Chapter 15
Mu Zhen's injury may not really be serious, just as the doctor said when she was discharged from the hospital, children's wounds recover quickly, and it is estimated that they will recover within ten days.Although Mu Zhen’s scalp injury has fully recovered, she suffers from occasional headaches, especially when she inadvertently turns her head, the back of her head will be cracked and painful. The doctor in the county hospital said it was a concussion. For sequelae, you need to rest for a few days, and it will get better gradually.

In the days after the follow-up consultation, Mu Zhen still went to Ma Sanye's house to borrow books. In Mu Zhen's view, the reason Ma Sanye was so knowledgeable was because of these books.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the start of school. Early in the morning, Lao Mu still rode the "Old Long March", packed the necessary supplies into the prepared schoolbag, and set off for Gucheng No. [-] Middle School with his son.

Sitting in the car, Mu Zhen knew in her heart that it was not easy to come to this key middle school in the area. It was the result of Lao Mu accompanying him to study for several years. If I fail to enter this middle school as I wish this time, I still don't know what kind of punishment I will face.On the day he received the notice, he was more joyful than the cheers of the poor when the whole country was liberated.He never forgot the morning when he sent the acceptance letter, when he was sleeping soundly on the bed, he heard his sister whispering in his ear: "Brother, the letter is here!" Even after decades of recall, it is still full of excitement and sweetness.

I had nothing to say all the way, when I arrived at the school, I took the test admission ticket and lined up to pay the money. After I handed over the money, I informed the class I was assigned to. Lao Mu took Mu Zhen and knocked on the door of the class teacher's office. The door was open, and there were two desks inside. Sitting at one of the tables was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 30s and was slightly fat, with a crew cut: "Teacher, hello, I'll bring my child to report to you!"

"Okay, okay!" The teacher said enthusiastically, "My surname is Li!"

Seeing the familiar look, Lao Mu tentatively asked, "Mr. Li, it seems that you also graduated from this school!"

"Yes, you must be too. When you knock on the door and come in, I see that you look familiar!" Teacher Li said relaxedly.

"I'm in the fifth or seventh class. I'm in the fifth or sixth class before you. What's your name?" Teacher Li looked at Mu Zhen who was standing beside her and asked softly.

"Mu Zhen!" Seeing Teacher Li asking herself, Mu Zhen quickly replied.

Teacher Li carefully looked up the name from the list on the table.

"Your student number is No. 5, and your grades are quite good! I will arrange someone to take you to the dormitory in a while, and find a bed to live in first." After Teacher Li finished speaking, he looked at Lao Mu asking for advice, and Lao Mu understood , immediately responded: "Okay, thank you!"

Teacher Li stood up, walked to the door of the office, leaned out, and shouted: "Xiao Zhang, take the new students to the dormitory."

With a promise, a young man came to Teacher Li.

"You two go to the dormitory to settle down first!"

Lao Mu and Mu Zhen followed Xiao Zhang to the dormitory. The dormitory consisted of three old tile-roofed houses. In addition to ten single beds on the north wall, there was a single bed on the southwest corner of the room. Alone, in the row of bunks on the upper and lower bunks, only some bedrolls were placed on the lower bunks, and the rest were still empty.Lao Mu knew in his heart that not many people reported came, and he was earlier. He thanked Xiao Zhang who led him, and Xiao Zhang explained: "Find a bed first and put the bedding on!" Then he went out After entering the dormitory door, he walked towards the office.

Lao Mu shook the beds one by one, as if picking something seriously, and finally chose the lower bunk of the bed that was placed alone against the east wall, and put all the things in his hand on it.

"Look here, okay?" Lao Mu asked Mu Zhen for advice.

"Okay, it's convenient to live downstairs!" Mu Zhen nodded, and obediently put the schoolbag in her hand on the bed.

Just as I was about to spread the things on the bed, another classmate came in with a schoolbag in his hand and a burden on his back.

"Is this the dormitory of Class [-], Junior One?" The classmate squeezed the small mung bean eyes that looked ghostly.

"Yes!" Seeing the classmate smiling at her, Mu Zhen responded immediately.

"Okay, then we are classmates!" He walked to Mu Zhen's side and put the burden on the lower bunk next to Mu Zhen.

"My name is Ma Facheng, what about you?" Ma Facheng asked with a smile, narrowing his eyes.

"Mu Zhen!" Mu Zhen felt that Ma Facheng was indeed much more mature than herself.

"This must be uncle!" Ma Facheng looked at Lao Mu and said.

"Yes." Mu Zhen replied.

"Hello, Uncle!" Ma Facheng greeted Lao Mu in a sensible way.Lao Mu was really moved by Ma Facheng's understanding.

"Where are your parents? Why didn't you come?" Lao Mu was a little puzzled. In Lao Mu's eyes, he would never believe that the child in front of him came to report alone.

"My father is driving. He is on a business trip. How many days will he be back?" When he said this, a trace of pride appeared on Ma Facheng's face.

Lao Mu suddenly felt that his child was missing something, so he didn't answer.

However, Ma Facheng opened the backpack alone. Inside was a small green mattress with big flowers and a thin quilt. He quickly unfolded it, and with the help of Lao Mu, spread it on the bed.Then spread the blue checkered quilt on the mattress.

"Where is your home?" Lao Mu felt that the children who came to report by him must be closer to here, otherwise how could the parents feel at ease?

"My family is in Qingtun, which is more than 50 miles away from here! I have been riding a bicycle for a long time. Our school came to five exams. If I pass one more exam, I can have a companion, but the result is that I was the only one who was admitted. When I came to take the exam and read the rankings, I followed our teacher to ride a bicycle. When the road was familiar, I came by myself. The car is outside, so I will push it in." After finishing speaking, he walked out of the house , Push the bicycle into the house in the blink of an eye, and plug it against the east wall.

