Taxi at night

Chapter 132, Operation Clearance

Chapter 132, Operation Clearance

Under Lu Ren's repeated urging, Tan Rui agreed to spend money to buy a mobile phone for Tang Xue, but he also warned Lu Ren: "Forget it this time, don't make an exception."

"Of course." Lu Ren hurriedly agreed, how dare there be a next time?Just this time, Lu Ren's hard-earned personal money was wiped out, and he returned to the state before liberation, becoming poor and useless.

The next morning, accompanied by Guo Yi, Lu Ren went to the mobile phone street to buy a new mobile phone.This street is not long, less than 300 meters, but it is crowded with dozens of large and small mobile phone shops.There are various brand stores here, as well as mobile phone repair departments, as well as street stalls that can be seen everywhere, providing various services related to mobile phones...Of course, there are also some unidentified people. , and immediately followed behind, with a very mysterious smile to sell you various mobile phones of unknown origin.

This is a thriving mobile phone market, and it's also a place where you can be fooled if you're not careful.

In Guo Yi's friend's store, Lu Ren bought a mobile phone worth about 4000 yuan. The price was medium, but it was the upper limit of Lu Ren's spending power.

That night, when Lu Ren passed Laomiaoxiang Middle School, he called Tang Xue out and handed her a brand new mobile phone.

"Brother, you really bought it... Sister-in-law didn't blame you, did she?" Tang Xue took the phone with a look of surprise, opened it and debugged it fondly, and asked with concern.

When talking on the phone, Tang Xue was just annoyed, and wanted to tell Lu Ren about the distress in her chest. After all, she lost two mobile phones in half a year, and no one could calm down.Actually, he didn't intend to let Lu Ren buy a mobile phone.Now, she was holding the phone, but she was a little restless. She was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to Lu Ren, which was not her intention.

"It's what your sister-in-law meant... It stands to reason that you just started working, and your sister-in-law and I should express that we were negligent when we were busy. I hope it's not too late to make up for it this time. How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"Of course, thank you brother and sister-in-law. I like this phone very much. I promise I won't lose it again." Tang Xue was relieved when she heard that it was Tan Rui's intention.

She was most afraid that Lu Ren would buy a mobile phone for herself without telling Tan Rui. In that case, this matter might be a hidden bomb and become a hidden danger in the future.

Lu Ren suddenly remembered Zhou Yuren's words, and while there was no one there, he wanted to ask clearly: "I want to ask you something, Mr. Zhou, are you still chasing you now?"

"He...hehe, I'm not the only one chasing after school, there are many." Tang Xue replied with a smile, her words were full of mockery.

"If you don't like someone, just point it out directly, don't be vague, it can save a lot of trouble." Tang Xue is young, beautiful, and talented, which is an advantage, but it will also bring some unnecessary troubles.In the past, Lu Ren seldom took the initiative to talk about such topics. He was not married at the time, and this was also to avoid suspicion.

It's different now. He has a lovely and beautiful wife. When talking about such a topic with Tang Xue, he seems natural and calm, with less scruples.

"I made it clear to him a long time ago that that guy has a thick skin and has been pestering me all the time. What can I do? Brother, you are so good, why do you care about my affairs? This is not like you usually." Tang Xue felt that this There must be something going on inside, otherwise Lu Ren wouldn't be in a hurry, so he specially emphasized this point.

"Originally, you decide on your own affairs, and it's not up to others to intervene. However, since I know it, I don't have to pretend to be confused, lest my godmother asks me when I ask, and I don't know anything about it. It's not easy to explain to her old man."

"What's the matter with me? You can't let go of your mind... What do you think?" Tang Xue asked with suspicion on her face.

"Teacher Zhou said that you've been dating online recently... right?" At this point, Lu Ren had no choice but to break the casserole and ask the end.

"Hehe...hehe... What online dating? It's a netizen, okay?" Tang Xue laughed when she heard that was the case. "You also know that this kind of thing is normal on the Internet. It's just a friendly netizen who is also a teacher at a school. It's going to be summer vacation soon, and I'm invited to play for two days. This guy is quite magical, and this I didn’t tell him about it, and I don’t know where I got it from.”

"Are you going?" Lu Ren didn't care about Teacher Zhou's tricks, but only worried about Tang Xue's safety.The world outside is wonderful, but full of traps and deceptions.

"Maybe go! I haven't made a final decision yet. I'll tell you when I make a decision...Brother."

"Want to hear my opinion?"

"You said."

"I won't go to something like this, and I don't want you to go either." Lu Ren decisively revealed his opinion, whether he listened to it or not was up to Tang Xue himself.

As the saying goes, children can't help their mothers, not to mention that the two are not related by blood, Lu Ren can only do his best.

Tonight's business was slightly better than yesterday's. The worse the business was, the more Lu Ren didn't dare to be lazy and sleep.Because he is in urgent need of money now, especially when his pocket money has been emptied, if a man does not have any private money in his pocket, he always feels panicked and has no confidence.

Lu Ren usually handed over the money every ten days, and then his wife Tan Rui deposited it in the bank.During the peak season, the income is more than five or six thousand. Even in the off-season, the income is three or four thousand. Lu Ren's usual pocket money is also secretly saved from here.

Every time one or two hundred was deducted, there was also five or six hundred yuan of private money per month. Lu Ren used the money to buy cigarettes and alcohol, and kept the extra money away for emergency needs.This was Lu Ren's secret before, but since Tang Xue was paid to buy a mobile phone, the secret was exposed in front of Tang Xue, and Lu Ren's good days were over.

"Why is there only 3200? The last time I paid 4100, there was a total of 1000 yuan wrong. Lu Ren, are you hiding money again? If you have any money, quickly take it out. If I find out, it will be confiscated and I will not give you a penny." You keep it." Tan Rui now has enough reasons to suspect that the amount of money is wrong, since she found out about Lu Ren's small trick of hiding private money, her campaign to clear up money has officially kicked off.

"I just took 100 yuan and saved it to buy cigarettes." Lu Ren admitted honestly, took out 100 yuan from his pocket, waved it in front of Tan Rui, and quickly put it away.

"You are already a discredited and untrustworthy guy in front of me. Give me 100 yuan as punishment for your selfish behavior."

"What do I do with my cigarette? I still count on it to drive refreshed at night." Lu Ren yelled dissatisfied with his work, and thought to himself, fortunately, he still has 200 yuan in his possession, so there must be no mistakes.

"Cigarettes... I'll buy them for you, and I'll bring you the money. Hurry up..." Tan Rui felt that he had to show Lu Ren a little color.This time, she wanted to use the power of the wife to make a gesture of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, and repair Lu Ren's prickly feathers.

Faced with his wife's dominance, even though Lu Ren was reluctant, he finally bowed his head and surrendered, obediently handing over the money.

During lunch, Lu Ren deliberately ignored Tan Rui, expressing his strong protest and grievance in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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