Jingteng Fanghua

Chapter 559 Project passed demonstration

Chapter 559 Project passed demonstration
The second PVP project demonstration meeting was held at the Zijingshan Hotel as scheduled. The hard work of everyone during this period is really hard to describe.

Ruili and Anthony came to the seminar together, and brought along two chemical engineers who had been doing small-scale industrial experiments with Chen Hua.

Jack followed Ruili and Anthony to Greentown.

Wu Bo came to Greentown with his mentor from Tsinghua University and two Japanese chemical experts.

Chen Hua arranged them all to the International Hotel opposite the Zijingshan Hotel.

Chen Wenyuan and Wang Qiang also came to Greentown, they came to cheer for their son.

As the former housekeeper of Ruth, Wang Qiang has not seen Ruili for a long time, and she misses her very much.Seeing Ruili at this time, she excitedly stepped forward to hug Ruili, and expressed her best wishes to Ruili and Anthony!

The significance of this demonstration meeting is extraordinary, so Gao Qi brought Ding Moran, Li Shihong, and Jiang Zhenhai together.

Li Chunjiang and Sunan came over.

Shi Wenqing also rushed over from the oil field.

Song Dajian rushed back from the Qinhe headquarters in Yuanshui.

Sun Heping proposed to Chen Hua that he would be responsible for the reception of Gao Qi and others.

Gao Qi's arrival was actually followed by another person, Li Ting.It's just that Li Ting went back to her residence as soon as she arrived in Greentown, and Sun Heping didn't see her.

The only one who didn't show up was Chen Yan.

Director Miao Xiankui personally presided over the demonstration meeting, which surprised many experts and leaders present at the meeting.

Miao Xiankui, as the director of the large project office of the Central Plains Province, has many key projects in the province waiting for his attention, and this PVP project, regardless of its size, the key is its legal person——Zhongyuan Huarui Fine Chemical Factory is still a How could he personally preside over such a project in a joint-stock private enterprise? !This is really surprising to many people.

At the demonstration meeting, there is still swords and swords, because people who do not respect science will always ask some unwarranted questions, even imaginary questions.

Ruili explained its importance and the high value-added economic and social benefits it brings from the development prospect of the PVP market.

Jack and several other foreign experts demonstrated the feasibility of the project from the perspective of technology.

Domestic experts, mainly professors from Tsinghua University, drew their own conclusions from the process flow chart provided by Chen Hua and the successful data of industrial experiments, and expounded their own views based on this.They believe that the chemical reaction conditions of the product in industrial production are completely in line with scientific laws, thus affirming the feasibility of this project.

When those pseudo-experts met real experts, they revealed their true colors as soon as they faced each other. They couldn’t make sense at all, and they couldn’t withstand the rhetorical questions of those experts. Come.

At the last demonstration meeting, although Chen Hua and Wu Bo argued hard, they were the parties after all, and Chen Hua was also the new technology developer of the project, so it was easy to be mirrored by others, and what they said would naturally be untenable .

This time is different. The experts attending the meeting are all top experts in the chemical industry at home and abroad. It can be said that their arrival has alarmed the leaders of the local government of Greentown.

When those pseudo-experts who raised technical issues, energy-saving emission reduction issues, and environmental pollution issues were refuted by real experts and were speechless, some people jumped out, rambling, quoting and quoting, thus Obstruct the normal progress of the project demonstration.

They avoid the above-mentioned problems, and start with the purchase of raw materials, repeated waste of resources, high cost accounting, remote geographical location, etc., and talk about some non-problem issues in an egg-shell, so as to amplify some imaginary loopholes. To prevent the project from settling in the source water area.

Ma Yunxia, ​​as the mayor of the project location and as an engineer in metallurgical and building materials, gave these people a head-on blow from different aspects.

She was well-founded and explained the reasons why the PVP project should be built in Yuanshui, and she also talked about Yuanshui's development ideas for industrial enterprises in the next five to ten years.

Those people were left speechless by Ma Yunxia's refutation. Director Miao took the lead in applauding, and everyone applauded accordingly. The tense atmosphere between the two sides relaxed, at least on the surface, they looked harmonious.

Chen Hua really convinced the fallacies of these people.He knows that he is facing some clown-like characters in the current system, and he will encounter troubles from all sides in the future, but he has already made full preparations, and this period of time has taught him a good lesson .

