Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 166 Exceeding Expectations

Chapter 166 Exceeding Expectations
Tiancheng's idea of ​​transforming the feed factory into a village-run enterprise was soon announced at the village party branch meeting. Tiancheng's speech at the meeting left a deep impression on all the party members present.

At the meeting, Tiancheng first proposed to let Tianshun take over as the village accountant. This proposal was immediately approved by all the participating party members with a show of hands. Tiancheng was very happy. They all know very well that they basically rely on the two quarters of each year to withdraw and reserve funds, so the village will inevitably be stretched if they want to build some infrastructure, let alone do other things that benefit the people. It can be said that there is no economic backing. It restricts the development of various undertakings in the village, but what can the improvement of the economic situation in the village rely on? We all know that a village like ours does not rely on the city or the road. The only thing we have is land. Over the years , relying on the land to grow mainly food, and some self-sufficient vegetables, under this traditional planting mode, there is absolutely no problem in filling our stomachs, and if we continue to develop in the long run, we will never have a big breakthrough." Tian Cheng Many of the words he said came from the teacher in the class of the Agricultural Broadcasting School. He took it to the branch meeting and listened to the fresh words spoken by this man who had just taken office for less than three days. All the participants were refreshed .

Tian Cheng noticed that everyone was fascinated by listening, so he took this opportunity to continue speaking: "In recent years, the country has vigorously advocated a market economy. Literally speaking, the most important thing about a market economy is the market. , if you grasp the market well, you have grasped the economy, so where is the market for us? In fact, the market is in our life. The market sells things in the market. It is a small market, but a small market , Have we done it? A few days ago, I set up two meat stalls. Everyone has heard of it. I can tell you conservatively that the income of that meat stall for a week is no more than our one-acre land for a year. If the net income is low, this is the market. If we seize it, we will have economic income. Everyone knows what is the obstacle for people to go out now? Is it courage? No! Is it the way? Not even! What is that? Has anyone thought about it?"

Tian Cheng talked eloquently. Obviously, if he hadn't gone to the Agricultural Broadcasting School to study, he wouldn't be able to speak so eloquently. He really put everything the teachers said into his brain, and those words were like lights in the dark , lit up the path he had been looking for for so many years, and started a new voyage in his life.

Tian Cheng's question aroused the interest of the participants, but in front of this man, no one could figure out what was going on in his head, so no one answered.

Tian Cheng looked at everyone, paused for a while, and then said: "I have thought about it more than once, that is laziness, only when I have overcome laziness, will I use my brain to think, will let go of my pace, and will take action. Things. Leaving aside, when the county issued interest-free loans last year, did any of us think about taking out a loan? Maybe some of us were impulsive at the time, and then felt that there was nothing we could do, so we stopped and dared not take out a loan. It's not that there is nothing to do, the key is that you haven't used your brain to think about what to do?"

Speaking of this, Tian Cheng noticed that Mu Xiangshu's face was not good-looking, Tian Cheng immediately stopped talking, knowing that what he said was a bit too harsh, or what he said was a bit too irritating to the old secretary who had just left his post. So he turned around and said: "We will discuss this issue later. I want to discuss an extremely important matter with you now, that is, where should we start to improve the economy of our village? Please give us your ideas."

When Tian Cheng mentioned this topic, everyone seemed a little excited, but they didn't speak. They all looked at Mu Xiangshu. Everyone knew very clearly that sitting here, apart from the newly appointed Wang Tiancheng, and Mu Xiangshu who had just stepped down Book,

Mu Xiangshu looked at everyone, and Mu Xiangshu, who had been listening to Tian Cheng's speech carefully, coughed twice, cleared his throat and said: "What Tian Cheng said just now is very realistic and in line with the reality of the village. The market economy is a new concept. , I have talked about it countless times in meetings in the town, but where to start? I really can't find any ready-made model, especially for a rough old man like me, and I can't touch the spoon, but Tiancheng has a flexible mind. The pig farm is the most successful example of our village, so in the future, Tian Cheng will lead our village to develop, and will also create an unprecedented good life for our village."

When Mu Xiangshu said this, everyone agreed.Then he focused his attention on Tian Cheng.

Tian Cheng was silent for a few minutes. Seeing that everyone stopped expressing their opinions, he picked up a pen and wrote a few words on a large lesson plan in front of him, and then said: "Thanks to our old secretary for trusting me, regarding the development I mentioned just now I have thought about where to start the village economy for two days, and I would like to offer an opinion for discussion.”

Tian Cheng paused for a while, looked at everyone's reactions, and then continued: "The feed factory I built recently is also the result of my discussions with experts in this field. They helped me analyze that this is a sunrise industry, so I I didn't hesitate to invest all my family property, and also absorbed the surplus money of the whole village. I'm afraid it's not enough, but I'm confident that I can do well and bring considerable benefits. Now I'm thinking from another perspective, no matter how much profit , and has little to do with the village’s economy, so I decided to turn the feed mill into a village-run enterprise, and the original villagers’ shares will remain unchanged, but I will give up most of them and transfer them to the village’s shares, what do you think?”

As soon as Tian Cheng said this, it was as if a "two kicker" firecracker was lit in the conference room, and everyone talked to the left and right to discuss.

Due to the basis of dividends from the original breeding farm, everyone's trust in Tiancheng cannot be ambiguous, so the topic of discussion is not focused on whether it will work or not, but on the future benefits that will bring great losses to Tiancheng personally. question.

Tian Cheng seemed to have thought of everyone's questions a long time ago. He waved his hand and explained: "The losses you mentioned are not worth mentioning to me!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, extremely astonished at Tian Cheng's "not worth mentioning".

Tian Cheng noticed everyone's expressions, and knew that this word seemed to be used in the wrong place, so he quickly explained: "What I said is not worth mentioning, it's not that I have too much money to spend, but that I'm doing a good job of economic development in the village and our Compared with those incomes, which one is more important and which one is less important, since I want to lead everyone to do things, I have to give up my family and take care of everyone. If it were you, maybe you could do a better job than me!" Tian Cheng After speaking, Mu Xiangshu clapped his hands. Regarding Tian Cheng's words, Mu Xiangshu felt ashamed of himself. He praised the middle-aged man in front of him from the bottom of his heart, and unconsciously clapped his hands together.

Everyone also applauded.

Regarding everyone's trust, Tian Cheng originally underestimated it a bit. He proposed to let the village buy shares this time, because he was afraid that others would have some messy ideas. Now it seems that everyone's trust in him far exceeded his expectation. At this time, Tian Cheng, More firm determination and confidence to lead everyone to start a business.He believes that the good days of Xiaowangzhuang have quietly begun...

(End of this chapter)

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