Fool Qi

Chapter 14

Chapter 14
Lin Guo didn't look back.

Make trouble casually, there is no danger if you don't kick the car door, let him cry.

After another ten minutes, Ah Qi's voice suddenly became louder.

There was a popping sound in the back seat.

Lin Guo just turned his head and saw Ah Qi biting the seat, like a frightened duck, patting the seat with both hands.

"Ah Qi, don't make trouble." Lin Guo didn't dare to be distracted, he could only look at the road ahead and shouted.

Ah Qi didn't care about these things, and kicked the car door with both legs.

Lin Guo had no choice but to check the rearview mirror to make sure there was no car coming, so he pulled over and stopped.

This is a national highway, not a highway, and there are not many cars, so there is no need to worry too much.

He opened the car door.

Seeing the car door open, Ah Qi rushed out like a bird that had been imprisoned for a long time.Regardless of Lin Guo, he yelled and ran in the opposite direction.Lin Guo didn't expect Ah Qi to run so fast, he was taken aback for a moment, and when he realized, Ah Qi had already run tens of meters.

"Don't run." Lin Guo ran after him.

But how can I keep up.

Looking back, the car was still unlocked. I was worried about being driven away, so I had to stop and walk back.

After locking the car, he found that Ah Qi had gone a long, long way.

This is a one-way street, and it is impossible to turn back; the turn ahead is still far away, and it may be even more difficult to find people when you come back.

Lin Guo shook his head: "Let him go, I'll do my best." The car continued on.

But he said that Ah Qi had been running all the time, and he just wanted to go back to the billboard.

Can run and run, still can't find the way back.

I have been running for a long time, and suddenly forgot what I was going to do.He stared blankly at the road, at a loss.

After a while, he awkwardly climbed across the median and ran to the opposite lane in the other direction.

At this moment, a pickup truck drove up the road.

The speed is fast.

The driver reacted quickly, and when the headlights were about to stick to Ah Qi's clothes, he quickly stepped on the brakes and stopped the car.

Ah Qi was frightened and fell backwards.

"Are you okay?" A young driver got off the car in a panic.

The driver's name was Zhao Long, and he was originally going to deliver goods to the provincial capital.But who would have thought that such a thing would happen, young and innocent, his face had already turned pale with fright.

He walked to Ah Qi's side, and saw that Ah Qi's body was red and purple, his clothes were torn, and there was blood on his knees.He panicked even more.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

Ah Qi looked at him blankly, did not speak, and remained motionless.

Zhao Long patted Ah Qi on the shoulder and said, "Don't scare me, I'm in a hurry to deliver the goods. If I'm late, the boss will definitely deduct my salary."

Ah Qi suddenly grinned, drooling sideways.

Seeing him smirking, Zhao Long reacted instantly: "This man is mentally ill."

He slowly helped Ah Qi up, pulled Ah Qi to the passenger seat, and helped him fasten his seat belt.

"When I deliver the goods, I'll take you to the hospital for an examination. You can hold on, don't die. If I die, I will be miserable. I don't want to go to jail." Zhao Long said to Ah Qi, ignoring Ah Qi Seven do not understand.

The car started.

Ah Qi was tied up, she didn't dare to move, and sat quietly.

After more than three minutes, the car arrived at the provincial capital smoothly.

It was dark, and it was about to rain.There are also many people, all walking in a hurry.

Zhao Long unfastened the seat belt on Ah Qi's body, and said, "You're tired after not moving for so long. I'll take off the seat belt and you take a break. We'll go to the hospital after I deliver the goods."

Ah Qi stared all the way without closing his eyes. Seeing Zhao Long's mouth moving, he didn't know what he was talking about.


Zhao Long had nothing to do with him, he patted Ah Qi on the shoulder and said, "Wait for me."

After finishing speaking, he ran to the back of the car to unload the goods.

After finishing the work, he came back and saw that the co-pilot's door was open, the seat was empty, and there was no sign of Ah Qi.

Zhao Long became anxious immediately, and looked around the car, but he didn't see Ah Qi.

Turning around and looking around, there are a lot of people in the dark, which one is Ah Qi.

He touched his head and said to himself: "Forget it, I tried my best. If something happens, he, a fool, shouldn't blame me. I wish him good luck."

He climbed into the car, started the ignition skillfully, and drove away.

In fact, Ah Qi didn't go far at all, but was pushed forward when he got off the car.Surrounded by strangers, Ah Qi was trembling, wanted to cry but dared not, wanted to leave but had no way out.

He didn't stop until he was pushed for more than 100 meters.

People come and go, he doesn't know where to go.

He looked up and saw that the person in front of him was wearing red clothes, which was very pretty, so he followed.

After walking a few streets and turning a few corners, the man felt that Ah Qi was following her.

"You beggar, what are you doing with me?" The man in red had red lipstick on his thick lips, but his words were like a knife.Moreover, she did not forget to take off the shoulder bag hanging on her shoulder, and greet Ah Qi fiercely.

Ah Qi already had injuries on his body, so he couldn't bear the pain. He opened his throat, babbling loudly, blocking his legs with his hands while stepping back.

The woman stopped chasing her, put her shoulder bag back on like a lady, and continued walking.

Ah Qi didn't dare to follow.

In a daze, I came to the bottom of a flyover.

There were a few straw mats and a few dark quilts.The people who live there are homeless tramps, all of them have fluffy hair, yellow and thin faces, and their clothes are hung in strips.

A smell of urine.

Ah Qi walked past them and accidentally kicked one of them in the foot.

The person who was kicked jumped up immediately, cursing at Ah Qi.

The people next to him seemed to have found some fun, and started cursing as well.

"Uh uh uh, get rid of him! This idiot." Someone yelled.

Before Ah Qi could react, he was pushed tens of meters away.

Suddenly, a thunder streaked across the sky.Then, lightning flashed, and the rain began to fall wantonly.

The tramps all ran back to the overpass in unison.

Ah Qi wanted to follow, but was afraid of being beaten.

He clenched his fists and shouted, not knowing whether to go left or right.

The raindrops were relentless and wet him in an instant.

Ah Qi had no choice but to run.


Screaming and running for hundreds of meters.

Passing by a school, he stopped reflexively.

At the gate of the school stood a stone with the length of two arms and the height of a man.A few words are neatly engraved on it, which is the name of the school.

It was also the university Ah Qi was studying at before.

Ah Qi suddenly felt a headache.

He didn't dare to run into the school gate, so he could only run forward holding his head.

Before he knew it, he came to an abandoned house not far from the school gate.

This used to be a workshop for practice. It has not been used for many years and no one has taken care of it.When he was studying, he often ran past here, and often took shelter under the house.

It was two people at that time.

Romance, talk about life, talk about ambition, talk about love.

It's all over, and now he is curled up in the corner of the room, shivering.

The autumn rain came in a hurry, full of ice.

He sneezed wildly, but he was still dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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