Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 553 Lost Wedding Ring 1

Chapter 553 Lost Wedding Ring 1
Chen Hua and Wu Bo returned to the Greentown office that afternoon by plane, while Chen Yan, Huang Chun and the others estimated that it would be the afternoon of the next day when they returned to Greentown.

There is still a day and two nights to be cool, and the time to return to Yuanshui is too short. As soon as Chen Hua and Wu Bo discussed it, the two of them fell asleep with their heads covered. During this period, the two of them most lacked sleep. .

The two of them slept until their stomachs growled hungry at night, and they had no choice but to get up.

Chen Hua looked at his watch and it was already 09:30 in the evening, so he said to Wu Bo: "Let's go out to eat some snacks? The weather is neither too hot nor too cold, so there must be more snacks at night."

As soon as Wu Bo heard about eating snacks, he immediately regained his energy, and his fighting spirit was high, "Then why hesitate? Hurry up and go to the stall!"

Chen Hua looked at the suits of the two on the hanger, and said, "Let's change our clothes and wear sportswear and sneakers, shall we?"

Wu Bo nodded: "It has to be changed, in case the soup is spilled, how can you go to see Ma SZ the day after tomorrow?"

"Then you can ask Manager Mei to find out which street has more snacks." Chen Hua stood up and went to get clothes from the suitcase.

"Go ahead and ask, I still want to go to the bathroom." Wu Bo went to the bathroom wearing slippers.

Chen Hua had no choice but to put on his sportswear and go to the service desk. When he saw a waiter standing there, he walked over and asked, "Hello!"

The waiter recognized Chen Hua, and immediately asked politely, "Dr. Chen, what can you tell me?"

"Oh, no orders, I just want to ask, which street has the most snacks around here?"

"Dr. Chen wants to eat late at night? There really aren't many snacks around here, you have to walk a long way." The waiter replied.

"No matter how far it is, you can point me to the nearest place." Chen Hua said.

"The nearest food stall to here is the intersection of Weiwu Road and Huayuan Road. When you get there, go further, and there will be more snacks at the entrance of the Great Hall and Zijingshan Department Store." When the waiter was speaking, he pointed his finger Instinctively draw the route on the counter.

"Thank you!" Chen Hua thanked.

"You're welcome!" The waiter smiled slightly.

Wu Bo came over in a casual outfit, "How is it? Did you find out clearly?"

"Let's go, eat hard today, or else when you come back after eating, you may have finished digesting it." Chen Hua said with a smile.

Wu Bo grinned, "You mean the road is too far?"

Chen Hua smiled, "What's the matter? You don't want to go?"

Wu Bo rubbed his hungry stomach, scratched his head again, suddenly his eyes lit up, he looked at Chen Hua and said, "Go and borrow Director Sun's car, let's drive."

Chen Hua shook his head, "I still need you to teach me, I have already seen the backyard just now, Director Sun's car is not there."

The waiter spoke from the side, "Director Sun returned to the city early in the morning."

Chen Hua began to walk downstairs, "I hope the two of us are lucky, and we can hail a taxi when we go out at this point."

Wu Bo followed behind, "This road is still too remote, and it is difficult to take a taxi at night."

Chen Hua said in the front, "Let's wait for the bus while walking. It's the same. The places with food stalls are more lively, and there will be taxis when we come back."

The two walked westward along Jinhua Road, the street lights were on every other, and there were hardly any pedestrians, and some cyclists also stooped and stomped forward.

However, the luck of the two people was not bad. When they were about to reach the intersection of Huayuan Road, a taxi stopped in front of them, and a customer got out of the car.

Chen Hua was in the room, and immediately ran forward, shouting as he ran, "Master, wait!"

Wu Bo hurriedly chased after him.

The master heard Chen Hua's shout and drove towards him.

Chen Hua and Wu Bo followed the taxi driver's advice and were directly pulled to the entrance of the cinema in Xintongqiao.

The whole street is full of all kinds of snacks, and the street is full of bright lights hanging.

As soon as they got out of the car, the two of them heard warm greetings and long shouts.

Wu Bo grinned, "Hehe, that's kind of interesting. Today we both have to have a good tooth-beating festival to have a good time!"

Chen Hua punched him: "Brother Bo, I feed you big fish and meat every day, and you still say such things, it makes me really chill!"

Wu Bo looked at the roadside stall and said, "If you want to hear warm words, it's easy to do. Invite me out for a snack once a week."

