Chapter 536
After receiving a call from David Jiang in the morning, Chen Hua, Wu Bo, Lu Liang and Huang Chun rushed to Greentown immediately, and it was already 12:30 noon when they arrived at the Provincial Planning Commission.

He didn't go to work until 02:30 in the afternoon. After discussing with several people from Chen Hua, he simply went to the office to register and stay, so that he could take a rest after eating.

When Sun Heping saw Chen Hua and the others coming, he received them warmly. He heard from Chen Hua that he hadn't eaten stewed dishes for many days, so he specially told the chef to make a pot of stewed dishes, because he was afraid that the lack of food would not be enough for Chen Hua to eat.

The chefs smiled knowingly. When Chen Hua lived here before, everyone had already experienced how much he eats.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the four of Chen Hua were already waiting outside David Jiang's office.

At 25:[-], Zhang Hua arrived first, and when he saw Chen Hua standing at the door of Director Jiang's office, he beckoned them over.

Chen Hua and others walked over and greeted Zhang Hua.

"Come and sit in the industrial department. Jiang Chu was called away by Director Yang in the morning. Jiang Chu put all the materials here before he left, and told me to talk to you." Zhang Hua opened the door of the industrial department, and several people walked in. .

"Dr. Chen, Dr. Wu, please sit down first, I'll tidy up." Zhang Hua said politely.

Chen Hua found a seat and sat down, waiting for Zhang Hua to sort out the pile of materials on the desk and find out the materials about their project.

Zhang Hua touched the materials on the desk with his fingers, looked at Chen Hua and the others and said, "The situation is like this. After you left last time, Jiang Department reported to Director Miao, and Director Miao instructed Jiang Department to preside over the meeting for you. For the discussion meeting of this project, notify the Design Approval Office, Project Investment Office, New Energy Technology Office, Resources and Environmental Protection Office, and our Industrial Office. Let everyone discuss together, come up with their own opinions, and sign on the meeting minutes, and then Submit the meeting minutes to Director Cheng and Director Yang."

Lu Liang asked, "Section Chief Zhang, what's the result of everyone's discussion?"

Zhang Hua didn't answer immediately, but stood up, picked up his teacup, and walked to the table where the thermos bottle was placed by the office door.

When he arrived at the table where the thermos bottle was placed, he turned his head to look at Chen Hua and the others, "What kind of tea do you leaders want to drink? Besides the ordinary Maojian, we have jasmine tea."

Lu Liang and Huang Chun immediately stood up and walked forward, saying they would come by themselves.

Chen Hua looked at Zhang Hua, and seeing his actions, he knew that there must be something embarrassing for him, so he didn't rush him, and waited for him to think it over before answering.

Zhang Hua poured tea for himself, and walked towards his desk with a tall body shaking, with no expression on his young face.

Chen Hua thought, "Perhaps the cadres who have been in the office for a long time have this kind of expression, so you can't guess what he wants to say next and what he wants to do."

Zhang Hua took a sip of tea, then raised his head and said, "Dr. Chen, each department has its own responsibilities. Everyone wants to take care of the work they are in charge of, and try not to make any mistakes. I said Can you understand that?"

Chen Hua nodded, "It's normal for him to seek his own government."

"It saves effort to talk to smart people. Dr. Chen is a transparent person. You also know what you mean when you say this, so Jiang is also very embarrassed. In the end, only Li Gong and Feng Gong from the design approval department signed. Everyone thinks this is a good project, but they wait and see each other when signing, and they all want to be the last signatory, so..." Zhang Hua didn't continue.

"Section Chief Zhang, tell me directly, what should I do? Can I submit this project to the State Planning Commission?" Chen Hua asked calmly.

Zhang Hua was stunned for a moment. He thought that Chen Hua would tell him about the advantages of this project. He hoped that Jiang Department and himself would help out more, and then find a way to do other work. The demonstration meeting was held, but Chen Hua didn't expect to play his cards according to the routine, and directly leapfrogged!

Zhang Hua let out a long breath and said to Chen Hua: "Director Miao is here this afternoon. I saw him when I went upstairs just now. You might as well go see Director Miao and listen to his opinion."

Chen Hua experienced the pain of waiting last time, so after hearing what Zhang Hua said, he took out his mobile phone and dialed.

The phone was connected, and a familiar voice came to Chen Hua's ears, "Hi, I'm Miao Xiankui, who are you?"

Chen Hua suppressed his excitement, "Hello Director Miao, I'm Chen Hua."

"Hehe, Mr. Chen, how are you!"

"Good morning, Director!"

"Mr. Chen, where are you now?"

"I'm in the industry above you."

"Oh, then come downstairs to my office, I have 15 minutes to receive you."

"Thank you, Director, I'll be right there!"

Chen Hua got up immediately after putting down the phone, and said to Wu Bo and the others: "You guys wait here for me, I'll go downstairs to see Director Miao."

Wu Bo and the others nodded.

Chen Hua faced Zhang Hua again and said, "I want to show the minutes of the meeting to Director Miao." Then he walked to Zhang Hua's desk.

"Okay, Jiang Chu is also preparing to report to Director Miao today, but it's temporarily put on hold, so you can take it to the director." Zhang Hua handed the materials on the table to Chen Hua.

Chen Hua took the materials and left. He went downstairs as quickly as possible and arrived at the door of Director Miao's office.

He didn't have time to read the minutes of the meeting, but he knew that the insiders inside were not detrimental to the project, which he could hear from Zhang Hua's tone of voice.

After taking a deep breath, he knocked on the office door.

"Please come in!"

Director Miao's voice.

Chen Hua pushed the door open and entered.

"Good morning, Director!"

"Hehe, Mr. Chen, please come in quickly. If you want to drink water, you are welcome." Miao Xiankui greeted him very gently while sitting behind the desk without moving.

"Thank you, Director, I just had a drink at the industrial office upstairs."

While speaking, Chen Hua had already walked to Director Miao's desk, raised his hand and put the materials in front of Director Miao.

"What kind of material is this?" Director Miao asked while picking up the reading glasses and putting them on the bridge of the nose.

"At this time, Director Jiang presided over the meeting minutes of the PVP project. Director Jiang was going to report this matter to you this afternoon, but Director Yang temporarily arranged other work, so I asked Zhang Hua for the materials. Bring it to you." Chen Hua said honestly.

Director Miao nodded while reading the minutes of the meeting, "Everyone read your feasibility study report and put forward their own very pertinent suggestions and affirmed your project. Not bad!"

"Yes, but if no one signs the minutes of the meeting, it means that the meeting is meaningless." Chen Hua said.

When Director Miao saw the end, he closed the material without saying anything.

He took off the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Chen Hua and smiled meaningfully.

Chen Hua didn't speak either, but just looked at Director Miao with calm eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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