Fool Qi

Chapter 102 How dare I offend them

Chapter 102 How dare I offend them

Du Yi put his hands on his chest and said, "I'm not just out of society. Is it really okay for you to threaten people like this?"

The girl with the big earrings didn't expect Du Yi to say that, she fixed her outstretched hand in mid-air, and looked at Du Yi in surprise.

The tattooed man was not so good-natured.He pushed away the hand of the woman with the big earrings, pointed at Du Yi angrily, wanted to say something cruel, but couldn't think of it for a while, looked at the empty chair next to him, stretched out his hand towards the chair, and grabbed it. .

Seeing that something was wrong, the woman with the big earrings rushed over, pushed down the chair in the hands of the tattooed man, and said, "Do you still want to go in there? Put it down quickly." Seeing that the tattooed man was still angry, she turned her head and shouted at Du Yi in fright. : "Are you really not afraid of death?"

Seeing the tattooed man lift up the chair, Du Yi was indeed a little scared, but her past experience told her that she could not quit, and if she quit, she would be bullied for the rest of her life.

She stood up straight and looked at the tattooed man quietly, neither retreating nor speaking.

The woman with the big earrings was not flattering to both sides, and she immediately became angry.She slammed her fist hard on the chair and shouted, "Put it down, you're going to die."

After finishing speaking, regardless of other people's gazes, he sat back on his chair.

The tattooed man grabbed the chair, and looked a little embarrassed under the slightly mocking eyes of the people around him, whether he let it go or not.

It was the bald man who stood up and smoothed things over: "Brother Xing, let me see it this way. This time, I invited you. There is no need to lose your temper for an irrelevant person."

The tattooed man took advantage of the opportunity to put the chair on the ground, let out a "hum", and sat on it.

The bald man patted the milk tea list on the table, and said to Du Yi, "Well, is your surname Du? Tell us, what set meals should this black tea go with?"

Du Yi had already figured it out the night before, as long as she collected enough 100 yuan, this black tea could be used as a bonus, after all, her original intention was not to increase the price.

She said: "Look at the list, no matter what, as long as you make up [-], our shop will give you a pot of black tea, of course there is no refill."

The bald man looked at the list, frowned, didn't order, but pushed the list in front of the woman with the big earrings, and said, "Sister-in-law, you choose and make up a hundred. This time, I invite you."

The woman with the big earrings flipped through the list twice, and said, "Everything has gone up in price these days, it's hard to live."

The bald man smiled and said, "Yeah, life is hard. But sister-in-law, just choose, I will pay for it."

The woman with the big earring tapped the list with her fingers and said, "Let's just choose these few."

Du Yi looked at it and calculated secretly, it was just over one hundred.She said: "Okay, after you have selected one hundred, I will give you a pot of black tea as I said just now. You sit for a while, and you will be fine later."

After finishing speaking, he walked away.

After she left the hall, Liang Ying came over and said, "I was scared to death, I thought they were going to make trouble, and I was going to call the police."

Du Yi smiled and said, "I've seen this kind of people a lot. They're all bullying and afraid of being tough. It's okay. Hurry up and help them make their order, and I'll send them there later."

"You are really good, better than that Wu Kun." Liang Ying said with a thumbs up.

At this moment, Chen Xiaorong just walked in. After listening to Liang Ying's words, she also came over, pointed out the window and said, "Don't be too happy, look outside."

Du Yi looked in the direction Chen Xiaorong was pointing at, only to see that the four of them took out their poker cards and started playing.

"Oops, these people are still playing cards and yelling, and I don't know how many customers they have to drive away." Liang Ying said worriedly.

"Have they played cards here before?" Du Yi asked.

Liang Ying shook her head and said, "No, not once."

Du Yi suddenly felt troubled.

This group of guys, obviously wanting to avenge themselves, really treat this place as a card hall.

Don't think about it, these people will definitely have to sit all day again.

What a headache.

She touched her forehead and said, "Forget it, for the sake of their consumption, let them go. They don't go to work, and they don't have any source of income. They won't be arrogant for many days. I try not to conflict with them, you guys Pay attention too."

Liang Ying pushed the glasses on her nose and said, "Of course, how dare I offend them."

Chen Xiaorong spread her hands and said, "I don't bother arguing with these people, as long as we do our own thing well."

"Thank you." Du Yi said.

"You're welcome." After the two finished speaking, they both got busy.

Du Yi returned to the counter.

Just right, Wu Kun walked in.

"Boss Du, I'm sorry, I'm late." Wu Kun said to Du Yi.

"It's okay, you came just in time, I have something to ask." Du Yi said.

Wu Kun was stunned for a moment, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Du Yi called him to the back kitchen, pointed at the people in the hall, and asked, "Is there any way you can stop them from playing cards here?"

Wu Kun looked through the window, and said, "These people are really hopeless. I have nothing to do, just take pity on them."

Du Yi was speechless: "Is there no other way?"

Wu Kun said: "Let everything take its course. Let's not talk about it. I don't have much time today. I have something to do in the afternoon. Let me teach you how to buy goods first."

Du Yi thought for a while and said, "Okay." After speaking, he walked to the counter and brought a notebook and a pen.

Wu Kun glanced at the notebook in Du Yi's hand, and said with a smile, "You still want to take notes! Actually, there is nothing important, so you don't need to be so serious."

Du Yi said: "This is the first time I've opened a milk tea shop. I don't understand many things. I still need to learn more from you."

Wu Kun said: "Opening a store is a lot of knowledge, and I haven't learned much. The purchase channel is also simple. I buy from a few of my friends. Since you have a notebook and a pen, write down their numbers. I will communicate with them later, and you can just call them when the time comes."

Du Yi handed over the notebook, and Wu Kun picked up the pen and wrote down three mobile phone numbers, and wrote several lines beside it.

"Usually, we buy goods once a week. I have listed all the things I need to buy. At the beginning, you just buy according to these. When the business is good, you can adjust it according to the actual situation. Very Simple." Wu Kun said.

Du Yi took it and looked at it.

The things written on it seem to be very common, and there is nothing special.

She nodded and said, "Okay, thank you, Boss Wu."

Wu Kun elaborated on the precautions again.

Du Yi jotted it down one by one, and asked a few words from time to time.

After half an hour, Wu Kun stopped, and said to Du Yi: "What should be said, I have said almost. You can try to contact them tomorrow and buy some goods. If you have any questions, Call me, this week, I will answer all questions. I have something to do later, so I will leave first."

Du Yi saw that there was nothing she needed to know more about, and she said, "Okay, I'm really sorry to trouble you today."

"You're welcome, goodbye." After Wu Kun finished speaking, he left the shop in a hurry.

Holding the notebook, Du Yi took a deep breath and thought to himself: It seems that opening a shop is not very difficult.

But seeing the four people in the hall, she unconsciously sighed again.

But fortunately, when the evening came, the four finally left.

(End of this chapter)

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