Chen Hua frowned, "Look at how promising you are, why did Michiko's sister-in-law fall in love with you back then?"

Wu Bo straightened his neck proudly, and raised his hand in front of Chen Hua: "Brother, did you see that? Michiko was crying and shouting to marry me. She bought the wedding ring, so she just put it on for me!"

Chen Hua looked at the beautifully shaped diamond ring on Wu Bo's ring finger and thought: "Such a big diamond ring must be worth a lot of money. Shouldn't I also buy Fang Fang a beautiful wedding diamond ring?"

Wu Bo stopped in front of a stall, he sniffed and looked, and finally looked up at Chen Hua and said, "Brother, this is the only one. The smell of screws from this stall is the best. Just smelling my saliva down!"

"Okay." Chen Hua agreed and walked towards the small table on the sidewalk.

The proprietress of the food stall greeted us warmly.

Wu Bo said: "Miss Boss, first come two sets of screws, ten roasted inner loins, ten roasted outer loins, and then twenty skewers of mutton skewers, one vegetarian, one boiled peanuts with skins, one green beans Two liters of draft beer, we don't have enough to ask for more."

"Okay!" The proprietress happily told the man to go.

Chen Hua's eyes were always looking at Wu Bo's diamond ring consciously or subconsciously, it was so dazzling, why didn't he notice it before?
The proprietress brought up the peanuts and edamame first, and then brought two large glasses of draft beer.

The two drank beer and ate peanuts and edamame.

Wu Bo didn't like drinking beer, so he suggested to Chen Hua: "Brother, can we have some beer?"

Chen Hua shook his head: "I'm afraid that in the morning after tomorrow, it won't be good if the smell of alcohol doesn't clear from my body."

"Can we drink less? Half a catty per person is not superficial for the two of us? At worst, let's go back and take a hot bath to soak up the alcohol." Wu Bo's alcohol bug has been hooked out, It's hard not to drink some white wine.

Seeing Wu Bo's hunger for wine, Chen Hua yelled at the proprietress, "A bottle of Erguotou, and two big glasses."

The proprietress agreed, and quickly brought over the Erguotou and cups that Chen Hua wanted.

Wu Bo couldn't wait to open Erguotou, and poured half a cup into each of the two large cups.

"Ha~, brother, each of us weighs half a catty. With wine, this snack can be regarded as delicious!" Wu Bo looked very pleased.

Chen Hua picked up the cup and touched Wu Bo's cup, and took a sip first.

The two were eating and chatting. After an hour and a half, the two of them didn't know how much they had eaten. Anyway, they scared the boss and the boss's wife.

As soon as the boss and the proprietress made up their minds, the proprietress stood beside Chen Hua and Wu Bo and watched, fearing that the two would not be able to pay the bill in the end, get up and run away, and then their work tonight would be for nothing.

After eating and drinking, Chen Hua and Wu Bo's hands were greasy, and they couldn't wipe them off with toilet paper.

Wu Bo noticed a young man and a woman standing up to pay the bill at the next table, so he leaned forward and asked, "Both of you, do you still drink the remaining beer?"

The woman thought she was a drunk, took the man's arm and quickly took a step back, waved her hand and said, "Don't drink!"

"Okay, thank you then!" Wu Bo took half a glass of draft beer and turned to Chen Hua and said, "Come on, wash your hands with beer."

Chen Hua got up and walked to the darkest place in the back. Wu Bo knew what Chen Hua meant, so he followed to the dark place with a glass in his hand, and the two of them poured beer at each other.

The proprietress followed behind, seeing that the two of them had finished rushing, she reached out to take the cup in Chen Hua's hand, and asked, "Are you satisfied with your food?"

Chen Hua nodded: "Satisfied, thank you lady boss!"

The proprietress smiled and said: "As long as you are satisfied, welcome to come again next time!"

Wu Bo smiled and said: "It tastes good, I will come to your house next time."

"Thank you so much for your support! Which of you two settled the bill?"

Wu Bo pointed at Chen Hua, "He has money, but I don't."

Chen Hua smiled and took out his wallet, "I'll pay the bill."

Seeing the thick stack of RMB in Chen Hua's opened wallet, the proprietress cheerfully took the calculator and added them up one by one.

ps. Ask for collection~~ask for chapter review~~ask for recommendation ticket~~ask for monthly ticket~~O(∩_∩)O Thank you, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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