Taxi at night

Chapter 105, 1 Counterfeit Coin

Chapter 105, a counterfeit coin

Lu Ren's good intentions did not get what he deserved. Under Tan Rui's expelling eyes, Lu Ren walked down the stairs in desperation and got into his car.

Why did Tan Rui ask for leave to change shifts?On the surface, she was worried about Tang Xue being alone upstairs, but in fact, why wasn't she guarding against a certain possibility?Alas, although he didn't say this clearly, Lu Ren could vaguely sense someone's guard.

You really treat me like a thief, Lu Ren sighed silently in his heart, let's make money first!

At the entrance of a hotel, some people came out one after another. Seeing this, Lu Ren immediately drove over and parked beside the hotel.

After a while, a thin young man opened the door and got into the car.

"Go to Erlongpo." The thin young man said coldly, then leaned his body back, closed his eyes slightly and remained motionless, as if he was in a doze.

"Where do I get off at Erlongpo?" For the sake of safety, I have to ask a few more questions, not only to understand the details, but also to observe the status of the customer.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Aren't you going to give me money?" The skinny young man opened his eyes sharply, with a trace of displeasure in his expression, his tone was strong, and his mouth smelled strongly of alcohol.

It is still the Chinese New Year period, there are many people who drink like this, and this time I met another one.Lu Ren slandered secretly in his heart, knowing that he had met a difficult alcoholic.

This kind of person is the most difficult to serve. When he is sober, he can speak a few words of truth. Once he drinks alcohol, his bad nature can no longer be concealed, and it is exposed naked.

From the city to Erlongpo, it took about ten minutes. As soon as Lu Ren left the city, he accelerated towards Erlongpo.

The skinny man seemed to be asleep, with his head tilted, his hands crossed in his arms, his body seemed to be a little cold from the wine.

"Boss, can I turn up the heat a bit? Is it a bit cold?" Lu Ren said this deliberately, trying to see whether he was really sleeping or fake sleeping.
"Hmm..." The skinny man snorted, moved his body slightly, and then fell asleep again.

It seems that this guy is still conscious, and he really can't let him fall asleep, so try to wake him up.

After a while, Lu Ren said loudly again: "Boss, Erlongpo is here, are you going to get off here? Hey, hey... Don't fall asleep, we're here.

Under Lu Ren's loud call, the skinny man finally woke up, straightened up, stretched out his head to glance outside, and nodded: "Stop the car, right here."

Lu Ren was overjoyed for a moment, it would be best to get off at the side of the road, to save the trouble of going into a ravine.

"How much?" The skinny man glanced at the meter.

"28 yuan seven." Lu Ren pulled over to the side, ready to collect the money.

"Why is it so expensive? I used to be here for less than 20 yuan. Is there something wrong with this watch?" The thin man asked fiercely, with two pairs of copper bell-like eyes enlarged, very angry.

"Boss, don't be in a hurry. You see, we are a regular taxi. We have IDs and license plates for entering and exiting. If you think there is a problem, you can call us to complain... There is a complaint number here, you can write it down. Besides, after ten o'clock in the evening, taxi pricing standards are different, and the price you mentioned must be the daytime price, which will of course be different from now." Lu Ren encountered this situation more than once, so he was patient explained it again.

"I don't come back more than once at night. I think there is something wrong with your watch... there must be something wrong." The thin man muttered as he took out a thick bundle of brand new coins from his pocket and pulled out a hundred-yuan bill in one hand. : "Here you are, you can only charge me 28 yuan, nothing more."

He couldn't tell that this young man dressed in shabby clothes was actually so rich, and he would take out 1 yuan at random, which would make Lu Ren look away.

"Okay, 28 yuan is 28 yuan, I'll ask you for 72 yuan, right?" Lu Ren turned on the ceiling light of the car, and reflected the money against the light. The watermark, the metal thread, and even the shadow head in the coin are all vivid in his mind. It doesn't seem to be fake, it's a brand-new new coin, folded in half, and found no problem, so I put it in my pocket with confidence.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid it's fake money? If you're worried, you can just pick one, any one will do." The skinny man said intentionally or unintentionally.

"There's no need to draw, just this one!" Lu Ren thought to himself, if it was new money just withdrawn from the bank, which one would be the same?Why waste effort.Besides, this guy is obviously dishonest, it's better to leave early.

After taking the 72 yuan change that Lu Ren gave, the skinny man smiled and seemed very satisfied.Turning around and getting out of the car, he specially waved goodbye to him.

"This guy is very sober. He pretended to be drunk along the way, and he has a lot of eyes." On the way back, Lu Ren thought to himself, but at the same time felt something was wrong.

What is wrong?It was his hey smile when he got off the car... Yes, he smiled in a wrong way, with a hint of sarcasm in his complacency.

What is he mocking?Are you mocking me?I have no grievances with him, why does he laugh at me?
With this question in mind, Lu Ren went all the way back to the city, picked up a few more passengers at the intersection, and temporarily forgot about it.

There was nothing to say all night. At nine o'clock the next morning, Lu Ren ran to a nearby bank to deposit money with the few thousand dollars he had accumulated recently, but found a counterfeit note in it. He took it and saw it was last night. of that.He was angry and curious at the same time: this counterfeit money was too much like real money, with a similarity of more than [-]%. In the dark night, especially in the second half of the night, if people are negligent, they may be deceived.

This was the first time Lu Ren received counterfeit money, and it was an unforgettable lesson for him.

"It seems that we can't just look at it with our eyes!" Lu Ren sighed, looking at the counterfeit money confiscated by the bank.

"Did you receive counterfeit money? Who is so wicked?" When Tang Xue heard the news, she was shocked at first, and then aggrieved. She seemed even angrier than Lu Ren.

"Walk by the river all the time, who doesn't get his shoes wet?" Lu Ren had no choice but to cheer himself up. When encountering new money in the future, he must keep his eyes open, think twice, and never make a second mistake.

"What about counterfeit money? Let me see, is it really as similar as you said?" Tang Xue proposed to identify counterfeit money.

"How can I get it back in the bank? A counterfeit coin was stamped on the spot and confiscated on the spot."

"Brother, I think it's really not easy to do your job. The risks you face are various. You must pay attention to driving safety and prevent being cheated. Although you earn two extra money, you will suffer a lot. Sigh... It’s really better for us to be more secure as a teacher.” Tang Xue, who was still complaining about her low salary as a teacher yesterday, had a different idea after this incident.

"It's good if you have this idea, and be your teacher well. It's too late for others to envy you." Most of the teachers in the school are women, and only a few men are there. Why?Isn't it just a safe and comfortable environment?

When Lu Ren told Tang Xue about this, he also had this intention.

(End of this chapter)

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