Chapter 548
Chen Hua followed Liang Sicheng back home. This is a three-bedroom apartment, which should be a house divided by the unit.

Haizhu warmly received Chen Hua and asked him to wait for a while before serving dinner immediately.

Liang Sicheng asked Chen Hua to sit first, and he could also look at his study, while he rolled up his sleeves and went into the kitchen.

Chen Hua thought about it, and didn't follow up with the kitchen to disturb him. If someone wanted to show off their affection, he would be an eyesore in it.

Now that he got Liang Sicheng's permission, Chen Hua took the opportunity to visit each room. Apart from a simple bedroom, the most valuable ones are two study rooms filled with bookshelves. It should be that the husband and wife each have a study room. interference.

Looking at the dazzling variety of literature and history books on the bookshelf, Chen Hua couldn't help being awed!
The books in this study seem to be more than the books in the grandfather's study, all of them reach the roof, and there is a foldable book ladder in the room.

He casually picked up the newspaper on the table and read it.

"Chen Hua, come out and eat!" Haizhu greeted.

"Okay!" Chen Hua agreed to put down the newspaper and walked out of the study.

Haizhu made a large pot of braised pork, a stewed chicken, a plate of vegetarian three delicacies, a plate of potato shreds, a sweet and sour fish, and a pot of hot and sour tripe soup.

The dining table is so full that anyone who sees it will feel dizzy. Who can eat so many things?But when Chen Hua saw him, he happily thanked Haizhu repeatedly.

While eating, Chen Hua remembered the newspaper in the study, and asked, "Uncle Liang, I see that the newspaper "** Daily" is still subscribed at home. Is Teacher Haizhu interested in this?"

"No, it's because the editor-in-chief of "** Daily" is an old friend of mine. I subscribed to this newspaper so that Haizhu could keep an eye on their news for me. After all, it is an authoritative newspaper. It can be revealed first." Liang Sicheng replied.

"My main job now is to take care of Mr. Liang, so I don't have a job, and I can't say I don't have a job. It's just more casual, because I'm a freelance writer." Haizhu said.

"Chen Hua, you mentioned the "** Daily" just now, but it gave me an idea. I will take you to meet my old friend when I go to work in the afternoon, and ask their newspaper office to send a reporter to Haidong. Reporters are with us, so we can discuss things, don't you think?" Liang Sicheng said.

"If you do this, the matter will be more secure, then we will go to the ** Daily in the afternoon!" Chen Hua was a little excited and couldn't wait to answer.

Liang Sicheng put down his chopsticks and said: "Then I'll call his home first, and while he hasn't had his lunch break yet, I'll make an appointment first, in case he doesn't have time in the afternoon, we go rashly, wouldn't it be a waste of time?" ?” Then he stood up.

"Seeing how impatient you are, can't you call after eating? You're going to have a stomachache after eating cold rice!" Haizhu blamed Liang Sicheng.

Seeing this, Chen Hua hurriedly said, "Uncle Liang, please call after dinner!"

"I'll just say a word. In half a minute, the food won't be cold." Liang Sicheng walked into his study.

Soon, Chen Hua heard the conversation between Liang Sicheng and the other party.

"Okay, then it's settled, we will arrive at three o'clock in the afternoon, so we won't disturb your rest, goodbye!"

The sound of hanging up the phone.

Liang Sicheng came out of the study stepping on his slippers, and said as he walked, "Chen Hua, we have an appointment, we will go there in the afternoon!"

Chen Huagang wants to express his thanks
Haizhu had already spoken, "We are not deaf, we both heard it, hurry up and eat!"

Chen Hua then said: "Uncle Liang, after dinner, you should rest for a while, I will wait for you in the study."

"Okay, take whatever book you want to read." Liang Sicheng said, sitting down and picking up the chopsticks.

The three of them ate and chatted casually.

Chen Hua walked into the editorial department of "** Daily". This is a big room, which runs through at least four ordinary offices. Each desk is separated by half-person-high glass so that it does not interfere with each other.

No one noticed Liang Sicheng and Chen Hua entering the office.

Liang Sicheng led Chen Hua to the innermost room with a glass partition. A young man sitting at the door saw Liang Sicheng coming, and quickly got up to greet him respectfully.

"Old Liang, you are here, our editor-in-chief is waiting for you inside!"

"Hello, Xiao Yang!" Liang Sicheng greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Liang!" Xiao Yang smiled and opened the glass door.

Liang Sicheng and Chen Hua walked in, followed by Xiao Yang.

"Hehe, Old Liang, you're finally willing to come to my office. It's really hard to invite you!" A man with gray hair and the appearance of a scholar stood up behind the desk.

"Old Du, don't just talk about me, why don't you come to my office?" Liang Sicheng walked towards the desk with a smile.

Elder Du came out from behind the desk with a smile, and shook hands with Liang Sicheng affectionately, "I'm so busy all day long, I really can't spare time!"

"Ha, each other!" Liang Sicheng said, turning to face Chen Hua, and pointing to introduce to Mr. Du: "Old Du, let me introduce you to a great junior! His name is Chen Hua, and he is the grandson of my mentor." , a Ph.D. abroad, the CEO of the company group, don't look at the person as small, he has great ambition!"

Chen Hua hurriedly bowed slightly to Mr. Du, "Hello, Mr. Du!"

Mr. Du stretched out his hand to Chen Hua, "It's amazing to be the boss of the group at such a young age! He's still a doctor studying abroad. It seems that we old guys really should give way!"

Chen Hua held Mr. Du's hand with both hands, feeling warm and thick.Hearing this, he said humbly: "Mr. Du praised you, without you seniors leading the way, our journey would not be successful!"

"Hehe, it's a good thing for young people to know how to be modest, but if they are too modest, they will become hypocritical. Don't be a modest gentleman like Mr. Liang, he will soon become an old sheep and a slippery old man!" Mr. Du spoke very humorously and very straightforward.

Chen Hua looked embarrassed.

"I said, Old Du, I have just entered the house. I didn't invite you or provoke you. Why did you attack me again?" Liang Sicheng was not happy, and immediately protested.

Elder Du let go of Chen Hua's hand, ignored Liang Sicheng's words, and just asked Chen Hua to sit down.

Chen Hua went to sit on the sofa next to the wall, but Mr. Du pulled Liang Sicheng to sit on the sofa opposite.

Xiao Yang brought the poured tea to Liang Sicheng and Chen Hua.

Chen Hua hurriedly bowed and said thank you.

"Let's talk, you guys don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing." Elder Du looked at Liang Sicheng and smiled.

"I came today because there is a new phenomenon that has emerged, and I think it is worth our two attentions." Liang Sicheng said straight to the point.

"What's the matter?" Elder Du asked.

"It's about the policy of paid land use that the country is implementing. There are some problems in the implementation of the policy. I brought you Chen Hua here, just to let him tell you about some relevant local issues. Please listen to the matter, and see if the two of us want to jointly follow up and report it." Liang Sicheng explained.

"Okay, Dr. Chen, tell me what problems have arisen. Let me listen. It's best to give a typical example to explain, so that some common phenomena can be reflected from one point." Du Lao said Turning his gaze to Chen Hua, he said.

"Okay!" Chen Hua sat up straight and replied respectfully.

"Dr. Chen, don't be so cautious, just be casual. I'm not the same as Lao Liang. I don't have so many stinks of intellectuals, fake high-mindedness, just say what you want, and just tell me everything you know." Du The old man found that Chen Hua was a little nervous, so he made fun of Liang Sicheng to make Chen Hua relax.

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(End of this chapter)

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