Taxi at night

Chapter 120, 2nd child

Chapter 120, second-hand tires
Lu Ren's day shift driver was still Zhang Jia, a female driver. When the time came to May, Lu Ren seemed to be used to this arrangement and did not ask for a replacement driver.

In fact, it was Lu Ren's kindness. He knew that it was not easy for a woman to support a family of three, so he thought to himself, or wait another half a year, then he can open his mouth to ask her to leave.

If the driver can't be changed, then he can only shuttle back and forth between the scenes every night like a night wanderer, working hard until the rooster crows.

Tonight, when it was time for supper, Lu Ren chatted with a few familiar car friends in the private room, and inadvertently talked about the issue of second-hand tires.Like a stone thrown into the still water, it creates ripples.

Lao Zhang is the older one among several people, in his early fifties, with white hair that seems to have been dyed.Just this beautiful white hair, in the hands of a hair stylist, can't be done without one or two hundred yuan.With his unique characteristics, Lao Zhang has a nickname "Pulsatilla", which is quite popular among his peers, and he is considered a well-known figure.

Sitting opposite him was Xiao Sun, the youngest among the crowd, eighteen or nineteen years old, with a loofah face, he looked quite mature.If you only look at the face without asking the age, it is easy to get confused.

Although Xiao Sun is young, he has three or four years of driving experience. He drives a taxi like a race car driver. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as fast as lightning.

His starting position is Old Zhao, who has a somewhat wretched face, about thirty, with a slightly dark face, and his eyes are small, but they look piercing.Old Zhao is a train station all the way, good at running long distances, he is rarely seen in the city.

The last one is Lu Ren, the protagonist of this book. He has a slightly fat round face and two big eyes. He looks honest and honest, but in fact he is not always so.

These four people happened to be sitting together tonight, talking about their experiences while eating, talking about various topics and expressing what they saw.

They all have a common friend, Guo Yi.The main topic tonight is an incident that happened during the day, and it is related to Guo Yi.

At this moment, Lao Zhang picked up a piece of beef and chewed it in his mouth for a long time, but he didn't chew it. He sighed and spat it out again.

"Old Zhang, I'm getting old, and my teeth are not working. If I were your age, I would have retired a long time ago." Xiao Sun saw it, and sat aside, laughing.

"Yeah, Lao Zhang hasn't rushed to retire yet, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit...give up the position to the young people." Lao Zhao's behavior has always been embellishing, taking advantage of the fire.If Lao Zhang catches a cold, he doesn't mind fanning it a few more times to speed up the evolution process of things.

"Hey, Lao Bai... Where are your glasses? Put them on, don't you know it's a piece of beef tendon?" Lu Ren also laughed at Lao Zhang.Lao Zhang has bad eyesight and needs to wear glasses when driving at night. At this time, the piece of beef tendon that can't be chewed is lying on the dining table nonchalantly, allowing everyone to laugh at him.

"You bastards will bury me. At my age, you will know that time is not forgiving." As Lao Zhang said, he picked up his beer and took a big sip.In the second half of the night, he was ready to go home and sleep, and drinking at this time was a habit he had developed for many years.Of course, if the idea is lucky and the traffic police checks the car in the middle of the night, then a drunk driving penalty cannot be escaped... Beer is also alcohol!
"Xiao Sun, how did Guo Yi deal with the day's affairs?" Lu Ren turned around and asked.

"What else can I do? Of course I have to take the money."

It turned out that when Guo Yi passed by a village during the day, he accidentally crushed a hen to death. There was only one way in and out of the village.

"How much?" Lu Ren was a little curious.Things like this are hard to guard against. For people like Lu Ren and the others who have been racing cars all the time, which car hasn't crushed a chicken or two under the tires?According to the gender, breed, and age of the chicken, the compensation price is also different.

"It seems to be 50." Xiao Sun was stunned for a moment, it seems that he is not very old and his memory is not very good.

"It's so expensive. I killed a big hen on the road last year, but it was only 30 yuan. What's wrong? The price of this chicken has also increased." Old Zhang obviously didn't believe it, and muttered.

"You're talking about last year's price, and 50 yuan is this year's price. I just got a new tire last month. It was 280 before, but now it's 380. It's only been a few months, and it's almost half the price." The old man Zhao picked up a cigarette and complained while puffing.

"Old Zhao...that's an ordinary tire. If it's that brand, it's at least 400 or more." Lao Zhang is a veteran of the taxi, and he still remembers the new and old prices of tires and is very authoritative.

"Old Zhao, why don't you buy second-hand goods? Just a hundred yuan is enough. My car has four wheels, two of which are second-hand tires, so I can still run." Xiao Sun said anxiously, with a frowning expression on his face. .

"I'm different from you. I often run long distances at night, at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour. The tires wear out quickly. Second-hand tires are not suitable for me." Lao Zhao glanced at Xiao Sun, feeling a little contemptuous in his heart. Second-hand tires are of poor quality and safe. The hidden danger is big, and it is easy to cause an accident.This little Sun Guangtu is cheap, don't you know that cheap is not good?When something happens to him, it will be too late to regret.

Tires are vulnerable parts. An authentic tire must be replaced after running for 6 to 8 months at most.Lu Ren also likes to buy second-hand tires, but they are generally used as spare tires, and he would never dare to run long distances.

Hearing this, Lao Zhang looked up at everyone, and said slowly: "According to my estimation, Guo Yi's death this time is related to second-hand tires, Lao have driven with Guo Yi, and he also likes to use second-hand tires ,Yes or no?"

"Yeah! This guy is a bit stingy. He likes to use two new and two old ones. The front wheels use genuine tires, and the rear drum wheels are usually second-hand. They say it saves money, is economical and affordable."

"I saw his Xiali car some time ago. The front two tire teeth are basically worn out, and I have been reluctant to change it. In this way, in an emergency, the braking distance becomes longer. It is probably like this. The chicken was crushed to death." Old Zhao liked to think about things very much, so he was able to speak so clearly.

"That's no wonder. My front wheels are all brand-new genuine tires. I don't dare to be careless about this." Xiao Sun hurriedly said, showing his foresight.He was also caught by the other three people, with a mouthful of second-hand tires on the left and an unsafe remark on the right, which made his face look a little dull, as if he didn't pay attention to safe driving.

"You! It's just a fluke. The second-hand tire is at most a spare tire. Like us, we often go out for sports cars, and our wealth and life depend on the quality of the tires. We can't just save two dollars." Old Zhao doesn't hurt Itching to teach Xiaosun a lesson, if you talk too much, people will blame you, so let's stop.

"Haha... Come on, let's talk about Guo Yi. Why is the chicken so valuable? Xiao Sun, you know this matter best. Let us chat." Lao Zhang saw Xiao Sun's face was a little unhappy, and hurriedly turned away. Opened the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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