Mu Zhen is really envious of Ma Facheng, he still can't even ride a bicycle!
Lao Mu looked at this child who was the same age as his son, but managed his life in an orderly manner like a young adult, and immediately thought that his son should find such a partner here.

"You will be classmates from now on, take care of each other!" Lao Mu said seriously to Ma Facheng.

"Of course, it's right to be friends for three lifetimes and help each other!" Ma Facheng said a little maturely.

While talking, several students came in one after another, greeted each other and made the beds.The dormitory suddenly became lively. Although these students did not know each other before, entering this dormitory seemed to be like entering a home, and they were no strangers to anyone.Greet each other and introduce myself.

Lao Mu saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart. These are relatively outstanding children!How can you not worry about letting your son be with him?
Near noon, Lao Mu wanted to take Ma Facheng and Mu Zhen to the street for lunch, but Ma Facheng refused to go, and repeatedly said that he was not hungry at all, and he would just go to school to get some hot water for a drink.Lao Mu expressed helplessness, so he had to take Mu Zhen to a small restaurant on the street, and ordered two bowls of noodles, big and small, and spent fifty cents. After going to the dormitory and giving some instructions, I returned home with some peace of mind.

Mu Zhen grew up in the care of Lao Mu since she was a child, and she never left Lao Mu's palm, so she felt fresh and curious about her going to school. She didn't seem to have any friends before, and she didn't enjoy her childhood like other children. Fun, some only know to obey Lao Mu's arrangement, study, study, and study again.Now, after leaving Lao Mu, I naturally feel at a loss. For a child who has never really made friends, when he lives alone in a strange environment, he will naturally become friends with the first person he comes into contact with. This may be an axiom .Mu Zhen was no exception. Ma Facheng became his first friend in No. [-] Middle School and also the first personal friend in his life.

The weather in August in the Gregorian calendar, the heat has not receded, and the sweltering heat after lunch made Mu Zhen a little sleepy. Most of the students who came to the dormitory did not come back after lunch, and only three or two people were there to make their beds. Mu Zhen lay on the bed, At first, the two eyelids began to fight, Mu Zhen tried hard to open them, but no matter how hard she tried, it was in vain, and finally they hugged each other tightly and fell into a deep sleep.

"Wake up! Classmates, wake up!" Feeling being pushed, Mu Zhen reluctantly opened her eyes, and when she saw two adults standing in front of her, she stood up abruptly.

"Teacher Li!" For some reason, Mu Zhen became more energetic.

"Are you sleeping here?" Teacher Li asked.

"En!" Mu Zhen agreed lightly, but didn't know what to say.

"Clean up and move to this bed. We have a classmate who does dream boxing at night. Let him live alone so as not to hurt other classmates!" Teacher Li said unhurriedly.

Mu Zhen saw that the classmate behind Teacher Li was obviously taller than her, and she was white and clean. At the same time, there was a middle-aged man standing behind him, wearing a pair of metal-rimmed glasses, with a gentle face, and she knew it at a glance. Not those who work in the countryside.

"There is, there is someone on this bed!" Mu Zhen said carelessly.

"We have more people and fewer beds, two people share one bed, and we have to adjust it in the end!" Teacher Li saw Mu Zhen's embarrassment and immediately explained.

Mu Zhen understood that Teacher Li asked her to move, so she had to move, so she hurriedly rolled up her bedding, moved it to Ma Facheng's bed, and watched as Teacher Li helped the parents of the student who called "Damengquan" make the bedding. bed.While making the bed, he said: "Live here first, and the child won't hit others when he punches!"

The parents of the "Damengquan" students responded: "Yes, yes, thank you, Teacher Li!"

After Teacher Li and his parents left, Mu Zhen asked the "Dream Boxing" classmate: "I'm Mu Zhen, what's your name?"

"What a coincidence, we have the same surname, and my name is Mu Yang."

"You really punch when you sleep?" Mu Zhen asked in surprise.

"I don't know either. The grown-ups say that, I'm afraid of hurting others, and I can't help it." Mu Yang replied helplessly.

"You sleep alone, you shouldn't hurt others, you won't get up and punch!" Mu Zhen felt a kind of grievance, the bed that she occupied first was used by this new classmate later, not only that, she was arranged Sharing a bed with Ma Facheng, even if there is a spare bed, it is inconvenient to occupy it. After all, what Teacher Li said just now, there are too many people and few beds, and in the end, there must be two people per bed.

He slowly tidied up the things on the bed, took off Ma Facheng's quilt, spread his own small mattress on top of Ma Facheng's quilt, and then spread Ma Facheng's bed sheet.Just after the bunk was made, Ma Facheng came back from dinner, saw Mu Zhen sitting on his bed, and smiled: "You didn't go out to eat?"

"I'm back after eating. Teacher Li came just now and asked us to sleep on this bed together." Mu Zhen pointed to Mu Yang and said with a sigh, "He plays Mengquan at night, so be careful!"

Perhaps amused by Mu Zhen's last words of "be careful", Ma Facheng giggled, "It's okay, we both sleep well and have a companion at night!"

Ma Facheng obviously didn't object to the two sleeping in the same bed, but showed full approval.

Looking at the rows of beds, Mu Zhen became suspicious, and said to Ma Facheng worriedly, "We are on the outermost side, what if we fall out of bed at night?" , I'm on the outside, you're inside, if you want to fall, I'll go down first!" Ma Facheng patted his chest, and made Mu Zhen laugh, he looked at Ma Facheng, and felt that Ma Facheng was like a big brother, who was indescribably close , throwing the unhappiness caused by the bed adjustment just now to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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