Taxi at night

Chapter 122, Country Road

Chapter 122, Country Road

Lu Ren encourages Guo Yi to help Gao Liumei introduce clients who want to buy a house. It seems that the effect is good.

Regarding Gao Liumei's current attitude, Lu Ren felt it necessary to remind her that Guo Yi's next move would not be a bad thing for her no matter what the purpose was. At least it would create an atmosphere of hard work, which is very important.

At noon the next day, Gao Liumei was a little surprised when she received a message from Lu Ren. She knew that Lu Ren would only call her for business, and she didn't usually take the initiative to contact her.

Lu Ren got straight to the point, straight to the point, and said, "Guo Yi may be looking for you to discuss buying a house in the past few days. If you are prepared, you may be able to help you sell your first house."

"He's looking for you?" Gao Liumei was unmoved, and she felt like a mirror in her heart when she heard it.

"Yes. Although I don't like some of his actions, but one thing is true. He is the kind of person who has the potential to buy a house, and he has a lot of friends, far better than me."

"That's it... I see. Let's talk about it when he comes. That's right! The day after tomorrow is my birthday. I want to invite two people to get together. You and your wife can come together!"

"Okay, remind me when the time comes, lest you forget."

Lu Ren hung up the phone, went back to the house and went to bed, Tan Rui was on the day shift and hadn't returned yet.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the female driver Zhang Jia called and told him that the car was blocked and he might not be able to return to the market on time.

"Where is it?" After the beginning of spring, some roads in the outskirts of the city were being repaired, which often caused temporary traffic jams. Under the circumstances, the time would not be too long, so Lu Ren didn't take it to heart.

"In Xiaodian Village, Qingzhu Township is not building roads. Today, the entire line is closed. There is no other way, so I have to detour to Xiaodian Village... When I went there, the road was still clear, but when I came back, I found someone blocking the road toll, and many cars were parked."

"Who is charging?" Lu Ren asked.

"It was a local villager, a blind man in his 50s, who sat in the middle of the path and kept saying that there were too many vehicles passing by, which crushed the village road foundation and affected the villagers' traffic, and he needed to collect money for compensation."

This kind of situation reported by Zhang Jia has happened frequently in the past two years, especially some dirt roads in the countryside are temporarily impassable due to the large-scale expansion of the national highway, and can only be passed by village roads.As a result, some sharp-eyed people see the opportunity to make a fortune, often set up checkpoints privately, and charge fees for stopping cars, which makes people both helpless and deplorable.

"how much is it?"

"Ten yuan for a large car, and 5 yuan for a small car. Only after paying the money can they be released."

"It's so dark! Wasn't it one or two yuan before? Xiaodian Village did this, I'm afraid it would be hard to collect money."

"Who says it's not? Most drivers are unwilling to pay, or pay less. Now the traffic is stuck here. There are dozens of cars... There are also people coming from behind. The longer the queue, the longer the road. blocked."

"Wait and see! Don't care about the money, I'll pay for it, and I'll take the car back first." Lu Ren told Zhang Jia helplessly.

Two hours later, Tan Rui came home from the hospital, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw that Lu Ren was still at home, his face full of doubts.

"Are you resting tonight?"

"The car was stuck on the road. I haven't come back yet, and I don't know when I will come back." Without work, Lu Ren seemed listless and unable to cheer up at all. This is the reason for his habit.

"It's just right, go out with me after dinner, and save the money I saved for the past two days." Hearing this, Tan Rui became inexplicably excited. It was rare for them to have such a chance to get along alone. Everyone is busy with their own business, so it's rare to go out for a walk.

The two of them here were discussing the trivial matters of life together, while Zhang Jia was already very hungry there, and she was so hungry that she was so hungry that she complained secretly.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the two sides gradually lost their patience. After a long period of bargaining, the person blocking the road finally lowered the price, two yuan for a small car and five yuan for a large car. Only in this way did the long convoy start to move forward, and the road was finally cleared.

When Zhang Jia rushed back, she met Lu Ren who was walking at the gate of the community, and hurriedly stopped the car.

"I'm back, why is the traffic jam so long tonight? There was a fight." Lu Ren speculated, looking at the time, it was about three hours before and after, and it took half a day. If it was a normal sports car, he would have to earn at least 200 yuan .Now that the money is gone like this, it's really embarrassing.

"There was almost a fight. If the person who blocked the way was blind and disabled, I'm afraid there would have been a real fight. Boss... this is the money for today's run, please order it." Lu Ren took the money and counted the numbers. This is the checkout certificate.It is the practice in this business for two people to settle accounts every ten days and send money back once, three times a month.Of course, it can be cleared once a day. Lu Ren felt that it was a bit troublesome, so he insisted on clearing it every ten days.

"Haven't you eaten yet? I'll give you ten yuan, and I'll buy a bowl of rice on the street...I'm afraid it will be cold when I go back." Lu Ren knew that Zhang Jia's life was difficult, so he gave some money for meals from time to time.But today is a bit special, Tan Rui is still standing by the side, Zhang Jia is not ashamed to take it, but she smiled and said: "No need, just heat it up at home... Goodbye."

"It's almost eight o'clock, why don't you run away tonight and take a rest. Just in time, I have something to discuss with you." Seeing Zhang Jia walking home, Tan Rui felt that her husband was really working hard, and advised him to take a rest Night.

"What else do you want? Don't lie to me, you don't want to use me as a free servant. Instead of listening to you yelling, it's better to be comfortable and happy in my sports car. Besides, fast forward to the hot summer day Now, the business will be much worse, and it won't be too late to rest in two days!" Lu Ren saw through his wife's trick at once, and refused to be deceived, Tan Rui giggled when he said that.

"I'm so terrible in your eyes? Then why do you want a wife? Don't live alone."

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, my wife, I want to ask you something, do you want to buy a house in the future?" Lu Ren hurriedly changed the topic, which is also a topic that ordinary women are really interested in.

"Think, isn't it enough money? It's only enough to pay a down payment... It's much worse." Sure enough, Tan Rui's eyes were full of excitement when he mentioned buying a house. Lu Ren ran to see the house.

"Actually, I want to buy a taxi more than buying a house. Only in this way can we have more and more money in the bank and our life will become better and better." Lu Ren once again talked about his long-term plan, dreaming of owning More than one taxi has become the leader in this line.

"Buying a car is too dangerous. One car is enough to scare me. If there are too many...that's okay. I advise you to stop thinking about it. In a few years, when you are older, we will sell the car to live a stable life." Tan Rui has his own ideas and does not agree with Lu Ren's expansion of the number of taxis. It seems that the couple have their own plans for the future, and it depends on who can convince the other.

"We'll talk about it later. The day after tomorrow...Gao Liumei celebrates her birthday and invited us over, are you going?" Lu Ren almost forgot about it, so he asked.

"Your old lover invited you, not me. Besides, I'm not free, so you go alone!" Tan Rui said in a teasing tone, while examining Lu Ren with vigilant eyes, seeing him There was a panic in my heart, I didn't know how to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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