Chapter 102
Tian Cheng returned home in the afternoon, saw that the sun was still high, entered the room and drank a glass of water, after a short pause, he greeted Lian Ying: "I'll go to Li Ji, and discuss with your father about going to see his old classmate the day after tomorrow. .” After speaking, he rode his bicycle to his father-in-law’s house.

When he arrived at his father-in-law's house, Ren Fanping was watering a few potted flowers planted in the yard, seeing Tian Cheng's arrival, he seemed to have guessed something, and said casually: "Looking at your time, you must have made contact, right? "

"It's really hard to hide anything from your eyes." Tian Cheng felt that this old father-in-law was different from ordinary people. After all, he was a rare cultural person in the countryside. He could guess many things in other people's hearts, and guessed That's right.

"On this matter, at this time, there must be some clues, otherwise we wouldn't be in such a hurry." Ren Fanping's words made sense, and Tian Cheng was indeed a little anxious.

"I really came here this time to tell you about this. Your old classmate will come back from BJ tomorrow, so let's go the day after tomorrow. Do you think it's okay? And I've also thought about the gifts to bring. This is the first time. It's not appropriate to bring pastries, tobacco and alcohol when meeting up, I think it's fine to bring some specialties from our lake area." Tian Cheng said to the old father-in-law in front of him in detail.

"Good special products, what special products are you planning to bring?" Ren Fanping was very interested in Tian Cheng's idea. Today, Tian Cheng's actions are a bit like his own back then. He never cared about money. He has always believed in one truth all his life, that is, "everything is gone." Come back again", so whether he has money or not, he has never been stingy or deliberate in helping others and being a good person.

"How about buying two old turtles from the lake and pairing them with our home-raised native chicken?" Tian Cheng expressed his thoughts.

"It's really like this. People in institutions will never be short of pastries, tobacco and alcohol. Don't tell me, it's really not easy to eat our local chicken! The broiler chicken that is popular now, I heard Those chickens are raised for two or three months before being slaughtered, and the taste is not the same as that of self-raised native chickens. In the county town, there are really not many opportunities to eat our home-raised native chickens." Ren Fanping thinks Tian Cheng thought very carefully, and the price of the two old turtles is not cheap at the moment!

"That's right, so I'll go to the lake cliff tomorrow morning to see if there are any. If not, I'll go to the market and have a look to make sure it's fresh and fresh." Tian Cheng was very happy with his old father-in-law's approval, and felt that he had a good relationship with Zhi Zhi. People always feel so relaxed when they talk and do things, and they can get the answers they want without any effort to explain.

Tian Cheng saw that his old father-in-law had approved it, so he said to his old father-in-law: "Then I'll go back first, and I'll bring you some clothes to see if it suits you!" He said and took a handbag from the handlebar of the motorcycle Come, and took out a brand new white shirt from his bag, handed it to Ren Fanping, and then took out a pair of black trousers.

"It seems that I have to wear this, otherwise I won't let people look at us as shabby!" Ren Fanping said as he opened the package, unfolded it and put it on his body, as if it was tailor-made. In terms of social status, Tian Cheng unfolded his trousers, handed them to his father-in-law and said, "It really depends on who wears the clothes. With your figure and this clothes, no one will doubt that you are the leader."

Ren Fanping made Tiancheng laugh: "Look at what you said, it's not your credit for my appearance, who are you praising?"

Tian Cheng immediately felt that he was boasting, and was a little embarrassed to continue.

"I don't worry if you wear this clothes properly, then I'll go back." Tian Cheng then pushed the motorcycle out of the gate.

Tian Cheng was very happy with his old father-in-law's satisfaction. Only by coaxing him to be happy can he move forward with the matter of going to see Mr. Liang himself. If he is not willing to go, even if he forces him to go, the result may be counterproductive. Old father-in-law He is very clear about his temper.

Ren Fanping, who left Ren Fanping's house, did not go home. He was worried that he would not be able to buy suitable turtles tomorrow morning, so he might as well go to the lake to see if there are any ready-made turtles at the fisherman's place. , If you don’t have it, you can tell me to call it up tomorrow and keep it for yourself. This kind of thing has always been rare, and sometimes you can’t get a satisfactory product after more than ten days.

