Taxi at night

Chapter 134, iPhone

Chapter 134, iPhone

When Tan Rui discovered the place where Lu Ren hid the money, he did not startle the snake, but quietly put the money back, and prepared to take action at the right time by adopting the method of sitting on the sidelines.As for exposing it on the spot, or confiscating it quietly?Tan Rui hasn't thought about it carefully yet, anyway, this matter is not urgent.In fact, hiding in the dark, quietly admiring every move of Lu Ren hiding money, isn't it also a pleasure?

The saddest thing was that Lu Ren was completely kept in the dark at this time, and he didn't know that his hidden money cellar was under surveillance. The richer the private money he accumulated, the greater the disappointment he would get in the future.

Time entered mid-July, and after Lu Ren delivered a business order that night, he felt his stomach growling, obviously it was time to replenish his energy.I looked up at my watch, it was 35:[-], no wonder my stomach growled.I usually eat supper at this time. The habit I have developed over the years has enabled my body to have a memory function, reminding myself in time that it is time to eat dinner.

When I came to the ramen restaurant I often go to, I just parked the car and was about to lock the car door when I heard a cell phone ringing. Under the driver's seat, along with the melodious bell, there are bright and dim lights flickering.

"Oh, that passenger dropped his cell phone again." Lu Ren thought to himself, got into the car, took out the cell phone, put it under the street light, and was immediately surprised. It was an Apple cell phone. It is probably new, and there is a phone number displayed on it, and someone is calling it non-stop.

"Hey, who are you looking for?" Lu Ren answered the phone and asked with a smile.It is quite normal for taxi drivers to pick up mobile phones, especially drivers who drive late at night, the probability of picking up mobile phones is quite high.

"Hello, master. I was the passenger in your car just now. I dropped my mobile phone in your car. Can you return it to me? Don't worry, I will thank you very much." Just as Lu Ren connected the phone, the caller Just insisting that he is a taxi driver made him laugh for a while.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about? I found this phone in a taxi... As for whether it's yours? Should I give it to you? I haven't decided yet." Lu Ren said in a Said in a joking tone, it could be heard that the other party was very anxious, and he couldn't help but have a tricky idea.

"Ah! You picked it up in the taxi? Excuse me, can you return the phone to me? I am willing to give you a proper reward." There was a man's voice on the other end of the phone, showing disappointment at the moment.If it is a taxi driver, there is still a one-in-a-million possibility. If it is picked up by other passengers, there is almost no possibility of returning it.He felt that the lost mobile phone might never come back.

"Then how much can you give me?" Lu Ren asked unceremoniously. The market price of this kind of mobile phone is around 3000 yuan. If this kind of second-hand mobile phone is sold in the mobile phone market at will, it will cost at least [-] yuan. Up and down the yuan, and demand exceeds supply.

"Here's 500, how about it? It's an old mobile phone, not worth much." The man on the other end of the mobile phone was trying his best to depreciate the value of the mobile phone, wishing to call him worthless.At the same time, a glimmer of hope ignited in my heart. Since the other party is willing to bargain, the possibility of finding the lost mobile phone still exists.

"Then you come here. I'm the taxi driver who sent you off. I'll wait for you at the XXX ramen restaurant." Lu Ren secretly laughed and thought to himself, if he doesn't want to pay you back, he won't answer your call at all. , hang up directly, how can I chat with you for a long time?
Lu Ren had no intention of hacking the phone.One is that he does not lack mobile phones. In his eyes, there is almost no difference between the high and low of mobile phones. Aren't they all used for making calls?Second, he has his own ideas.If the owner of the mobile phone does not take the initiative to look for it, of course he will not deliberately return it.

This kind of high-end mobile phone is of course very valuable, if you sell it privately, you can at least make a profit of more than [-] yuan.But what good is that?Only the wealth that you actively create can guarantee you a lifetime of food and drink.Such a windfall like this kind of unearned wealth is worthy of being received, but it may encourage the overflow of some kind of selfish desire and lower one's own conduct.

However, he will not be a good person indiscriminately. For some high-end items, he will also ask for a little compensation, and he doesn't want to work in vain.

This was Lu Ren's real idea, but his idea quickly attracted criticism from his colleagues.

In the box of the ramen restaurant, Lu Ren took out his iPhone, which immediately caught the attention of his colleagues and asked questions one after another.

"What? You only asked for 500 yuan. Lao Lu, you bastard, what are you thinking? It costs one or two thousand to buy a low-end non-brand machine. Otherwise, you can sell it to me for 500 yuan, and 800 is also fine." .”

"I'll pay 1000, Lao Lu...sell me the phone, I'll use it myself."

The peers were jealous and clamored to earn money to buy the mobile phone Lu Ren picked up, but Lu Ren refused.

"You're an idiot!" Seeing that Lu Ren really didn't intend to sell him, this was what his peers commented on him.

"Do you believe it? When the owner comes over later, it would be good if I can give you 200." A colleague made a prediction in advance.

"No way?" Lu Ren didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, just wait and see. If you meet someone who is unreasonable, it is possible to not pay a penny." Another colleague followed suit, seeming to be quite insightful.

"That kind of situation also exists. They are some cheap mobile phones. Usually, they will buy a pack of cigarettes as a thank you. No matter how stingy the owner of such a high-end mobile phone is, there must be a little thank you." Lu Ren was reluctantly defending himself.

This is the first time he has picked up an Apple mobile phone. If the owner really doesn't give him a penny, to be honest, he has nothing to do.

This reminded him of the scene during the Chinese New Year, when he picked up a mobile phone in the car, and at a glance, he knew that it was a Samsung brand mobile phone that he had just bought. Although it was not as expensive as an Apple mobile phone, it was still around seven or eight thousand.

When I returned the mobile phone to the owner, I only got a pack of cigarettes worth about [-] yuan, and three or five thanks. To be honest, it was not enough for the gas money he sent. It would be a lie to say that I am not angry.

The owner came, a young man in his 20s. After seeing Lu Ren, he smiled and thanked him repeatedly.

There is nothing else to say at this time, Lu Ren handed the phone to the owner without saying a word. After the owner took the phone, he took a careful look at it and confirmed it, then hurriedly took out 200 yuan from his pocket, and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry, I only have so much money in my pocket, Qi Ming will make up the rest of the money, do you think this is good?" Hearing this, he knew it was the owner's perfunctory words, and Lu Ren couldn't help laughing. Get your peers right.

Sometimes Lu Ren felt that he was a little rigid, always following the bottom line in his heart, and didn't know how to adapt.

In fact, this is also a habit of thinking that has been formed over the years. It has been subtly guiding Lu Ren's daily behavior, and he does not want to change it deliberately.

At noon the next day, father Lu Decai called and said that the family's homestead had been approved and the house could be built.

(End of this chapter)

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