Fool Qi

Chapter 57 Star Hotel

Chapter 57 Star Hotel
Du Yi instantly understood.

What kind of friendship is nothing but a joke.

She really didn't understand how Ah Qi would deal with this kind of person.She shook her head helplessly and strode away.She really didn't want to stay in this place for a moment.

Walking and walking, I passed the restaurant I saw that day.

She stopped.

I was in a hurry that day, so I didn't pay much attention to the restaurant.

This hotel is not high, only two floors, the decoration is dark, with white walls and black tiles.In front of the store, there is actually a small dark green pavilion with a hexagonal roof that is curved and curved.Under the pavilion, there are two cement sculptures, which look like ancient people. They are wearing long robes and have long beards. They are playing chess attentively.

On the left side of the pavilion is the exit of the hall. There are two black dragons wrapped around two pillars.Further up, there is a big signboard with four big characters: Star Hotel.

It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and the entrance of the hotel was already full of cars.She has never seen many of those cars, and she just feels cooler than those on the road.

She gritted her teeth and walked towards the door.

What work is not to do, first to fill the stomach and then talk.

She appeared at the door full of energy.

"Hi, welcome!" A woman in a cheongsam bent slightly towards Du Yi.

Du Yi smiled at her and said, "Hi, I'm here to apply for the job."

"It's like this, please go inside and find the person with the manager's card on his chest." The woman pointed to the inside of the store and said.

"Thank you." Du Yi walked in.

It was full of people, but it was very quiet.

She stood inside the door for a while, and a man came over.

"Hello, do you have a reservation?" the man said.

Du Yi glanced at him.

The man was wearing a black suit with a golden plaque on his chest that said "Manager Mo Ziqiang".

He was smiling, and he looked like a nice guy.

Du Yi said with a smile, "Hi, Manager Mo, I'm here to apply."

"Hello, I'm the lobby manager here, come with me." The man named Mo Ziqiang, with his smile unchanged, stretched out his hand to signal Du Yi to go inside.

Du Yi followed.

After a while, I arrived at a small house with "Shuqu Room" written on the front door.

Du Yi hesitated at the door for a while, but didn't go in.

"Come in, don't worry, this room is all glass and transparent, it won't do anything to you. Besides, this is where we usually train. You come in first, let's talk first." Mo Ziqiang said.

Du Yi just walked in.

"What kind of work did you do before?" Mo Ziqiang asked.

The question is an old one, and Du Yi answered without thinking: "I used to be a shopping guide in a supermarket."

"What else?" Mo Ziqiang stared at Du Yi and asked.

Du Yi didn't expect him to ask so many questions. After thinking for a while, he said, "I spend most of my time working in supermarkets. I've been a model once or twice, and I just go through the motions in shopping malls."

There was no smile on Mo Ziqiang's face, and his face was tense.He said: "It's okay, we are a hotel serving high-end people, and you, the appearance looks okay. That's right, this way of speaking is not very good. You must know that this is not a supermarket. The crowd is God, you know? Can you do it?"

Du Yi nodded and said, "I know."

"You should say, Manager Mo, I understand. Don't make people think you are reluctant." Mo Ziqiang said.

Du Yi thought to himself, there are quite a lot of rules, for the sake of money, I don't care about you.She said, "Manager Mo, I see."

"Very good." Mo Ziqiang said, walked to the shelf next to him, and brought out a piece of paper, "You fill out this form."

Du Yi took it, pulled out the chair, sat down, and filled it up.

The form is not an interview question, it is very simple. It is required to write some name, date of birth, home address and so on.However, scrolling down, I found something a little different.This job application turned out to be a store manager!
She is a newcomer with no experience, and she is the store manager as soon as she comes in?Heaven's pie?

"Manager Mo, did you take this form by mistake?" Du Yi raised his head and asked.

Mo Ziqiang smiled and said, "That's right, the position you're applying for is the store manager. But, you also know how heavy you are. This manager, unlike me, is just an intern store manager."

"What's the difference?" Du Yi asked.

"It's no different, that is, after you join the job, you still listen to me. You are an intern store manager, and you are responsible for dealing with customers, understanding their needs, and selling our dishes at the same time. In fact, you are not the same as ordinary waiters. What's the difference. However, there is an advantage, that is, you don't need to wipe the table or wash the dishes." Mo Ziqiang said.

Du Yi thought to himself, this is not the same as being a shopping guide before, it's okay.

"Understood." She nodded and continued to write.

She was taken aback when she reached the last one.

What’s the matter? One month’s salary is deducted for running an order. Within a month, half a month’s salary will be deducted once complained by the customer, one month’s salary will be deducted twice for two complaints, and one month’s salary will be deducted for three times.

Du Yi handed the form to Mo Ziqiang and said, "This is too much."

Mo Ziqiang didn't answer, but smiled and said, "It's not you who signed it alone. The ones in the lobby here, look at those in red service uniforms and black suits, which one didn't sign like that?"

"You are breaking the law." Du Yi said.

"The hotel stipulates that if you can do it, do it, and if you can't do it, leave. Don't talk too much." Mo Ziqiang said.

Seeing his confident look, Du Yi knew that bargaining was useless.She didn't dare to refuse, the family was almost out of control.I missed it, and I don't know when I will have this opportunity.Big deal, when you are at work, smile more, if you are wronged, you will be wronged, and you can wait for a month or two before talking.

She signed the form, picked it up, and read it carefully.

Suddenly found that there is something wrong.

She asked: "The salary written on it is different from the advertisement outside!"

Mo Ziqiang said with a smile: "On this form is the basic salary, and on the outside are all benefits, including commissions and overtime wages."

"Then how much will you pay?" Du Yi asked.

"Run faster, complain less, and you will get more points. However, it is basically the number written on the outside. Don't worry, we are a reputable hotel, and we don't cheat people." Mo Ziqiang said.

Now that he said that, Du Yi couldn't argue anymore.

Here you go, let's try it out.

Du Yi handed the form to Mo Ziqiang.

Mo Ziqiang seemed to have expected that she would sign. He put the form back on the shelf and said, "I hope you understand that you are good-looking. This is the prerequisite for me to recruit you. However, if you don't do well, you may Get out, you know?"

"Manager Mo, I understand." Du Yi said.

"Very good, I learned very quickly. Today, you go back first. Tomorrow at eight o'clock, go to work on time." Mo Ziqiang said.

"The contract hasn't been signed yet," Du Yi said.

"Let's talk about it after get off work tomorrow." Mo Ziqiang said lightly.

 I'm going on a business trip tomorrow, maybe I can update it when I come back at night.sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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