to discuss something with you." The young policeman introduced himself.

"What's the matter? Please tell me." Gao Qi nodded.

"I see the way you walk, as if you were a soldier." Xiao Wang said.

"Yes, I was a soldier." Gao Qi replied.

"That's it. I think you two didn't get off the bus until you reached the terminal, so I would like to ask you for a favor." Xiao Wang said.

"Please tell me," Gao Qi said.

"Then let me be frank, two comrades, you may encounter some gangs of thieves or even robbers along the way. Our police force is limited, so we will often ask soldiers and demobilized soldiers to assist us, so."

"Don't worry, Xiao Wang, we have a duty to do so. If there is any situation, please inform us immediately." Gao Qi waved his hand and stopped Xiao Wang's words.

"You comrade is a person with a sense of justice at first glance, then I thank you two! As long as they get on the bus, we can roughly see it. As long as they don't act, we can't do anything about them, let alone our There are only five people, and it is impossible to stand on the sidelines and stare at them all the time, and they will be scattered into different compartments, if possible, you can help us patrol." Xiao Wang said.

"No problem, the two of us will go for a walk in each compartment." Gao Qi said.

"Thank you so much! Two comrades, may I ask your surname? Work unit." Xiao Wang asked.

"My name is Gao Qi, and his name is Liu Hua. We are both students of Tsinghua University." Gao Qi pointed to Liu Hua and introduced, and handed his student ID card to Xiao Wang.

Liu Hua nodded towards Xiao Wang, and also took out his student ID card.

"Ah! You are Tsinghua students?!" Xiao Wang looked up and down the two of them with a look of admiration.

"It's like a fake," Gao Qi joked.

"You must be careful, these people are ruthless, and they all have something in their hands." Xiao Wang seriously warned Gao Qi and Liu Hua before leaving.

"He will definitely register our names and schools," Gao Qi said to Liu Hua.

"Why?" Liu Hua wondered.

"If I'm not mistaken, he was afraid that we would die honorably while maintaining law and order, so that they could send our bodies back to school, haha." Gao Qi laughed.

"Hey!" Liu Hua also laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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