Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 114 Preparatory Regulations

Chapter 114 Preparatory Regulations
As soon as Tian Cheng walked to the drying yard in the east of the village, he heard the school bell rang. He knew it was the bell for school in the afternoon, and then he heard the children's cheers coming from the campus. Laughing and screaming, Tian Cheng immediately brought Tian Cheng back to his childhood memories. At that time, he was the shortest and sat in the first row. Every time after school, when the teacher stepped off the podium, he would always step on the teacher's footsteps and be the first to rush out. classroom, and then bounced and chased in the yard before going home together.

Just as Tian Cheng was walking and immersed in memories, the children rushed out of the school gate like cheerful rabbits, jumping, cheering, and galloping towards him like arrows, the dishonest boy teasingly passed by from time to time The girl, the girl let out a long scream, followed by cursing, mixed with the children's booing to form a symphony after school, this piece is very classic, this piece is very long, decades , it seems that there is no change, a tune that continues to the present and will be passed down to the future.

Soon, the children on the road dispersed and returned to their own homes. Tian Cheng noticed that among the teachers walking out of the school gate, there was no figure of Lao Mu.Several male and female teachers who came out greeted him, but he didn't see Lao Mu coming out. He was a little puzzled, isn't he at school?

While thinking, Wang Sanyuan came out of the house and greeted him: "Nephew, do you have something to do at school?"

"Uncle, I'm here to find Old Brother Mu, isn't he at school?" Tian Cheng immediately responded.

"At school, he always has to work overtime these two days, you can go to the office to see, it should be there." Wang Sanyuan reminded.

"Okay, then I'll go in and look for him!" Tian Cheng said before entering the school gate.

Although it is a school in the village, he hasn't come for some days. The campus is quiet, except for the small flower beds in front of a row of houses, there is no vegetation. The campus is small and very clean, as if it has just been cleaned. Approaching the front row of classrooms, except for the main room near the east end which was still open, the rest of the classrooms were all locked. He knew that if Lao Mu hadn't left, he must be in the unlocked main room.

Tian Cheng stood at the door and deliberately coughed in a low voice. The old Mu in the room seemed to recognize his voice, and came out to meet him: "It sounds like it's you, and you're still pretending to be a little mysterious, come in and talk!"

"You are so close to home, you still need to work overtime!" Tian Cheng blamed this old classmate for being too attentive.

"Don't mention it, isn't the holiday an educational reform plan? Submit it, and say that I will revise it according to the actual situation. No, I made some changes in the afternoon, and I haven't finished it yet. The higher ups are still waiting to submit the draft?" While talking, Lao Mu went to the desk to tidy up the stack of papers.

"Didn't I come to disturb your train of thought?" Tian Cheng said deliberately to blame himself.

"Look at what you said, I welcome you when you come, how can you say that you are bothering me? Besides, I will put it aside for a while when you come, and it will not be too late to do it at night! Just tell me, what's the matter?" the old man Mu knew that Tian Cheng must have something to do when he came to him.

"It's really a tacit understanding. Our hearts are connected. If there is something to do, there will be something to do!" Tian Cheng then brought up his idea of ​​expanding his business.

"Expanding your business is a good thing. As long as you have an idea, you don't need to be like an old lady who binds your feet. You can do big things with ease. I will always support your idea!" I totally agree with the idea of ​​the crew. Although he doesn't know how much money he can make, he is very clear at the moment that no matter what he does, as long as he is not blind and does not lose money in business, he has seen an eternal truth from the history books, that It is the change of dynasties and the changing times. It is precisely the best time for economic recovery and waiting for prosperity. What's more, the country has provided good policies for economic development?

"But the current situation we are facing is the problem of funds!" Tian Cheng then briefly talked about the refund of Yue'e's family in the village due to urgent need for money.

"This is a big problem. Given your current situation, can you solve what you want to do without using this part of the funds?" Lao Mu asked tentatively.

