Taxi at night

Chapter 156, Little Pig's Head is Good Business

Chapter 156, Little Pig's Head is Good Business

Lu Ren sent the young man to the slaughterhouse, watched him enter the slaughterhouse, and didn't leave right away.This place was somewhat novel to him. Although he had been there a few times before and the environment was not unfamiliar, he came and went in a hurry without stopping, unlike today where he felt a sense of prying eyes.

It was not yet bright at this time, and the cold wind was mixed with a few raindrops, blowing on the face, icy cold, and the slightly dizzy mind suddenly became sober.

The slaughterhouse covers a large area. This is the largest of the five slaughterhouses in the city, accounting for more than [-]% of the city's pig slaughtering volume. Most of the fresh pork in the city's large supermarkets is purchased here. It is the five slaughterhouses. It is the only place in the farm that slaughters pigs all year round.

The other four are more or less in the predicament of being out of stock in the off-season, and about 1/3 of the time there are no pigs to kill.

Lu Ren stood outside for a while, feeling a little cold, then got into the car and drove to leave.Just as I turned the car around, I heard a hurried voice from behind: "Master, go slowly, I still have to take the car."

Immediately afterwards, there was another sound of footsteps, from far to near, Lu Ren looked back and saw that it was the man who got off the car just now.

The young man opened the door and came in out of breath, took out his mobile phone, and said to Lu Ren, "Master, go to XX slaughterhouse."

"Aren't you buying pig heads here?" Lu Ren asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, I'm a step late, and the rest of the pig's heads were bought by others, which made me run around." The young man said without raising his head while looking up the number.

"The pig's head is so popular?" Lu Ren suddenly thought of the past when Chef Le got married and met a pig's head on the road, and seemed to understand something.

"Of course, you don't do this business, you don't know about it." The young man suddenly regained his energy when he talked about his industry, and he said: "The biggest use of pig's head is to make stewed vegetables, live pigs and stewed vegetables." As for the price of meat, you must be aware that the profits here are exorbitant profits, which is not false at all. It’s just that the number of people engaged in this industry has increased day by day, and buying pig heads every morning has become an important task for us. For us, Don’t be afraid to buy too much, and put it in the freezer for backup at most, and if you buy less, it means that the business is in danger of being interrupted, which will directly affect the quality of the business, and you will lose a lot of money.”

Hearing the man's explanation, Lu Ren finally understood that the competition in the daring industry is fierce, and where there are real interests, there is competition.So he asked: "So you went to another pig farm, or because of the pig's head."

"Isn't it? It doesn't matter if you can't buy a pig's head for a day or two. There are still some old goods at home, but what if you can't buy a pig head in these two days? Is there anything left?" The young man sighed lightly when he said this, and then he remembered that he didn't make a call, so he called out quickly.

After making three or four phone calls in a row, and running to two or three places, the young man finally found nothing and returned home.

"Before three o'clock tomorrow, I don't believe I can't buy a pig's head." Before leaving, the young man said fiercely, no wonder he was so angry, the taxi money was for nothing, but there was no pig's head I bought it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain when I go back.

Life is not easy and earning money is difficult, Lu Ren has a deep understanding of this.Sometimes hard work may not be rewarded, but if you are lazy and don't work hard, then the result is certain: you will get nothing, no doubt.

After handing over the car in the morning, Lu Ren went to a stewed meat restaurant on purpose and bought a catty and a half of pork head back home, which was considered a reward for his hard work all night.

After Tan Rui got up, he saw the delicious pork head meat at first glance, and immediately smiled and said, "I have a good appetite these two days, how do you know that I want to eat braised pork?"

"As the saying goes: Know your wife Mo Ruofu!" Lu Ren said flatteringly, but he knew in his heart that it was just a sudden whim, which was related to the experience last night, but it was inconvenient to say so.

But when it was time for lunch, there wasn't much pork head meat on the plate, and the two of them ate it with a few chopsticks. Lu Ren asked a little puzzled, "Isn't it just this little meat? I bought a whole catty. "

"Oh, I kept some of it. Isn't Xiaoxue coming in two days? She also likes to eat it very much." Tan Rui said while eating the last piece of meat.

"You really know how to live, won't you buy it again?" Lu Ren said with a bit of resentment. He wanted to taste it, but in the end he only smelled a fishy smell, and he felt disappointed.

Seeing her husband's frowning look, Tan Rui didn't find it funny. Sometimes she felt that her husband was like a big child, showing his innocent and cute side from time to time.Of course, the necessary reassurance is still needed, so she said again: "Don't you think you are fat again? People eat three meals a day, and you eat four meals a day. You should pay attention to your eating habits. Being too fat is not good for your health."

"It's not that I got fat from eating pig's head meat. It's too disappointing to eat such an expensive thing once in a while and still not be full." Lu Ren continued to vent his dissatisfaction. Own stomach!

"Okay, okay, I'll fry it for you at noon tomorrow, okay?" After all, Tan Rui felt sorry for her husband, and hurriedly tried to comfort her.Hearing what his wife said, Lu Ren suddenly felt much better, as it should have been!
In the blink of an eye, it was Friday. In the morning, Lu Ren accompanied his wife to the supermarket to buy the ingredients that should be bought and prepare for Tang Xue's blind date tomorrow.

The man is a young doctor working in Tan Rui Hospital. He is 26 and seven years old. He is young and promising, with a bright future.

That afternoon, the young doctor surnamed Jiang came to Lu Ren's home ahead of time. First, he identified his family, so that he would not have to send someone to pick him up tomorrow;

Dr. Jiang was very interested in Tang Xue. He stared at Tang Xue's photo intently, and wiped the glasses on his nose several times in a row, not to mention his seriousness.The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled, feeling that the matter seemed to be half successful.

"Doctor Jiang, what do you think of my sister?" Lu Ren sat aside and asked intentionally.

"Okay, she's pretty and has a good job, but I don't know if she's the one for me?" Dr. Jiang is young and promising, and there is no lack of suitors in the hospital. There is a lot of room for selection and he is full of self-confidence.However, after seeing Tang Xue's photo, his mood of wanting to deal with the matter suddenly changed, and he was full of expectations for the meeting tomorrow.

"There is also a disadvantage, that is, the school is far away." Tan Rui said, "We plan to transfer her to the city in two years. Of course, it is not easy to do this. After all, the number of places in the city is limited and the competition is fierce. It may be done in one trip, but I’m afraid it will take some time.”

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, when the time comes, we will find a solution together, the solution is better than the difficulty." Dr. Jiang said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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