The speed of the motorcycle is really as fast as the wind as the rural people say. Before seeing the sun move, he has already arrived on the lake embankment. He saw several fishermen packing their nets on the second beach of the lake embankment. The beach ramp slowly drove down.

"Master, have you caught any turtles weighing more than three catties recently?" Tian Cheng who stopped the car asked an elder who was packing the fishing nets.

"How many do you want to buy?" The old elder ordered Tian Cheng up and down, and asked loudly in a drawn out tone.

"How many of these things can you ask for? Two are enough!" Tian Cheng was overjoyed for a moment, he didn't expect that today's luck would be so good, and it would never happen that he bought a turtle when he was away from relatives. When he came today, he asked right away It was inevitable that he would be surprised.

"It's not to pour cold water on you. There are very few of these things, and you need more than three catties, which is even more difficult. Even if there are, it is difficult to find two that are so heavy." Said urgently.

"According to what you said, it's not easy to buy?" Tian Cheng was really like riding a roller coaster, the gap was huge, and the surprise just now gave birth to a bit of disgust.

"As the saying goes, a thousand-year-old tortoise, a ten-thousand-year tortoise, you want a tortoise weighing more than three catties, and it is difficult to grow so big if it is not more than five years old. Since I left the production team, the number of fishers has increased in the past two years, and it has also increased. There are quite a few electric fishing devices, think about it, how can there be so many bastards, let alone more than three catties. Even if there are, the price will not be cheap." The elder said these words without dragging his head. Rather, it was very fluent, without any suspicion of procrastination, Tian Cheng guessed that the older man heard the reason why it was difficult to catch bastards weighing more than three catties, so he deliberately dragged his voice to make him happy.

"The price is not the problem, the most important thing is whether you can find it?" Tian Cheng continued to ask a little impatiently.

"If you want to find something like this, you need to go to the bastard in my village. He is famous for being good at catching turtles. If he can't catch them, don't expect others to catch them." The elder looked at Tian Cheng anxiously. With a serious look, he said.

"How did you find the bastard in your village?" Tian Cheng asked immediately.

"Look, that young man squatting in the cage." The elder pointed to the front and said.

Following the elder's fingers, Tian Cheng noticed that there was a young man squatting there not far away, and the reeds were swimming in his hands as if they were threading through flowers.

"Thank you, I'll go ask him!" Tian Cheng politely smiled at the elder, walked to the young man and stopped.

"May I ask who you are?" Tian Cheng was embarrassed to say the word "asshole", and deliberately used an official accent.

"You can just call me Erdan. I heard what you said to my second uncle just now. Although the name Erdan is not pleasant, it was also given by my parents. Nowadays, the name Erdan is often mentioned among fishermen. , there is no one who does not admire our ability to catch bastards." Er Dan looked up at Tian Cheng who was standing beside him, and smiled brightly, with the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing two small canine teeth.

"Then do you have goods over three catties?" Tian Cheng felt that since he had this title, he should be worthy of it. There has always been a saying in the countryside that "you don't have this diamond, so don't do this porcelain job". Is it not easy to use?
"Don't talk about three catties, it's five catties. We've caught them before, but..." Er Dan hesitated.

"What?" Tian Cheng felt a chill in his heart.

"It's just that there are two at home. I caught them this morning. They're really big, but I didn't weigh them. I'm just waiting for a customer like you to sell them for a good price!" Er Dan patted Wei Ye'er on his body, stood up and said .

"Then let's go to the house and have a look!" Tian Cheng felt that as long as there was something in stock, no matter how old he was, he would look at it first.

"Well, I'm not close to home!" Erdan frowned.

"It doesn't matter, don't I have a motorcycle here?" Tian Cheng pointed to the motorcycle parked there and reminded.

"Come on, let's go home and have a look." Er Dan said and walked straight to Tian Cheng's motorcycle.

Tian Cheng followed closely behind.

Er Dan walked up behind the elder who had communicated with Tian Cheng just now and said: "Second Uncle, I won't be coming back after I finished reading, please help me clean up the cage just now, so that no one will accidentally step on it!"