"If you don't use everyone's money, I will be like an old lady's foot wrap as you said just now, bound very much, but if I have this part of funds, it will be much easier to do things, you know, I I want to be bigger than I am now, but I can’t figure out the way to go, and I don’t know the direction of development. Recently, I have been thinking about how to do it next if I want to grow bigger. Funding, projects, and operations are all key issues. " Tian Cheng stopped here, as if he intentionally gave time for Lao Mu to express his opinions.

"I understand that the most important thing for you now is capital. Solving the capital problem is the prerequisite for doing great things. With the current development, you can't complete the original capital accumulation. You need to take a bigger step and operate faster. Thinking a little more broadly, isn't it like this?" Lao Mu summed up Tian Cheng's thoughts in three points.

"You don't need to go into details, you know my heart too well. In this way, there must be a regulation for fund preparation. Otherwise, you can withdraw as much as you want, and I can withdraw as much as you want. If there are more funds in operation, then every Just dealing with these problems every day will be too busy, don't you think?" Tian Cheng finally left the problem to Lao Mu.

Lao Mu didn't answer Tian Cheng's question right away, and was very puzzled by the words Tian Cheng mentioned "more money, more money". With the current amount of people's income in the village, even if the whole village withdraws together, it won't make Tian Cheng If there is any difficulty in the operation, unless he has a bigger plan, why does he have to set up regulations?

"If you set up regulations, it means that you still need to absorb funds, and the amount is not too small, right?" Old Mu saw that Tian Cheng needed funds, and it was very difficult to get a loan, so he could only rely on the idle funds of the villagers. It is not a small sum to add up.

"Yes, a few days ago, the villagers in the neighboring village heard that our village was divided into dividends, and many people came to join our pig farm, so I want them all to join, and the way of entry has also changed, that is, Turn dividends into interest, at least [-]% of the annual interest rate is guaranteed. I just came from your construction site, and a worker happened to hear about my method. He said that the interest rate is higher than that of the bank. I have a sudden idea. , then we will come to join with a high interest rate, which is limited to one year. First, it can be handled in a centralized manner. Second, there is a clear deadline, and the refund will not be so complicated at that time. If we do this, there is no regulation. Don't you think so?" Tian Cheng spoke out his thoughts in a flash.

"This is a good way. If you have money, you can naturally make things bigger. Only when you get bigger can you quickly complete the original capital accumulation and accumulate strength for the next step of development. Since you came to me to talk about these things, I think this regulation is natural. You want me to write it for you, right?" What Lao Mu said clearly, his understanding of Tian Cheng was not achieved in a day.

"You said it right from the bottom of my heart. I came here to ask you to make a regulation. When the time comes, we will act according to the regulation. After we have accumulated the funds for our own operation, we still worry about not being able to attract the Golden Phoenix?" Tian Cheng said with his hands. Said with a cornucopia gesture.

"When do you plan to ask for this regulation? I'm a little busy right now, and another thing is that I think there is still one person in our village who has to come to discuss this regulation!" Lao Mu said after thinking for a while.

"You mean Brother Tianshun, right?" Tian Cheng immediately thought of Tianshun's shrewdness and care.

"It's him. This matter can't be done without him. His little account calculation is smarter than anyone else's. If he is hired to do this, I think it will be much better than the two of us, don't you think?" It's not too much for Mu to say this, Tian Cheng also thought of him, but he couldn't complete it independently, and it had to be the old Mu in front of him who wrote it down.

"Pull him in, let's make a decision together. I'll go find him from you and let him make it first. After you finish your work, the three of us will meet again to make a decision. What do you think?" Tian Cheng was afraid of delaying Lao Mu's work. matter, so this opinion is put forward.

"This is the best way. My education reform plan will probably only take two days. After two days, I will go to your house and make an appointment with Tianshun to make this regulation. The three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang!" Old Mu's words amused Tian Cheng laughed.

"Then it's a deal, I'll go first, and you should go home for dinner!" After speaking, he left the school and walked directly to Tianshun's house.

(End of this chapter)

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