Fool Qi

Chapter 33 Summer Construction Site

Chapter 33 Summer Construction Site
What Lao Zhang’s friend introduced was a job on a construction site.

Eat as much as you want, and live in a big shed built with blue iron sheets.

It's not very good, but there is finally a place to stay, and it's okay to think about it.Most importantly, they agreed to let Ah Qi live in it.Du Yuan readily agreed and moved in with Ah Qi.

The beds are bunk beds, a total of four, eight people live.Du Yuan chose the inner one, let Ah Qi sleep on the bottom bunk, and he slept on the top bunk.

When Ah Qi arrived in a strange place, he didn't dare to make a sound, and always squatted silently in the corner of the bed in a daze.

Du Yuan couldn't bear it when he saw it. It can be seen that Ah Qi didn't run around, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Stick to it for half a year!he said to himself.If no one was found within half a year, he would take Ah Qi and leave.

After all, this is not the life he wants.

Having said that, the work on the construction site was indeed very tiring. In less than a week, Du Yuan didn't know how much his hands were scratched, and he was even more tired than carrying water.However, after work, he can take Ah Qi out for a walk and try his luck, which is still acceptable in his heart.

Time slipped away in sweat and anticipation.

In the blink of an eye, summer is here.

On this day, Du Yuan walked through the second floor with a wooden stake, and saw a familiar figure in the distance, who looked like his sister.

He hastily lowered the stake from his shoulders and threw it aside.He ran quickly to the edge of the building, shouting "Du Yi, Du Yi...".

But the man couldn't hear it at all, and he was still walking forward, going further and further away.

Du Yuan patted the concrete window sill, feeling extremely impatient, he bent down and looked out.

The building is so tall, and the bottom is covered with cement, so jumping off it may not be a waste or a disability.

He quickly withdrew the idea of ​​jumping, and walked quickly to the stairs.

Unexpectedly, walking in a hurry, his heel hit a wooden post, and he fell forward.

He hastily stretched out his hand to support the ground, thus avoiding the disaster of disfigurement.Just then, the stake touched the planks piled up next to it.

The wooden planks on the highest floor were placed at an angle, but now, they slipped directly and smashed in Du Yuan's direction.

Du Yuan reacted extremely quickly and quickly turned over.But it was too late, the planks had arrived.He didn't have time to think about it, he half-bent his hands and moved forward.The wooden plank fell down and hit Du Yuan's arm hard.

There was only a scream, and Du Yuan fell down, and his whole body was pressed down by the board.

The workers heard the noise and hurried over to see it.

Pulling back the board, he saw that Du Yuan looked like a bloody man.

Everyone touched Du Yuan and was still angry, quickly tore off his clothes, helped Du Yuan stop the bleeding, and dialed 120.

Du Yuan's eyes were open, pointing weakly at the window sill, and softly shouted: "Du Yi, Du Yi..."

The crowd was already in a mess, no matter what he was talking about, one of them was a strong one, and he carried him downstairs directly.

After a while, the ambulance came.

Du Yuan was sent to the emergency room.

Fortunately, the man survived.However, the bone in his arm was smashed and he could no longer do heavy work.

He is a little depressed.My sister was not found, and I was so injured, I don't know if I will be able to take care of Ah Qi in the future.

If it wasn't for the crowd, he really wanted to cry a lot.

He tilted his head and endured it.

But I saw Lao Zhang hurriedly pushed the door and walked over.

"Are you okay?" Lao Zhang touched the gauze on Du Yuan's hand and asked with concern.

Du Yuan squeezed out a smile and said, "It's okay, I'm alive."

"That's good, that's good." Lao Zhang wiped the sweat from his head, sat on the edge of the bed, and put the briefcase on the hospital bed, and then said to Du Yuan, "You don't have to worry about the medicine. Fei, this is a work-related injury, I will ask the foreman to pay for your medical expenses. If it is not enough, I will help you pay for it."

Du Yuan had no way to refuse, looked at his bandaged right hand dejectedly, and said, "The doctor said that my hand is going to be useless. Before I recover, I'm afraid I won't have the money to pay you back."

"It's a brother's, don't talk about it, who hasn't experienced some disasters and hardships! It will pass." Lao Zhang said, holding Du Yuan's hand tightly with both hands.

There are too many people to thank, Du Yuan nodded helplessly.

After being treated properly, Du Yuan was discharged from the hospital within a few days and returned to the greenhouse.

Lao Zhang pulled him aside and said, "Now that you are like this, I don't think you can go to the construction site. Two days ago, I contacted another friend of mine. He runs a grocery store and sells everything. I Tell him about your situation. He agrees to let you go to help. Can you see if it's okay?"

Du Yuan looked at Ah Qi who was curled up in the corner, gritted his teeth, and nodded silently.

Lao Zhang looked at it and said happily: "Okay, that's good. I'll make arrangements now."

After finishing speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and crackled.

After hanging up the phone, Lao Zhang said to Du Yuan: "Your hand still hasn't fully recovered. After you pass, don't do heavy work. You can just help look at the store and take inventory. My friend, usually It’s quite busy. There is an old man guarding the store, and you just passed by, so he doesn’t have to worry. You are my friend, not an outsider, and they trust you. Just do your best.”

"Thank you!"

Apart from these two words, Du Yuan really couldn't think of anything to say.It was his luck to make a friend like Lao Zhang.He always thought that one day he would be able to help those who had helped him, but he didn't know how long it would take.

Lao Zhang patted Du Yuan on the shoulder and said, "Don't think too much, you take Ah Qi there. The house over there is cheap, you can rent a house nearby and live there first. As for your sister, I'm still asking someone to look for it. , if there is any news, I will tell you as soon as possible. I still have something urgent, so I will leave first. Just call this number and contact my friend. "

After speaking, Lao Zhang took out a card from his briefcase, handed it to Du Yuan, turned and left.

After walking away for a while, Lao Zhang turned back again.

"I forgot to tell you that the medical expenses have already been reimbursed by the foreman. You can just leave. As for the wages for these few days, I guess you won't be able to get them. If you need it urgently, I will lend you some first." Lao Zhang Said.

Du Yuan waved his left hand and said, "I still have some money, which can last for a month or two. When I run out, I'll borrow it from you!"

"Okay! Then I'll go first." Lao Zhang hurried away without waiting for Du Yuan to speak.

Du Yuan took the card and looked at it.

This person has quite a lot of names, but it doesn't matter. He took out his mobile phone, put it on the bed, pressed the number on it, and dialed it with his left hand.

As soon as the phone was connected, a rough man's voice came from inside: "Hello, Du Yuan? Old Zhang told me about your situation. You can come here today. I'll wait for you in the store."

Du Yuan was stunned for a moment, this person was really straightforward, he made arrangements before he even had time to say hello.

He bent down and said, "Hi, I'm Du Yuan. Mr. Wang, I'm going over now. I guess I'll be there in half an hour, please wait a bit."

The other end of the phone laughed: "Don't call me Mr. Wang, you are Lao Zhang's friend, you are my friend, just call me Lao Wang. Don't say anything, just hang up first. Call me when you come over."

Just as Du Yuan was about to say more, there was a beeping sound on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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