What Chen Hua and Miao Xiankui didn't expect was that the last important person came out and said: "I agree to participate in this project. This product is indeed widely used in various fields. Such a good project, my suggestion is to put It was built in Sanmen City, where all conditions are more conducive to the development of this project.

What I said may be a bit heavy, but we can't engage in localism, and we can't be so narrow-minded that we don't use a scientific attitude to consider the better development of the project in the future for the sake of the economic construction of our hometown.

The construction site of this project is actually a mountain plain with inconvenient transportation and shaped like the bottom of a dustpan. Do you think this is a scientific attitude?Are we being too irresponsible? "

Everyone was silent, because what this person said was so reasonable that everyone present had nothing to say.And the person who has the most say on this issue is Chen Hua, the investor of the project.

When Ma Yunxia saw that the spokesperson was Director Fan, she felt a little headache. This person was something she couldn't offend.

Miao Xiankui knew that Ma Yunxia was hindered by Director Fan's status, so it was not easy to refute in person. Unlike just now, her speech was a general reference. If she spoke again now, she would directly target Director Fan. If the city then goes to the province to do business, it may encounter some man-made obstacles, so it is best for Chen Hua to answer this question.

Both Miao Xiankui and Ma Yunxia set their sights on Chen Hua.

Chen Hua stood up with a smile, clasped his fists to everyone, and said, "First of all, I agree with Director Fan's rigorous scientific attitude. Yes, each of us can't just do things based on personal preferences and personal preferences. Wishful thinking to treat the business we are engaged in.

Everyone sitting here today is to demonstrate its feasibility. To put it bluntly, we are discussing whether it has the vitality that meets the development of this society.Because the life of an enterprise lies in sustainable development, otherwise we will plant the innate bane of its demise at the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise.

It is because of these considerations and the long-term continuous expansion of the enterprise that I think it is most appropriate to build the factory at the bottom of the dustpan like the source water.

Now the country's economic construction can be described as rapid progress, and the speed of building factories in various places can basically be described by the word springing up. As Director Fan said, I can build factories in Sanmen City, but I want to ask Director Fan, can you Guarantee that no other factories will be built around me in the next ten years. Which local leaders can promise me this? "

Director Fan looked at Chen Hua and said sarcastically, "So, did the leaders of Yuanshui City promise you?"

Chen Hua said with a smile: "I don't need their promises, because behind my factory is a wasteland full of rocks, where even a crop cannot grow, and the factory I am building now does not occupy farmland, the land requisitioned is Wasteland, so no one will run behind my factory to build a factory, because the one-time investment is too large.

And the industrial park planned by Yuanshui City is enough land for new companies to use for ten years, so no one will leave the best land unused and go to the back of my factory to build a factory.Of course, this does not include land expropriation.

Although my factory is located at the bottom of the dustpan, the Industrial Avenue in front of my door is connected to National Highway 207, and the other side is next to the railway line, so the traffic is very smooth. I wonder if my answer satisfies Director Fan? "

Director Fan showed an uncomfortable smile on his face: "You can think so long-term, and your idea is very good, not bad." After finishing speaking, he put the pencil in his hand on the conference table, stood up and said to Miao Xiankui : "Director Miao, let me go out for a while."

Miao Xiankui nodded: "Okay, then we'll wait for you to come back and vote with a show of hands."

Director Fan nodded with a dark face, and the rest of the opponents sat there expressionlessly, without saying a word.

At this point in the demonstration meeting, everyone knew in their hearts that the rest of raising their fists was just a process. After all, the minority must obey the majority.

Miao Xiankui had considered this a long time ago, so he increased the overall number of people in the demonstration meeting, and those middle-level members had to weigh it in their hearts when they saw that he was presiding over the meeting in person, and they all knew the pros and cons of it, so they would naturally stand on the sidelines. On Chen Hua's side, at least he didn't dare to find fault on purpose.

Although the argument will not be satisfactory, it is finally passed.

Miao Xiankui, Ma Yunxia, ​​Ruili, Jack, and many experts and supporters all expressed their congratulations to Chen Hua!
Chen Hua was even more excited and incoherent, and kept saying thank you to everyone!

ps. Ask for collection~~ask for chapter review~~ask for recommendation ticket~~ask for monthly ticket~~O(∩_∩)O Thank you, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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