Chapter 121
In late autumn, the bent rice fields on both sides of the road are already golden, and the breeze is blowing, as if they are nodding to the people. .Walking up the embankment, the pagoda tree on both sides of the bank has been covered with a layer of gold at some point. Although it is not shining, it is very dazzling under the sunlight.

Mu Zhen was attracted by the autumn scenery, and casually recited a sentence of Cao Pi's "The autumn wind is bleak and the weather is cool, the grass and trees shake and the dew turns to frost, and the swallows return to Nanxiang".

"Good poetry, good poetry!" Hu Guoqing praised.

"Do you have any impression of this song "Yan Ge Xing"?" Mu Zhen asked.

"No, I really haven't read it. I just heard that this poem is written naturally. First, the invisible and intangible autumn wind, and then the grass and trees in nature. The author then left the still life and turned to the flying birds that are alive and loved by the people. , the order is properly arranged, as if they were picked up by hand, and they are intertwined, making people feel emotional. The following must be a sentence of love!" Hu Guoqing's comments were not expected by Mu Zhen. He has read this poem many times and can say it casually, but he has never understood it so incisively. He is amazed by Hu Guoqing's understanding.

"You guessed it right. The following is written from the scene, writing about the yearning for people. I saw the autumn scenery, and I just chanted ancient poems. You just said that you have important things to discuss with me. I haven't listened to it yet. What do you want to say?" Mu Zhen stopped commenting on the ancient poem and immediately changed the subject.

"Let's start with my personal affairs. Since I entered school, I have trouble falling asleep every night. I really want to have a companion to accompany me, so I want you to go home with me to solve my loneliness. Secondly, I also have a teacher who I can ask about in my studies, do you think it is okay?" Hu Guoqing's words immediately evoked Mu Zhen's memories.

"When I was in Binhu Middle School, if I didn't live with my classmates, maybe I wouldn't have caused that seemingly inhuman debt. Now Hu Guoqing wants to let me live with him. It's hard to say whether he is happy or worried. !" Mu Zhen thought, but didn't speak.

Hu Guoqing looked at Mu Zhen's silent expression, and asked with some doubts, "Do you have any difficulties?"

"No, no!" Mu Zhen responded as if she had just woken up from a sleep.

"Then why don't you speak?" Hu Guoqing continued to ask.

"Does your mother agree?" Mu Zhen asked for a reason.

"I've already told her in detail what we know, she agrees and welcomes you to stay with me at our house!" Hu Guoqing said without thinking.

"I'm afraid that going to your house will cause trouble for you!" Mu Zhen deliberately made an excuse, and it was inconvenient to talk about her past.

"What's the trouble? My mother was afraid that you would disagree, so she asked me to discuss it with you!" Hu Guoqing became happy. From Hu Guoqing's point of view, Mu Zhen didn't object to what Mu Zhen said, that is, she agreed to accompany her. Myself, so I continued with a little excitement: "You don't need to bring the bedding, anyway, I have everything there! Let's just make it so, if you don't believe me, go to my house with me now to have a look!"

Mu Zhen hesitated for a moment. Seeing this, Hu Guoqing took Mu Zhen's hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to my house now. If you are not satisfied, I won't force you to come!" Jane walked to her home.

Walking along the embankment, within a few minutes, I saw the village under the embankment. Mu Zhen knew that this village was Xiali Village. Hu Guoqing had mentioned to himself that this village was located in the bend of the river. According to Fengshui, the old people say that the village is located in a bend of the river, and the population is thriving, so talented people come out, so the ancestors of Xiali Village settled here and established a village here, which has a history of more than [-] years.

Standing on the embankment and looking at it, the village is very compact, and the yards of each house are not very big, but they are scattered and unique.Mu Zhen followed Hu Guoqing down the embankment, entered the East-West Avenue in the village, headed east, then turned south again, and walked for about a few minutes. Hu Guoqing stopped at the door of a house. In the courtyard of the red brick and red tile house, the gate was locked. Hu Guoqing took out the key and opened the big lock on the gate. With a "squeak" he pushed open the two wooden gates. He said they were gates, but they were actually two. The wooden door is not much wider than the door of the house. The red brick walls on both sides of the wooden door just block the sight of adults.Walking into the courtyard, one can see a rectangular courtyard surrounded by four main rooms and two auxiliary rooms. The courtyard is very clean. There is a large bed on the east wall, which is a common large bed in rural areas. From the head of the bed, it is obvious that the bed is covered with foil woven from sorghum poles. On top of the foil is a new mattress with a brand new white A new quilt with blue checks and a bright red quilt stacked neatly on top of the quilt.Against the west wall is a writing desk with bookcases at both ends, and a single desk is placed side by side with the writing desk. Hu Guoqing's study books are placed on the writing desk.There is a one-meter-long incandescent tube hanging above the desk, which is rare in rural areas.In addition to these, a clothesline is slanted from the south window to the east wall in the house, and a few summer clothes of Hu Guoqing are simply hung on it.

Mu Zhen scanned the whole room carefully. From this room, it can be seen that the owner is a person who loves cleanliness and is also a very particular person. This reminds him of the bed he lives in at home. The planks and bricks are built together, although they are simple, but they are also strong. Compared with them, they are quite different, and they are so insignificant!In Mu Zhen's opinion, this kind of big bed is only available for children from families with better conditions.Mu Zhen didn't expect that from this bed, the condition of Hu Guoqing's family is quite good, and walking into this simply furnished hut, Mu Zhen immediately felt that Hu Guoqing's parents must be a slightly educated and Still hard-working parents.

"Come and see!" Hu Guoqing greeted Mu Zhen.

Mu Zhen walked over and saw a writing brush on a corner of the writing desk, and an old-fashioned inkstone beside it. Hu Guoqing pointed to the inkstone and said: "This is left by my grandfather's grandfather. It has been passed down to me at least. A hundred years!"

"Your ancestors were also from a scholarly family!" Mu Zhen asked.

"I heard from my grandfather that not only is it from a scholarly family, but also that the father and son in the village came from our family, but because the family is not rich, so every time we pass the exam, we sell the red-capped son for a few dollars, and then go to the village. Did you know that there are three scholars in this village, and when the county magistrate passes through this village, he must get off the sedan chair to show respect for the scholars." Hu Guoqing said here with some pride.

"Your ancestors are quite famous!" Mu Zhen praised sincerely.

"It's all gone, and it's all gone. Count the romantic figures, and look at the present!" Hu Guoqing recited aloud the song "Spring Snow in Qinyuan" that he had just learned, which made the two of them laugh in unison.

"There must be a spirit in this place. You must be an outstanding person. How can you not succeed in remembering the ancients?" Mu Zhen immediately echoed a doggerel. He believed that Hu Guoqing in front of him would have a small success in the future, surpassing his ancestors and becoming a useful person to society.

"Your poem is exactly what you want, we can all succeed, but are you satisfied with this place?" Hu Guoqing asked.

"Of course, it's hard to be dissatisfied!" Mu Zhen was very satisfied with the environment here as soon as she called in, so she responded straightforwardly.

"That's good, you can move to my house to stay with me. From here to our school, if you don't go around the school gate, it's less than a mile away. It's not much closer than our school!" Hu Guoqing said very practically. , He once rushed to the school stepping on the preparatory bell, but he didn't hear the class bell when he arrived in the classroom.

Mu Zhen is very satisfied, he really has no reason to refuse Hu Guoqing's kindness, he will once again live a life of lodging, what will be waiting for him this time, he knows in his heart, it depends entirely on himself, he believes that Accompanied by talents, there will be good results.

(End of this chapter)

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