Fool Qi

Chapter 70 Never Heard

Chapter 70 Never Heard
After a while, the shopkeeper brought over the mango sago.

Du Yi picked up the spoon and ate slowly, turning around from time to time to see if there were fewer people in the wholesale market.

But after turning his head several times, the bowl was almost bottomed out, and the man was still like a crucian carp in a river, not missing a bit.

Moreover, the originally good sunshine disappeared, and the sky became a little dark.

She was hesitating whether to leave or not.

Seeing her anxious face, the shopkeeper came over and asked, "Are you here to find someone?"

Du Yi was stunned for a moment, thinking that this shop owner is so powerful, he could tell what she was doing at a glance.She smiled and said, "Why don't you say that I'm here to wholesale clothes?"

The shopkeeper smiled slightly and said, "You are empty-handed, what kind of clothing are you wholesale. Besides, you have to do things early, how can you eat here so leisurely like you."

Du Yi realized that the shopkeeper blamed her for eating slowly.

She ate the rest of the sago in two or three strokes, took a tissue and wiped her mouth, and said, "You are really right, I just came here to find someone. He is in this wholesale market. There are too many, and I can't find others."

"Who are you looking for? If there are those who open the stalls inside, maybe I can help you order." The owner said.

It was only then that Du Yi remembered that Aunt Liu had asked her to come and ask the shopkeeper.

She quickly tapped the phone to the information interface, handed it to the shopkeeper, and said, "Just this address, do you know it?"

The shop owner leaned forward, took a look, then straightened his body, and said, "I know this address very well. The boss often comes to eat here. Do you know him?"

Du Yi put away his mobile phone and said, "I don't know him, but my boyfriend does. I have something to do with him."

"What's your boyfriend's name?" the shopkeeper asked.

"Luo Tian." Du Yi replied.

The shopkeeper frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know him. The shopkeeper's name is Chen Feng. Now is his busiest time. You will go to him now, and he probably doesn't have time to talk to you. Or, wait There are fewer people in the meeting, so you go again. The place is not difficult to find, just go in the door, the third row, turn right and the sixth stall is there."

Du Yi stood up and said, "Thank you for telling me this, how much is this mango sago dew, I will pay now."

"Don't be in a hurry to pay the bill. You can see that the people in this market will leave every hour. You should do it like this. You can order another drink, drink slowly, and wait." The owner said.

Du Yi looked back at the wholesale market.

There are really more people in that place, and there are no stools.

It's better to stay in this store.

"Alright then." She nodded, sat back in her seat, and ordered a glass of watermelon juice.

Just like that, she sat bored and swiped her phone for a clock.

Outside, it began to rain gradually.

She saw that there were fewer people walking around the gate of the market, so she stood up and paid the bill, and was about to go to find someone.

Just as I opened the umbrella and walked to the door of the store, I saw a little boy running over.

The little boy was about six or seven years old, wearing a yellow plaid shirt and brown trousers, with a pair of sandals on his feet, without an umbrella, with his hands clasped behind his head, trotting all the way.When he was about to reach the door of the store, the soles of his feet slipped, and he fell straight backward, splashing mud all over his body, and burst into tears in pain.

Holding the umbrella, Du Yi walked over and pulled him up, and led him into the small shop.

The little boy wiped his tears and kept crying.

Du Yi took the paper towel on the table next to him, and helped him wipe his drenched hair.

Suddenly, the little girl who was still doing her homework yelled: "Dad, look, you are crying a lot." After speaking, she put down her pen and ran towards the little boy.

The owner of the shop came out of the kitchen when he heard the shout, saw the little boy, and said angrily: "These people are really trying to make money, and they don't even care about the children."

He turned and went back to the kitchen, took out a clean towel, and helped the little boy wipe his face and hands.

"Duoduo, where are your parents? Why didn't you come with you?" the shopkeeper asked the little boy.

The little boy stopped crying and said, "They're still in the store. I'm hungry, so I came here first."

"Are you hungry? Noodles or noodles?" asked the owner.

"Lean meat powder." The little boy replied.

"Okay, just sit down and we'll have it right away." The owner finished speaking and walked back to the kitchen.

Du Yi checked that nothing was wrong, so he held an umbrella and walked towards the entrance of the wholesale market.

With the owner's guidance, she quickly found the store.

It is said to be a store, but it is actually a small grid space filled with clothes.

At the door of the store, two people were busy counting their clothes. It seemed that they were the Chen Feng and his wife that the owner of the sugar water store was talking about.

Du Yi walked over and said to the man, "Hi, my name is Du Yi. We talked on the phone yesterday."

The man raised his head and asked, "Ah, my name is Chen Feng, are you here to get the goods?"

Du Yi shook his head and said, "No."

"Then what do you want from me?" Chen Feng asked.

Du Yi said: "It's like this, I'm Luo Tian's girlfriend..."

"Who?" Chen Feng interrupted Du Yi.

"Luo Tian, ​​you should know him." Du Yi said.

Chen Feng raised his head, touched his head for a long time, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Seeing his bewildered expression, Du Yi froze.

Who are the people recorded in Ah Qi's phone book!The other party couldn't remember for a long time.

She sighed in disappointment and said, "Haven't heard of it? Forget it. Maybe I found the wrong person, sorry."

"It's okay." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he continued to lower his head and tidy up the clothes on the ground.

Suddenly, the woman who was still sitting on the ground shouted: "Where is Duoduo? Where is Duoduo?"

Only then did Chen Feng notice that his son was gone, put down the clothes in his hand, and shouted to the surroundings: "A lot, a lot!"

The woman also put down the clothes in her hands, jumped up from the ground, and shouted in shock: "Duo Duo, Duo Duo!" Seeing no one responded, she didn't care about putting on her shoes, and ran barefoot.

Du Yi heard them calling Duoduo, and quickly stopped them: "Are you looking for your son?"

The couple rushed to Du Yi as if they had found a life-saving straw, and said anxiously, "Yes, yes, how many times have you seen our son?"

"I just saw a little boy at the sugar store across the street. Everyone called him Duoduo. He should be your son." Du Yi said.

The woman ran out as fast as she could.

Chen Feng didn't run away, he said to Du Yi: "Thank you, thank you so much. Otherwise, we would be really anxious to death."

"You're welcome." After Du Yi finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave.There was no information she wanted here.

"Hey, Miss Du, is that right? I think it's rare for you to come here, and you probably want to wholesale clothes. Take a look at these clothes. If you think it's suitable, I'll sell it to you at a low price. Just take it as my thank you." Chen Feng pointed to the clothes on the ground and said.

Du Yi looked at it.

The clothes are all jeans, which look quite new, and the style is not as good as those in those shopping malls, but there should still be people buying them on the street.

Since the other party said that it was sold at a low price, let's try it. Anyway, I haven't worked recently.

She walked over, picked up one of the jeans, and touched it.

 I just noticed today that there are still comments in the chapter.I'm really sorry, I didn't think carefully, and wrote some poisonous points, if you encounter it, just skip it.I will try to write better later, thank you for your support!Originally, I wanted to thank everyone for the reward one by one in the chapter, but I was too tired after get off work every day.I will add it later.

(End of this chapter)

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