Taxi at night

Chapter 166, Journey to the Zhang Family

Chapter 166, The way home

Peipei and Zhao Xiaoxiao got into the car together, and told Lu Ren to hurry up and drive. After all, it was late at night and the road was far away, and we couldn't make it in a while, so we had to hurry up and get on the road.

"Pepe, your hometown is in province F, so you're not from another province, but your accent doesn't sound like it?" Although Lu Ren was familiar with Pepe, he always felt like a local. He didn't know Pepe until today. Pei's provincial nationality is a migrant girl from other provinces, which is a small accident.

"I leave school early, and our two provinces are adjacent and close, so I came here after being introduced by a friend. It has been five or six years." Peipei said with a little emotion while busy removing her makeup.

It seems that everyone's life is not easy, and Peipei looks like she is only in her early twenties. She is estimated to be fifteen or sixteen years old when she came out, and she is still a little girl who doesn't understand anything.

Zhao Xiaoxiao, who had been silent after getting in the car, suddenly said: "Peipe, where did you arrange for your mother to come here this time? I think you are a little too hasty. You should rent the house before picking up her. "

"I also want to wait another two days, but I can't!" Pepe lowered her voice intentionally when she said this, as if she didn't want Lu Ren to hear, "You know the situation at home, and if it's not a last resort, I wouldn't make such a move .”

Lu Ren's ears were sharp, even though he was driving, he could still hear that clearly.With just a few sentences, it is undoubtedly a family dispute, and it has reached the point where fire and water cannot be tolerated. Otherwise, Peipei would not rush to pick up the person overnight, and it is difficult for an upright official to decide on housework, so it doesn't matter if you don't listen.

Pepe's hometown is on the edge of Province F, about 140 kilometers away from the city where Lu Ren is located. This road is all national highways, so it's not difficult to walk.But as soon as he entered Province F, it seemed as if he had entered the mountains. The taxi zigzag along the provincial road, and it seemed that there was no end in sight.Eye-catching signs can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road: the road is steep and sharp, drive carefully.In the middle of the night when you can't see your fingers, these black and white characters are particularly glaring, and people have to be more vigilant to prevent accidents.

"Pepe, you said you still have to walk a bit of the village road, so look carefully, and don't miss the entrance of the village." Lu Ren looked through the rearview mirror and the two women in the back seat were whispering, so he had to remind them Notice.

"Don't worry! I'll be paying attention, I can't go wrong." Peipei quickly agreed, looked out through the car window, carefully distinguished it, and said to herself: "Brother Lu, drive slowly, it feels like we're almost here. There is a small supermarket next to the road at the entrance of the village, on the right side of the road, turn in and walk seven or eight miles on the mountain road to the place."

The front is a nearly 90-degree turn, and there is a reflector at the turn. If it is daytime, you can clearly see the situation on the opposite side, but at night, it is white and you can't see anything clearly.

There was no car coming from the opposite side, so Lu Ren turned the high beam to low beam, mainly because he was afraid that there would be a motorcycle coming from the opposite side. Under the light of his own car, his eyes would turn white, and he would easily fall to the bottom.

Be careful, there is no big mistake. When turning a corner, a motorcycle is coming from the opposite side. It is estimated that the light of the motorcycle is broken.

"This guy is quite courageous. He can run around without lights, so he's not afraid of accidents." Lu Ren applauded his caution.

"These are all local villagers. They usually use a motorcycle when they go out. They rely on their familiarity with the road and are confident. There are several traffic accidents in this place every year. It is impossible to prevent them." He hurriedly reminded Lu Ren, "Go up another slope, turn a corner and you will reach the entrance of the village. Brother Lu, pay attention."

Lu Ren responded with a sound, and the sports car concentrated on it, quickly came to the entrance of the village, turned around and got in.

This is a cement road more than two meters wide, which is part of the village-to-village road. It can barely accommodate one car to pass. Lu Ren can't help thinking: If you pass the opposite side of the road, you may not easily miss it.Probably because of the stillness of the night, it was already night and early morning, and the whole village was silent, only a few barking dogs were occasionally heard in the distance, which seemed particularly crisp and loud in the valley.

"Brother Lu, just park the car under the big tree. I'll get off with Xiaoxiao's family. I'll be here in about half an hour. Please wait a moment." Pepe looked very polite tonight, but she wasn't called that way before. Always shouting "Master Lu, Master Lu", there was a trace of estrangement in the politeness, but now the tone is kind, maybe because of her own private affairs, she needs Lu Ren's help... All in all, Pepe seems to have changed tonight. Like a person, maybe this is the real her.

"I can drive the car to the door of my house. I'm afraid this place is a bit far away." Lu Ren suggested.

"No, no, don't disturb the villagers, especially my father, otherwise, my mother might not be able to pick it up." Lu Ren was surprised by what Peipei said. Why is this happening?

"Your father objects to your picking up?"

"Not only does he object, but he often beats people up. Okay...I won't tell you too much. You'll find out when you meet people later." There was a trace of helplessness and sadness in Pepe's words. Before Lu Ren could ask, the two A woman has disappeared into the vast night.

Lu Ren got off the station and waited silently beside the car, only to see a dimly lit farmhouse not far away, probably the former residence where Pepe lived since childhood.

Lu Ren smoked three or four cigarettes in a row, but he still didn't see the two women coming. He felt anxious. Did he change his mind and leave after dawn?
The wind in the valley swept Lu Ren's cheeks with the whistling sound, causing him to shiver suddenly. He stomped his feet slightly, got back into the car, started the car, and turned around in a spacious place.

Suddenly he heard the sound of dogs in the village, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps. Lu Ren hurriedly got out of the car and looked around. A faint light, up and down in the night, hurried towards him.

That should be the light of the mobile phone, and Pepe picked him up.Lu Ren cheered up, and hurriedly opened the car door. When someone came to him, he took a closer look. It was Zhao Xiaoxiao and a woman around 50. The two of them were in a hurry, as anxious as bereaved dogs, with panic and uneasiness on their faces.

"Lu Ren, start the car quickly, Peipei will be here in a while, she is pestering father, let's get in the car and go first." Zhao Xiaoxiao pushed the woman into the car, and got into it himself.

"Why... without Pepe?" Lu Ren asked hastily.

"Go ahead and wait for her there."

"Shall I go down and help?"

"No, it's not easy to intervene in this kind of thing. Pepe has a way to come here."

At this time, there were hurried footsteps from behind. It seemed that there were two people chasing each other one after the other, and an angry shout from a man was heard.

"Father catches up, or I'd better not go, so as not to embarrass you." Peipei's mother suddenly begged at this time.

"Lu Ren, hurry up, don't let anyone catch up."

(End of this chapter)

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