Taxi at night

Chapter 138, Troublesome Cars Are Annoying

Chapter 138, Troublesome Cars Are Annoying
Lu Ren had a good impression of the two newly recruited drivers. Today was the first day of work, so he gave a few more instructions, mainly about safety.

The two new drivers just agreed a few times and drove away quickly. To them, what Lu Ren said was nonsense.Right now, only the female driver Zhang Jia was left standing behind alone, showing no intention of leaving.

"Uh, sister Zhang, what's the matter?" Seeing Zhang Jia's mood was different early in the morning, and he didn't open his mouth, Lu Ren naturally didn't want to ask. Now, she is the only one left here among the three, obviously there is something wrong.

"My husband's leg is broken, and he needs surgery in the last two days. Boss, can I borrow some money?"

"Borrowing money... how much?" Lu Ren just bought a second car, and he was so poor that he only had the car left. He only had a few hundred dollars in his pocket last night. Zhang Jia chose to borrow money at this point in time. Out of season.

"About 3 to 1 yuan, I have less than [-] yuan, and there is still a difference of more than [-] yuan...Boss, look..." Zhang Jia also knew that the boss was tight recently, but her husband's surgery was imperative, so she had to open her mouth and try. .

Lu Ren couldn't help but feel worried. Just as the problem of buying a car was settled, Zhang Jia asked to borrow money again.

Suddenly I remembered that my private money was about four or five thousand. If it was not possible, I would lend her the money. A little bit is better than nothing, right?

"When will the surgery be done? You know my current situation, can it be postponed for a while... then it will be resolved."

"The doctor said that the sooner the operation, the better. I have already made an appointment for the operation the day after tomorrow... But, after the first calculation, the money is quite short." Looking at Zhang Jia's worried expression, what else could Lu Ren say.

"I'll find a way to raise [-] yuan for you. I'll do the surgery first. What do you think?"

"Thank you so much, boss!"

"You're welcome, surgery is urgent."

Seeing Zhang Jia driving away, Lu Ren couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The car fare of hundreds of thousands can be settled, but now the mere 1 yuan is difficult for him. What's the matter!

There is really no other way but to ask Chef Le for help.

"How much? ... 5000 yuan? Lao Lu, you can joke with me again!" Chef Le was delighted when he heard it. Of course, this amount of money is no problem. The key is, does Tan Rui know?Such a small amount was probably borrowed without telling my wife.

"This is not a joke. I'll use it urgently. Prepare it quickly and get the money at your house tonight." Lu Ren didn't bother to explain to Chef Le, and hung up the phone directly.

This matter was not difficult to solve quickly and smoothly. Lu Ren thought that he could calm down for a few days, but unexpectedly, this troublesome matter was just the beginning, and the troublesome thing that caused him a headache was still to come!
The two new drivers had been working together for less than a week, and they complained to Lu Ren one after another, bluntly speaking of each other's various problems, and hoped that the boss would help solve them.

Wang Dongfang first complained: "Boss Lu, Jia Gui is too disrespectful. He doesn't deliver the car on time, and it always takes up my time. If this continues, what money will I earn?"

"Tell me, how did you two discuss it?" Lu Ren knew that this was a small problem. If the two of them had a conflict and it would directly affect his income, it would be a major issue.

"I agreed with Jia Gui on the day shift. I was on the night shift. I had a one-month rotation. The car was delivered at 04:30 am and [-]:[-] pm. It was basically on time two days before the start. In the next few days, Jia Gui delivered the car in the afternoon, and it was always delayed until [-]. : After [-], even until [-] o'clock... Boss, this time is the prime time to attract people. Jia Gui's doing this is obviously patronizing himself, regardless of others, and his selfishness is too heavy. How can we cooperate for a long time if this continues?" Wang Dongyue said The more angry he was, the more introverted he was, once he became stubborn, things would easily fall into a stalemate.

"That's it! I'll talk to him tomorrow. Of course, you have to be punctual when it comes to the buddy's affairs, and you can't deliberately procrastinate and take up other people's time." Lu Ren persuaded Wang Dongfang to quit, and found Jia Gui the next day, and talked about it. thing.

If Jia Gui didn't listen, he couldn't help jumping up after listening, and shouted his innocence: "This Wang Dongfang is really a villain who complained first, why didn't he talk about the problem of pressing my time in the morning? He started this matter first. Instead, say that I am not, the boss... the problem is not with me."

Both of them said their own reasons, and of course there was something wrong.Lu Ren understood that he couldn't specifically criticize anyone. It wasn't a matter of right or wrong, but a matter of mutual humility and reconciliation. He could only live in mud. Maybe after a long time, the two of them found a balance point, and they would naturally reconcile as before.

"So that's the case. I'll remind him tomorrow and let him pay attention to this problem."

It was Lu Ren's first time as a boss, so he could only learn by doing, and there was no better way.In fact, there is a last resort. If the two people really do not cooperate well, they can only find a new driver.

After entering October, Tan Rui's parents didn't come home on time, making Lu Ren realize that the previous promise was a complete lie, and it was unreasonable to treat him like a fool!

Although Lu Ren was annoyed, he didn't show it.Watching the appointed time pass by quietly, he also tried his best to be patient, and had no intention of urging Tan Rui's parents at all.The matter has come to this point, the attitudes of both parties have become clear, and it is useless to talk more, what should we do?He had a plan in mind.

Soon into the late autumn season, the leaves withered and fluttered all over the ground. The sidewalk seemed to be covered with a light yellow carpet, and the night wind blew on the cheeks with a trace of chill.

Tan Rui's appetite has been poor for the past few days. As a nurse, she checked in the hospital by the way, and was surprised to find that she was pregnant.

This sudden news surprised and delighted Lu Ren, who didn't know what to do for a while.

"Do you want this child?" Tan Rui asked her husband after returning home. If she didn't agree, she would kill it without hesitation.

"What are you talking about? Of course you want it. Why don't you ask for leave tomorrow and take good care of your baby at home. If you get gas in your baby, it will be terrible." Lu Ren immediately became anxious when he heard this. Could it be that Tan Rui is now Don't want to have kids, that's not okay.

"It's only been two months, and your daily activities will not be affected at all. Why do you want to take leave?" Of course, Tan Rui knows better than her husband. This period is really a period of fetal formation. As long as there is no strenuous activity, there will be no danger, so does her husband. Nervous, made her feel funny.

"Didn't it mean that children are prone to miscarriage at this time?"

"You, you just have a half-knowledge. It's not as evil as you say. Go away, I'm going to cook." Tan Rui pushed her husband's hand away and wanted to go into the kitchen to cook.

"I'll take care of the cooking in the future. You go to the living room to rest and be careful." Lu Ren, who had always disliked housework, seemed to be a different person at this time, and took the initiative to undertake the housework.

"Can the food you cook be eaten? Don't starve the baby in your belly, let me do it!"

Tan Rui likes her husband's current performance very much, at least it shows that he attaches great importance to and cares for the family, and he clearly distinguishes the priorities.However, Lu Ren's food was too unpalatable. He had a bad appetite these days, and if he couldn't eat, it meant that the two of them were starving together.

(End of this chapter)

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