"Okay, let's go!" The elder agreed without even raising his eyes.

Erdan got on Tiancheng's motorcycle, and the two of them went directly to the village not far from the river embankment.

What Er Dan said is not close, in fact, it is less than two miles away. If they walk off the boat according to them, it will indeed take more than ten minutes to walk, but for Tiancheng's motorcycle, it takes only three to two minutes. Arrived at Erdan's house.

The wall made of soil is no taller than a person. There are two broken wooden doors under the herringbone-shaped hermitage at the gate. The wooden doors do not have padlocks. "Squeak" a crack opened.Entering through the wooden door, one can see three adobe thatched cottages. The courtyard is empty except for a large vat. This is Erdan's home.

"Where's your family?" Tian Cheng felt a little deserted and asked casually.

"I am a family member. My parents are gone. My brother and sister-in-law have separated from me. Now I am alone. The others don't know how to catch fish, shrimps and turtles from childhood. I rely on this work to support myself." Erdan said Speaking of these words, I didn't feel heavy at all, but seemed very relaxed, as if I didn't care at all.Tian Cheng didn't answer, and was secretly praised by the bastard for his optimism towards life.

Erdan walked to the vat in the courtyard, lifted the lid on the vat, scooped up half a scoop of cold water, drank it "gudong, gudong", then took out the key to open the door of the thatched cottage, and walked in. The room was a bit dark, Tian Cheng Noticing that there is still a tank in the house, but this tank is not as big as the one in the yard. There is a cover strung together with sorghum poles, and half a brick is pressed on it. Er Dan opened the tank cover and stretched his head to look inside. He said: "Look, there are only two of them. Yesterday, I got lucky and caught these two big bastards. I was very happy at that time. I didn't expect that the guests who came in the morning would not be willing to give money. What a disappointment!"

Although it was a bit dark, Tian Cheng could still see clearly that the two turtles in the tank were really not small, one at least weighed more than three catties?

"Are you by the piece or by the catty?" Tian Cheng stared at the old turtle at the bottom of the tank and asked.

"I don't have a scale here, press one, if you want both, I can get you a little cheaper." Erdan's words revealed a bit of boldness.

"Then you need both." Tian Cheng felt that if he missed this village, there would be no such shop, and if he didn't buy it, he would lose the chance to buy it. Besides, he was waiting to use it the day after tomorrow, so how could there be so many choices?

"If you want both, you need this number." Erdan stretched out his right hand, stretched out his index finger and thumb, and bent down the other three fingers.

Tian Cheng understood that he wanted 80 yuan.

"See, you're good at doing business!" Tian Cheng wanted to praise Er Dan by this, but he never thought that Er Dan didn't understand Tian Cheng's meaning, and might think that it was a little expensive, so he changed his fingers, and five fingers pressed against each other. pinched together.

"[-]% off!" Tian Cheng deliberately joked.

Er Dan shook his head, sighed and said, "So you don't know the goods, so you won't sell them!"

"I won't sell it anywhere. Let's accept the price you said, okay?" Tian Cheng saw that it was not early, and wanted to buy it as soon as possible, so he said in a negotiating tone.

"That's the price." Er Dan still pinched his fingers together and said.

"Deal!" Tian Cheng took out the money and gave it to Erdan, and added: "If I book with you someday, can it be cheaper?"

"As long as you are straightforward, it can be cheap, you just come to me." Er Dan said, nodding the money.

Er Dan took the good money, found a woven bag in the room, quickly put two bastards into the bag, twisted it around his mouth, rolled it up, handed it to Tian Cheng and said: "As long as the price is fair, don't be fooled." Lie Lie, we can make a deal and become friends, just come and find me if you want to eat bastard!"

"Okay, I'll look for you next time!" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he came out with the woven bag, and said in his heart: "It seems that Uncle Liang is really a rich man, so he came across such a good thing by chance, and bought it easily I got it, it seems that this trip will be as smooth as a gift!"

When Tian Cheng came out of Erdan's village, the red glow in the west had already receded, and the sky was getting dark. Tian Cheng turned on the lights, whistled, and drove towards his home in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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