Fool Qi

Chapter 68 Ah 7's Electronic Chapter Book

Chapter 68 Ah Qi's Phone Book
Du Yi walked out of the room.

Outside the door, Zhang Ya was waiting anxiously. When she saw her coming out, she immediately walked over and asked, "What's the matter? Did Manager Mo ask you to lose money? How much, you say, I'll split half of it, and I will never break my promise."

Du Yi glanced at Zhang Ya, and said flatly, "No, Manager Mo didn't make us lose money."

"That's great!" Zhang Ya clapped her hands excitedly.

"But today is my last day in this hotel." Du Yi said.

"Ah?" Zhang Ya opened her mouth wide, clapped half of her palms, and stopped in mid-air.

Du Yi ignored her and walked straight towards the gate.

"Sister Du Yi, don't go so fast." Zhang Ya ran up and grabbed Du Yi's hand, "Let's go and plead with Manager Mo, he is not the kind of person who doesn't care about humanity. I made mistakes several times, It’s even bigger than this, and he didn’t even say that he would fire me. This time, he definitely won’t either. The most fine is a little money, and we have a bonus at the end of the year, so we can pay it back.”

Du Yi pulled Zhang Ya's hand away and said, "It's not because of this, don't think too much about it."

"Why is that?" Zhang Ya asked puzzled.

Du Yi was upset and didn't want to talk much at all. She said coldly: "It's all because of me. I'm leaving. Goodbye."

After speaking, he strode out the door.

After walking another few tens of meters, looking back, Zhang Ya was standing at the door watching from a distance, her two little hands were still wiping away her tears.

Du Yiben's anger disappeared instantly.

No matter how she thought about it before, she couldn't understand why she couldn't even make a bosom friend after she came out to work for so many years.

Now I understand a little bit.

It's all my fault that I seldom put myself in other people's shoes, and I am too wary.

However, if she missed it, she would miss it, and she really didn't want to go back.She waved at Zhang Ya, turned and ran to the bus that had just pulled into the station.

Get in the car and go home.

At home, Ah Qi was sitting at the table, clasping the bread with both hands, and was gnawing bite by bite, the bread crumbs were scattered all over the table.

Du Yi walked into the room and put down his backpack.

Walking out of the hall, wiped the tabletop with a paper towel, and said to Ah Qi, "Look at you, it's getting so dirty every day, it's so annoying."

Ah Qi bit the bread, froze, opened her eyes, and looked at Du Yi foolishly, not daring to make a sound.

Du Yi finished wiping the tabletop, threw the paper towels into the trash basket, and went into the kitchen to cook.

After dinner, Du Yi took out Ah Qi's notebook.

After flipping through several pages, there are phone numbers and the like, but I really can't see what's going on.

But Ah Qi valued this book so much in school before, it should be some important calls, who could it be?
Turning to the end, I saw a lot of words written on the back of the bottom cover, which seemed to be in Ah Qi's handwriting.

On the top is written "Shi Yun Fu", and on the second line is written "Northern Song Prime Minister Lu Mengzheng".

Du Yi hated reading since she was a child. Looking at the densely packed words, her head grew bigger.

"This should be Ah Qi's favorite poem. I can't tell that he is still such a sentimental person." She said to herself, and turned the book back to the first page.

The first page has more than 20 lines in clear handwriting.

She took out her mobile phone and hesitated for a long time.

This is Ah Qi's address book, and it should contain the phone numbers of Ah Qi's good friends.Now that Ah Qi is in trouble, it shouldn't be too much to look for them.However, if one day Ah Qi wakes up and finds out, how should he explain to him.

What should I do if I run into someone like the tea boss last time?

She propped her chin with her left hand, tapped the phone on the table with her right hand, and kept looking at Ah Qi.

Just sit there quietly.

After more than ten minutes, she took a deep breath and said, "It doesn't matter so much, the stomach is tight."

She dialed the number on the first page of the book.

The phone went through quickly.

"Hello, do you want some goods?" There was a male voice on the other end of the phone, who sounded like a man in his 40s.

Du Yi was stopped by his question.This person didn't even say hello, and he just asked a question when he came up, is he really familiar with Ah Qi?

She smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Luo Tian's friend."

"Who? Can't hear clearly, it's a bit noisy here, please speak up." The other party said.

Du Yi raised his voice and said, "Let me tell you, I am Luo Tian's friend."

"I really don't know what you're talking about. It's too noisy here. How about it, if you want something, come and get it from me." The other end of the phone said.

Du Yi had no choice, but he didn't want to just give up.She said loudly, "Then send me the address."

"Okay, I'll hang up first. I'll send a text message to your phone later." The other party seemed to be in a hurry, so he hung up the phone immediately after speaking.

Du Yi yelled "Hello", only to hear the beeping sound from the phone.

"Who is this!" Du Yi put the phone on the table.

After a while, the phone vibrated and the screen lit up.

Du Yi picked up the phone and took a look, the address was written on the message.

The other party really sent the address over!

The address is not too far away, it is a clothing wholesale market in Jiangbei City.

She had heard of the place but had never been there.

Since you don't have to go to work tomorrow, it's good to go and have a look.

She packed up her things, went back to her room and locked the door to sleep.

Early the next morning, she helped Ah Qi finish cooking, took a bite of bread and went out.

The transportation in Jiangbei City is pretty good, with buses extending in all directions, and after an hour or so, Du Yi found the clothing wholesale market.

This wholesale market is not close to the main road, and it is several hundred meters away.Between the two is a two-lane road, but there is no car on the road.Because people come and go, cars can't get in at all.

Those people are dragging big bags and small bags, walking in a hurry.

Du Yi frowned very much.Since she was a child, she hated crowding into crowded places, and the place looked a bit messy.

However, this is the place where Ah Qi once walked.

Now that they are all here, let's go over and have a look, and get familiar with Ah Qi's past.

She pursed her lips, followed the flowing crowd, and walked slowly inside.

After walking a few steps, she felt uncomfortable all over.

Who are these people? Their hair is fluffy, their shirts are one high and one low, and there is a foul smell of sweat from time to time.Also, those aunts who are big and big and thick, dragging small iron frame carts, shouting and drinking, it sounds very disgusting. ,

Du Yi really wanted to evacuate this place immediately, but when he looked back, the road was blocked by people rushing in.

She could only follow along.

In just a few hundred meters, it took a full 15 minutes.

Walking through the two-lane road is an archway.

Going further inside, there is a small square, which is much more spacious than that road.

Du Yi took a deep breath.

It's not easy after holding back for a long time.

She continued to walk, but saw a middle-aged woman frantically pulling the small cart, trying to pull the cart over the concrete steps.

Originally, the stairs were not high, and if the car was empty, it would not take much effort at all.But there is a big woven bag piled on top of this small cart, which is taller than the thin body of the middle-aged woman, which is a bit difficult.

Du Yi couldn't bear it, and when he walked past the woven bag, he quietly pushed it behind.

The car passed the steps smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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