Taxi at night

Chapter 125, Emergency

Chapter 125, Emergency

Sister Gan went to negotiate with the village representatives, but she forgot about Lu Ren for a while. Since the fare had not been paid, he was in a dilemma, so he had to bite the bullet and wait.

After about an hour, the two sides finally ended the negotiation with great difficulty. The village representatives showed joy and waved to the old men and women who were sitting in the pit to go home immediately. Sister Gan stood aside with a calm face, silent Silent.

Not to mention, Sister Gan must have made an appropriate concession.

Seeing this, the foreman immediately yelled at the forklift driver to pave the road and open to traffic without waiting for the boss's order.At this moment, there was only a sound of "Ouch", and an old lady fell into the pit with her feet unsteady. This sudden change made everyone present stunned.

Sister Gan's heart suddenly collapsed, and there was a wave of ups and downs, so please don't break people.Although it is said that the villagers dug the pit, and people fell into it by themselves, but... once some things happen, they have nothing to do with her cleaning them up.

The villagers jumped into the pit quickly, trying to pull him out, but they heard someone shouting: "Wait a minute, see if the old man is broken?"

This examination was all right, the old man broke his leg and couldn't stand up.All of a sudden, everyone present fell silent, and no one wanted to take responsibility for this accident.

The silence was short, and soon a villager pointed out: "The owner of the sand field should be responsible. Isn't it because you damaged the road and didn't pay enough to compensate the old man? Will the elderly be injured? The owner of the sand field lost money to see a doctor for the old man."

"Right, see a doctor for the old man and send the old man to the hospital."

"Isn't there a taxi here? Whose is it? Take the old man to the hospital quickly."

After hearing this, Lu Ren stood up quickly: "This car is mine, of course you can give it away, but who will pay for it? Someone must come forward!"

"Xiao Lu, I will pay for the money. You take the old man to the hospital first." Sister Gan spoke at this time, and said to the villagers, "Who is the family member? Go to the hospital with me."

"There is no one in her house tonight. I am her nephew. I will follow." Someone stood up from the crowd.

"Okay, then go back and get the old man's ID card and the documents needed for hospitalization. You will need it when you arrive at the hospital."

As soon as the man heard this, he turned around and left.

Lu Ren drove the patient to the national highway, and asked casually, "Which hospital to go to?" This seemingly simple question turned out to be a real problem unexpectedly.

Sister Gan said: "Of course, go to the Municipal Orthopedic Hospital, where the facilities are advanced and the technology is good."

The old man's nephew said, "No, I should go to the county hospital. It's just that I broke my leg. It's not a serious problem. The county hospital can cure it completely. Besides, the county hospital is close to the village, less than 20 kilometers away. And the city hospital is too far away, if it is really hospitalized, it will be inconvenient to come and take care of.”

The two disagreed for a while, and Lu Ren didn't know what to do, so he had to park the car on the side of the road and wait for the two to negotiate a hospital before leaving.

"Brother, can you listen to me? Can I not know the level of the county hospital? Compared with the city hospital, it is not at the same level. I am thinking of you. If you really insist, I will not There is something to say."

"This..." The old man's nephew froze immediately. The level of the two hospitals must be different, not to mention the technical level of the doctors, even compared to the hardware facilities, there are also differences.

"I'm going to the city hospital." At this time, the old man sitting in the back row suddenly said. Although she broke her leg, she was not confused and could tell the good from the bad.

"Alright then! Go to the city hospital." The old man's nephew had no choice but to agree.

Lu Ren drove all the way, and soon arrived at the Municipal Orthopedic Hospital, watching Sister Gan and others disappear into the hospital.

In the whole first half of the night, Lu Ren ran to work twice, wasting his time chatting and waiting for others, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The weather tonight is a bit abnormal, very hot and stuffy. It has not rained for more than two months. The weather forecast said that there will be rain in the next few days, but it is only thunder and no rain. It makes people impatient. Is it possible that it will rain tonight? ?
Lu Ren looked up at the night sky, but couldn't find any starlight. He didn't know when the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was a possibility of heavy rain.

Didi's message came from the phone. It's almost early in the morning. Who is still awake... A message?

Lu Ren opened it and couldn't help laughing. [Brother, the weather forecast says there will be thunderstorms tonight, pay attention to lightning protection, it is best to take the car and go home. ] It was originally sent by Tang Xue, probably because he couldn't cope with the loneliness of school, so he sent it for fun.

Since Tang Xue wasn't asleep, Lu Ren replied [Got it, don't worry, I haven't seen such a thing as thunder and lightning.Why haven't you rested yet?Does it mean there is no class tomorrow?Go to sleep now! 】

Lu Ren knew that Tang Xue was a chatterbox, and once he started talking, he might not be able to stop the conversation for a while.

As soon as I thought about it, Teacher Tang Xue really sent a reply [Hee hee... just blow it!Well, I won't tell you more.Come pick me up before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I have something to do in the city, don't forget.Bye-Bye! 】

When Tang Xue came to the city, she just bought clothes to wear or bought a lot of snacks to eat. The little salary she earned was spent on this. The Tang Xue who used to like to save money was gone.People say that women's colleges have changed at 18, and this has changed too fast, right?

Lu Ren put away his mobile phone and was just about to find a restaurant for dinner, but saw a bright light in front of his eyes, the night sky was suddenly white, and then there was a loud thunder in the air, a deafening thunder, suddenly resounded all around, and the ground trembled .

There was thunder, and the thunder was so close, Lu Ren realized that it was not good. There were green trees all around him, and he was easily struck by lightning. This place is not a place to stay for a long time, it is better to leave.

After walking for about 200 meters, bean-like raindrops hit the roof of the car crackling like gravel.

"Could it be hailstorm?" Lu Ren was secretly startled, knowing that this kind of ghost weather is the most likely to cause hailstorm. If the hailstone is big enough, it can completely break his car window and cause him heavy losses.

This ghostly weather, with thunder and hail, makes people have nowhere to hide.While driving, Lu Ren looked around looking for a place to hide. When he saw a bridge hole not far away, he couldn't help being overjoyed and hurried to drive there.

It was a railway culvert, about 30 meters long, and it was dark inside without any lights. Lu Ren plunged into it and parked his car in the middle of the culvert. Only then did he let go of his hanging heart.

From the first thunder, it took only three to five minutes until Lu Ren got into the culvert.At this moment, there is already thunder outside, and the torrential rain is pouring down. The rainwater accumulated for several months is falling desperately with overwhelming momentum. The thick raindrops beat the dry road surface into a mist, and the sky and the earth become one. , Lu Ren seemed to be in the Water Curtain Cave.

Soon the rain poured back and gradually almost covered the upper of the shoe. Lu Ren hurriedly opened the car door and got into the car again.

(End of this chapter)

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