Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 109 Thoughtful

Chapter 109 Thoughtful

Since the old Mu's house was built, Yang Qinglin hadn't been home. He rested in the temporary shack on the construction site every night. He was very careful, and he was a little worried about his daughter's construction site.

When Lao Mu and Xiuhua arrived at home, Mu Yan was packing up the tableware. Seeing her parents came back, Mu Yan hurried to the kitchen to serve the leftover meal on the table.

"We just finished eating, and the food was not cold yet. Grandpa was worried about the materials on the construction site, so he was in a hurry to go to the construction site after eating." Mu Yan said while preparing the dishes.

"Where's your brother?" Xiuhua asked.

"He followed grandpa to our construction site!" Mu Yan replied.

Old Mu didn't say a word, perhaps because he was a little hungry after running so much, he just sat down and ate steamed buns in big mouthfuls.

Xiuhua looked at Lao Mu as if he hadn't eaten for a few days, and reminded: "Slow down, don't choke!"

Old Mu still didn't say a word.

"What's the matter, it seems that I fainted from hunger!" Xiuhua said again.

"Hurry up, I'm going to talk to my uncle after eating!" Old Mu obviously had something on his mind, and the two of them chatted happily along the way, but when they got home, they seemed to be different people, Xiuhua felt very puzzled, When Lao Mu mentioned that he wanted to talk to his father about something, he had a premonition that Lao Mu didn't know what to worry about. After all, he was a man, and he always thought about one thing so much.

Xiuhua ate a little with Lao Mu, and then told Mu Yan to clean up the leftovers on the table.

"Close the door at home, let's go to our construction site to pick up your brother!!" Xiuhua said, and accompanied Lao Mu to the construction site.

When they arrived at the building site, Lao Mu took advantage of the moonlight to see Yang Qinglin sitting outside the temporary shack.

"Grandpa, do you think Chang'e on the moon will come down?" Mu Bao asked Yang Qinglin, and Lao Mu overheard him. Before Yang Qinglin could answer, Lao Mu said, "Chang'e is just a character in a myth, made up by people. Yes, so it doesn't exist at all, how did you say it came down?"

"Based on what you said, isn't that a lie?" Mu Bao asked Lao Mu.

"This is a story. The stories are all fake and unreliable, but he is just explaining a truth to people, and also expressing people's yearning and pursuit. Follow your mother home and do your homework, or you will be sleepy for a while. There is a way to write it!" Lao Mu said a little strangely.

"My homework is finished!!" Mu Bao said reluctantly.

"After finishing writing, go home and go to sleep, don't pester your grandpa here!" Old Mu's voice was a little impatient.

Yang Qinglin heard the resentment in Lao Mu's voice, and immediately smoothed things over and said to Xiuhua: "Little boy, he has to go to school tomorrow, you take him home to rest, and we two have a few words."

Xiuhua followed to bring Mu Bao back, worrying that Mu Bao would influence Lao Mu to discuss matters with his father, so she lied to Mu Bao and said, "Your sister is afraid at home, come home with me to accompany your sister." Mu Bao's hand, walked to the house.

Although Mu Bao didn't know what to say, he followed Xiuhua reluctantly.

"Uncle, we went to school just now." Old Mu said to Yang Qinglin.

"I heard from Mu Yan, did you find out anything at school?" Yang Qinglin asked with concern.

Lao Mu explained in detail what he learned from Liu Xuchang and Zhang Ran, and finally said: "This matter may not be as complicated as we thought, at least this liar is not Mu Zhen's classmate, Mu Zhen went to school since childhood, and she has the courage It's a little small, so he won't easily cause trouble. As for today's incident, there are various situations, but we make this matter complicated, so we think too much. I think you don't have to go to school tomorrow. , I believe that if a liar goes to lie to Mu Zhen, it will just exercise Mu Zhen's ability to distinguish between good and bad, there is no need to remind him, it will be like a mess!"

After Lao Mu finished speaking, he took out a cigarette and lit it, hoping to hear Yang Qinglin's opinion.

Yang Qinglin took advantage of the light from Lao Mu's match and saw Lao Mu's face, expressionless and tense. It was obvious that Lao Mu was still in deep thought.

"This matter looks complicated, but it is actually very simple. The key is mentality. When I went home for dinner, I heard Mu Yan say that you went to school, which reminded me of a past event that has been in my heart for many years." After all, Yang Qinglin also An old Jianghu, he speaks better than others.

