Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 135 Hand in hand

Chapter 135 Hand in hand
Tian Cheng, who left the county food company, then thought of going to the county native product company to buy some necessary supplies for the meat stall. Tomorrow is the big market in Qingcheng Town. Taking advantage of this day to open, it may bring good income, and also give Tianbiao, The Tianshun brothers injected confidence and motivation.

When Xu Yidao accompanied Tian Cheng to leave the county native products company, it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. Not far from the county seat, he saw a roadside teahouse. He said it was a teahouse, but it was actually a table set up under a gazebo. There were several kettles boiling water, and the coals burning under them were still smoking.Since the two of them had no time to drink water after lunch, Tian Cheng, who was feeling thirsty, suggested drinking some water on the side of the road before leaving. I went to the table in the gazebo and ordered a pot of tea. Seeing that it was still early in the morning, I was not in a hurry, and chatted about what happened just now while drinking.

"I heard the woman's last words in the food company just now. It seemed to be full of gunpowder. It seems that Manager Cheng may be in trouble!" Tian Cheng said to Xu Yidao with a smile.

After Xu Yidao heard this, he also smiled in agreement: "Don't worry about this, this Manager Cheng is not an ordinary person. His brother is the leader of the county. The woman we saw coming out of his office just now is actually not an outsider. The first time I went there, I met her, and someone told me that this woman is Lao Cheng’s sister-in-law, who works as a cash accountant in the financial office. Because of this relationship with Lao Cheng, she is also pointing fingers at work. Although no one is like her, Old Cheng has a headache for her. Don't look at Lao Cheng as a big manager, but he is very afraid of his wife at home. Min, looking at today's momentum, Lao Cheng is really determined to let his sister-in-law change jobs, otherwise he wouldn't be so determined!"

"So that's how it is. Since they are relatives, riding a donkey to read the libretto and where to go is nothing more than a family matter!" Tian Cheng said as if he had an epiphany when he heard Xu Yidao say this.

"It doesn't matter to us, we ask him to do things well, let's handle the housework well?" Xu Yidao flicked the ashes that fell from his clothes and said.

"That's true, but we are only allowed to succeed this time, and we are not allowed to fail, otherwise, I will be beating my heart!" Tian Cheng was not sure of winning this time, so he said what he was worried about. Come.

"Don't worry, based on my experience, there is nothing wrong with doing this. I'm just worried about whether Brother Tianbiao is suitable for this job. Brother Tianshun is a shrewd and clever person at first glance. He must be a good salesman." What Xu Yidao said actually made Tian Cheng a little worried, but he didn't have a more suitable candidate right now. If the business would definitely succeed, it's not that he didn't think about using others, it's just that he's just started now, and there's nothing terrible about losing money. At least my brother will not talk nonsense and affect his plan.

"Let him try it first. It really won't work. Let his wife follow him. My brother and sister are also junior high school graduates, and they are much better than him!" Tian Cheng expressed his new idea.

When Xu Yidao heard Tian Cheng mention having an assistant, he naturally stopped talking about it.

Seeing that Xu Yidao didn't speak, Tiancheng looked left and right, and there was no one except the old man who was boiling water in the house, so he asked Xu Yidao in a low voice: "I heard that now you can put water into pork, is there such a thing?"

"Why not? A lot of private slaughter merchants rely on this to make money, why? You also have this idea?" Xu Yidao looked puzzled.

"No, I don't have such an idea. I just want to say that we don't do those bad things, we only do conscientious business. Only by doing conscientious business can we do it with peace of mind and for a long time. As for those who rely on adulteration to make money Black hearted money, don't worry, brother really won't do it in this life." Tian Cheng said with a straight face.

"I don't believe you yet, so this is what I was going to say, relying on quality to survive and relying on service to seize the market. I have said this truth a long time ago, and I have already recognized it." What Xu Yidao said was the leader the day before yesterday What was said at the meeting, he was so happy at the moment, he brought out all of them, and even made his own thoughts to tell Tian Cheng.

Tian Cheng nodded, and then said: "Although I have made some money raising pigs over the past year, I always feel that I can't finish it. I always think that raising pigs is just the beginning and I don't know where to go, so I went to I was looking for you just to discuss with you. Later, I heard that you mentioned that the pig market is not optimistic about the next step, so I didn’t bring it up again. Now, after hearing what you said, it’s a big picture, quality strives for survival, and service seizes the market. , This is the foundation, but having the foundation alone is not enough, what kind of industry do you want?" Tian Cheng said in one breath the question that has been entangled with him for a long time recently.

"This is your character. As I see you, you are a person who does great things. Let's put it this way, I can only look at things in the industry. For example, if you ask me about pigs, what else can I say? One, two, three, if you talk to me about major issues of development, I’m selling shrimps without using scales—I’m ignorant, but I can offer some advice on matters derived from pigs. For example, since more pigs are raised, it’s natural If you want to use a lot of pig feed, then build a feed factory to provide pig feed for farmers. If you don’t want to take up so much money, you can come to process pig feed with supplied materials, which is also a good business.” What Xu Yidao said made Tian Cheng fall into deep thought.

As for the matter of feed processing, Tian Cheng had thought about it a long time ago, but it was still in the making. Now that Xu Yidao said so, he suddenly strengthened his confidence in doing feed processing. Start to build a feed factory at the first step, focusing on raw material processing to avoid embezzlement of funds.Thinking of this, he said to Xu Yidao: "What you said, after our two meat stalls open normally and can bring considerable profits, let's find a way to do one. I will guide you in the previous things. , if you do it this time, you will also join in, and everyone will make money when the time comes!"

Hearing Tian Cheng throwing an olive branch to him, Xu Yidao was naturally a little excited: "Okay, I had this idea a long time ago, but I didn't mention it because I was afraid of affecting you. Now that you have brought it up, I will do as you said, you If you want me to join, I will listen to you!"

Tian Cheng stretched out his right hand, held Xu Yidao's outstretched hand tightly and said, "Those who know me, you are Xu Yidao too!"

"You're being polite, my brother, cooperation is the only way to achieve win-win results!" Xu Yidao's words strengthened Tian Cheng's confidence in going on.

Tian Cheng looked up at the sun, and then at the watch on his wrist. The hour hand had already pointed to four o'clock, so he said: "It's getting late, let's go back and prepare for the grand opening tomorrow, and I will leave this to you Already!"

Xu Yidao stretched out his finger and made an "OK" gesture, the two smiled at each other, Tian Cheng paid for the tea and drove towards Qingcheng Town.

(End of this chapter)

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