Fool Qi

Chapter 18 Kneeling

Chapter 18 Kneeling
Du Yuan politely invited Aunt Xue in.

"When I helped that man change his clothes, I found this note in his trouser pocket. See if you recognize this man's handwriting." Aunt Xue handed the note to Du Yuan.

Du Yuan took it, opened it carefully, and only read the first word, and his whole body froze like an electric shock.

This word is the word of the father.

When he was very young, his father took him to practice calligraphy, and often warned him to be as upright as this character.

Every vertical and every stroke, he remembered it in his heart.

After reading the last word, he paused.Trembling, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and dialed a series of numbers skillfully.

There was a continuous beeping sound from the phone.

"The call you made is temporarily unavailable!"

Seeing Du Yuan's state, Aunt Xue felt something was wrong, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

Du Yuan didn't answer, and made another call.

After a while, there was still a beep.

"This note was written by my father." Du Yuan stuffed the note into his trouser pocket, and then said, "Aunt Xue, I'm going home right away to have a look. Please help me take care of that person first, I'll be back soon."

Aunt Xue asked concerned: "Don't think too much, don't worry here, I will take good care of him."

After Du Yuan listened, he turned around and collected the clothes on the balcony, stuffing them all into his backpack.

"Then I'll go first." He picked up his backpack and hurried out.

On the evening of the third day, Du Yuan came back.

He knocked on Aunt Xue's door.

Seeing his appearance, Aunt Xue froze for a moment.

I haven't seen him for two days, but this person has become so decadent.His eyes were red and swollen, and the tear stains at the corners of his eyes were still wet. He had lost a lot of weight and turned dark.

"What's wrong?" Aunt Xue guessed something, but she still couldn't help asking.

"My dad is gone." Du Yuan's voice was soft and hoarse.

Aunt Xue sighed and said, "Life and death are up to you, don't blame yourself."

Du Yuan nodded weakly, and said, "Is Qi still here? It's the one you brought the day before yesterday."

"So his name is Ah Qi." Aunt Xue pointed to the sofa and said, "He's right there."

Du Yuan walked over.

Ah Qi was sleeping on her side, her left foot was already much higher than the sofa.

His mouth was moving, as if he was chewing something.

Du Yuan didn't wake him up, turned to Aunt Xue and said, "My neighbors told me that my dad adopted him. From now on, I will take good care of him according to my dad's last words. Some time ago, please forgive me. .”

Aunt Xue said: "It's a small matter, it's just a pain for you."

"Then I'll take him back first." After Du Yuan finished speaking, he carried Ah Qi on his back.

Aunt Xue didn't stop her. She supported Ah Qi and said, "Okay, take him back first, and call me if you need anything."

"Okay. Thank you." Du Yuan said.

Just like that, Du Yuan went back to his room with Ah Qi on his back.

Just after she was put on the bed, Ah Qi woke up.

"Ahhh!" Seeing that it was Du Yuan, Ah Qi burst into tears.

Du Yuan wiped away the tears from Ah Qi's face with his thumb, and helped Ah Qi to stand upright.

Ah Qi didn't know what he was going to do, so he didn't dare to call out.

Seeing that he stopped crying, Du Yuan landed on his knees with a thud, and kowtowed deeply to Ah Qi.

"Ah Qi, you will be my younger brother from now on. If I have a bite to eat, I will definitely not let you go hungry."

Looking at the person who accompanied his father through the last journey, he burst into tears.

I thought that after I figured it out, I could be a good man and go home to take care of my father for the rest of his life, but I didn't expect it to be such a bad news.

If it happened again, he would not be impulsive in saying anything.

It's just that there is no more chance.

All he can do is lead Ah Qi to live well like his father did.

After kowtowing, Du Yuan stood up, hugged Ah Qi, and began to cry.

Ah Qi was so frightened that his hands were shaking wildly, but he didn't dare to break free, and he didn't dare to scream.

Du Yuan sensed Ah Qi's panic, and quickly let go of his hand.

Seeing Ah Qi's stupid look, he unconsciously fumbled back into his trouser pocket.

He heard from Sister Li next door that Ah Qi was only temporarily insane and had a chance to be cured.

However, there are only 570 six dollars in my pocket.what to do?
Eating is important, let's talk about medical treatment later.He shook his head distressed.

However, it is impossible to go to work with Ah Qi.Otherwise, borrow some money from the landlord and set up a stall.A few years ago, he set up a small stall on the street, selling some sandals, clothes and so on.Although, it is not possible to get rich and rich, but it is still possible to ask for food and clothing.

Having made up his mind, he went downstairs by himself.

"Clap clap clap..."

He knocked on the landlord's door.

Aunt Xue opened the door and said, "What's the matter, Ah Qi?"

Du Yuan shook his head, but he couldn't say anything.

Seeing his embarrassment, Aunt Xue immediately understood: "You have to take care of Ah Qi recently, are you short of money? Tell me earlier, I can lend you some."

"It's okay." Du Yuan hesitated for a while, then turned around and was about to leave.

Borrowing money from others, he has indeed borrowed money from friends, but it is really difficult for him to open his mouth to borrow money from such a person who has little contact with him.

"Du Yuan is here."

Another person walked out of the door with a conspicuous beard. It was Aunt Xue's husband Zhong Siming.

"Since you're all here, please tell me if you have any difficulties." Zhong Siming said.

"Yes, yes." Aunt Xue agreed.

Du Yuan had already stepped on the steps, and it was not appropriate to go any further.

He turned around and went down the steps, and said softly, "I do want to borrow some money from you."

"How much?" Aunt Xue asked.

Du Yuan said: "If possible, I would like to borrow one or two thousand. It is inconvenient to take Ah Qi to work, so I would like to have a breakfast and cook some noodles."

Aunt Xue glanced at her husband and said, "It's no problem, it's a good thing. I can see that you are a down-to-earth person, work hard, and I am optimistic about you. Wait a minute, and I will withdraw money for you."

"Then thank you, I will definitely pay you back." Du Yuan said.

"Let's talk about it." Aunt Xue turned and walked into the room, and quickly took out a stack of RMB: "This is 2000 yuan, you take it."

Du Yuan took the money, bent slightly, and said, "Thank you, thank you. I'll go back and write you an IOU."

Aunt Xue waved her hand and said, "Don't be so polite, and don't be so troublesome. If I can't trust you, I won't lend you money."

Holding the money, Du Yuan felt his face burning.

He handed the money back: "I'm really sorry you said that."

Aunt Xue blocked it: "No, you should take it."

"He wants to write an IOU, so let him write it. Why are you stopping him?" Zhong Siming, who was standing beside him, couldn't help but speak.

"Okay, I'll go back and write." Du Yuan took the money and went upstairs quickly.

After a while, he took a note and handed it to Aunt Xue: "This is an IOU, and I will definitely pay you back in the future."

Aunt Xue was instructed by her husband, and happily accepted the IOU: "Okay, I will keep this IOU carefully, and wait for you to get rich and return the money to me."

"Definitely." Seeing that Aunt Xue had accepted the money, Du Yuan happily went back to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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