"What happened in the past?" Lao Mu immediately respected the old father-in-law in front of him.

"Speaking of this, it was a past event when I was young. Since there was no loss at that time, I have never told anyone about it for so many years. In fact, this past event is very similar to today's event. When I was young, I went out to do some small business with people, and I often went home once a month or two, and the longest time I didn’t go home until half a year. In those years, the transportation was inconvenient and the time to go back and forth was too long. "Yang Qinglin paused for a moment, and then said: "One time, I had been out for more than three months, and an unexpected guest came to my house suddenly, and told the old man at home that he was my friend, saying that I fell ill in a foreign hotel, not only I don’t have any money for medical treatment, and I don’t even have money to go home, so I want to take some travel expenses from home!”

"Do you know this person?" Lao Mu interjected.

"Where did I know him? He didn't know me at all, but he spoke clearly and logically. The mother at home was very anxious when she heard it, and wanted to raise some money for him to take along with her. Wouldn't that be in the hands of this man, but the old father didn't believe what he said. Just tell him, if you know where my son is, why don't you lend him some money, and then let him come to the house to get some money, why bother to go to the house to get some money now, this will not only delay the illness, but also live in the hospital. Does the store just increase the fees?" Yang Qinglin coughed because of the smoke from Lao Mu, coughing twice in succession, interrupting what he had just said.

"It seems that the old man is very intelligent!" Mu Zhen took this opportunity to praise the old man.

"He can read a few words and knows a thing or two about the world, so how can he be easily fooled?" After Yang Qinglin finished speaking, he looked up at the sky and continued: "The words of the old man made that liar dumb. Speechless, actually said, I will report to you, don't you give me two money?"

"Hehe!" Lao Mu laughed when he heard this, and said, "There is still money to be paid, and if you don't break the dog's legs, it's already good!"

"The old man is more reliable. He said that there is still a reward. Wait a minute. I will ask someone to borrow some. After finishing speaking, I will go out and make arrangements for the family members. I will report to the village chief and bring some people. Come back to the old man. Stabilized him at home, took care of the housework, and waited for the village head to bring someone in. As a result, the person was a little anxious and proposed to go back first and come back tomorrow. Immediately grab that person and press him to the ground." Yang Qinglin stopped at this point.

"No wonder you knew it was a liar today as soon as you heard it?" Lao Mu boasted.

"I don't think you'll know what happened next, but after being interrogated by the village chief, the liar never even met me. He only heard from hearsay that I hadn't come back after going out for a long time, and he asked people for my name and where I lived. Where? Do you think it's strange?" Yang Qinglin put a question mark on Lao Mu.

"There's nothing strange about this. After all, it was a time of chaos. Besides, if you've been away for so long and you've been away for a long time, it's inevitable that some accidents will happen. It's normal for people to take advantage of the loopholes. It seems that he is just idle. Lie, the master who runs away when he can't be fooled." Lao Mu analyzed.

"Yes, that's it. My family was a little worried about me. It just happened to be a coincidence. I went home the next day. When my family told me about it, I smiled and told them that it's fortunate that I came back, otherwise I don't know what to do. Why are you worried about me?" Yang Qinglin stopped again, as if he reserved time for Lao Mu to ask questions.

"Then how to deal with this liar!" Lao Mu asked eagerly, interested in the liar.

"What can I do? I finally let it go. In those years, the government was in a state of panic. How could I care about it? I came back safely. I don't have to worry about it at home. Later, my family didn't let me go out anyway, and they helped me to get engaged. In this way, I never left home and never traveled far." Yang Qinglin said with a sigh.

"Then our matter may be the same as what you said. The difference is that the money was cheated. Although it is not much, we don't need to say anything more, so as not to make people laugh!" Lao Mu said, pinching the cigarette butt off.

"So this incident is not as terrible as we thought. The terrible thing is that it frightened us all. Maybe I was not wrong for not going out at that time, but there is no need to make a fuss about us Mu Zhen now. I agree with you. You don’t need to go to school tomorrow, let’s cover this matter up and stop it!” Yang Qinglin mentioned this past incident, showing that he had thought about this matter carefully and agreed with Lao Mu’s opinion.

The two talked about building a house again, Lao Mu bid farewell to Yang Qinglin and went home.

(End of this chapter)

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