Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 168 No Glory

Chapter 168 No Glory
Tian Cheng had been busy outside for a whole day, and it was already time to light the lamps when he returned home. Before he had time to pick up his job, Tian Shun entered the house.

"Brother, I have been looking for you a few times today. It seems that I have been very busy these days. It is really not easy to find you. When I heard the sound of the motorcycle just now, I guessed that you were back, so I immediately followed." Tianshun Looking at Tian Cheng's haggard face through the light, he said.

"Yes! Our feed factory is about to start, I can't be late, if it's late, how will the products be sold after the start?" Tian Cheng picked up the bowl in front of him, took a sip of the porridge and said.

"You don't have to be so impatient. After our equipment is installed, don't we need to adjust the machine? Besides, when we first started production, we first supplied the farmers in the nearby villages, and it was almost done!" Tianshun said a little puzzled.

"Brother, you haven't noticed that now is the time for pig fattening. We should seize this opportunity and start production at full capacity. Before the Spring Festival, we can recover the cost of building the factory and benefit the whole village. Otherwise, during the Spring Festival, what shall we explain to the villagers?" Tian Cheng raised his eyes and looked at Tianshun when he said this.

"It's better if you think far ahead. I just want to try production first and process according to demand, so as not to be in a hurry, but also to buffer the problem of insufficient funds." Tianshun's words are not difficult for Tiancheng to understand, but the time is not enough Wait for someone!

"The problem of funds you mentioned, how did you solve the matter of absorbing funds from other villages?" Tian Cheng's words were a little hasty.

"It's almost the same. The total stock capital received from Waicun is 1 yuan. This money seems to be a lot, but for the operation of our factory, it may be just a drop in the bucket!" Tianshun was a little regretful, and there was no way to absorb more. Some.

"That's a lot. If I don't turn it into a village-run enterprise, I may not even be able to absorb these. But I just want to give a surprise to all the individuals who invested in the shares, so I worked so hard to do the early sales. Only a good start. As long as we have the initiative, it is estimated that this enterprise will bring us a lot of income!" Whenever Tian Cheng mentions that everyone's interests are involved, he is obviously a little excited.

"That's for sure. If the time agreed in the contract is followed, the equipment will arrive tomorrow!" Tianshun deliberately mentioned the equipment, and he was afraid that Tiancheng would forget it due to his busy schedule.

"Don't tell me, I've really left this matter behind. Then don't go anywhere tomorrow. Just stay at home and cooperate with the engineers sent by the manufacturer to be responsible for the installation and commissioning of the equipment, and strive for a successful installation and commissioning." Tian Cheng urged. God made the way.

Before Tianshun had time to respond, Tiancheng repeated it again: "You follow the whole process, I'm going to the town tomorrow to report to Secretary Zhang about our feed factory!"

"Don't worry, leave the affairs of the village to me, you go and get busy, I can handle it, and I will report to you in time later." The affirmation in Tianshun's words made Tiancheng very relieved.

Since ancient times, it has been said: "Brothers are of the same heart, and their profits cut gold."Regarding the matter of the current feed factory, although Tiancheng and Tianshun are not blood brothers, for the sake of the economic development of the village, the two of them think about one thing and work hard together. They are better than brothers, and they cooperate very well.

Tian Cheng went to Secretary Zhang in the town for a very simple reason. On the one hand, he would report to Secretary Zhang about the establishment of a feed factory in the village, and on the other hand, he wanted to fight for some support funds from the town, which would be more conducive to the development of the feed factory.

After listening to Tian Cheng's report, Secretary Zhang appreciated Tian Cheng's thinking very much.

"Someone mentioned you, Wang Tiancheng, in front of me, saying that you were called Little Zhuge. At that time, I didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that you have made such a big move in less than a week since you took over the village party secretary. It seems that you are not only Little Zhuge, but Sai Zhuge! What you do is fast enough!" Secretary Zhang leaned back in his chair, boasting in high spirits.

"I'm flattering you, if I have Zhuge's level, I won't be a fairy anymore!" Tian Cheng's words made Secretary Zhang burst out laughing.

Seeing that Secretary Zhang was happy, Tian Cheng changed his words, and tentatively said: "Just now I reported to you that from the construction of the factory to the purchase of equipment, all cash is required. Although there is no difficulty during this period, it is true that I can no longer get it in my hand. What kind of money do you pay, after the equipment is installed today, some working capital is still needed for operation, I have a little idea, that is, can you see if the town can support our feed factory and give some financial help!"

"You just praised you Sai Zhuge, and now you are playing the trick of borrowing Jingzhou?" Secretary Zhang joked.

"It's very different from borrowing Jingzhou. They don't repay it, but I have to repay it." Tian Cheng hurriedly replied.

"Okay, let me help you. In the future, when you are done, I will serve you a celebration wine!" Secretary Zhang still has confidence in Wang Tiancheng in front of him. He has long heard about the dividends of Xiaowangzhuang. Although he didn't ask too much, but The three words "Wang Tiancheng" have long been imprinted in his mind. For this leader who never forgets the villagers when he gets rich, it is exactly what the party committee and government need and is also advocated by the party committee and government, so he is very happy Speak words of support.

"Then I would like to thank you on behalf of all the villagers in Xiaowangzhuang!" Tian Cheng said with a respectful gesture of his hands to show his respect.

"Look at you, my support is not for nothing. By the end of the year, you will give a promotional speech at the town's year-end meeting with the experience you have gained." Secretary Zhang said to Tian Cheng with a smile.

"Don't worry, there is no problem with this. As long as I succeed, I hope that all the villages in the town can take action and become prosperous together." Tian Cheng's words made Secretary Zhang laugh. From the eyes of the middle-aged man in front of him, Secretary Zhang saw Out of the hope of the new generation, to see the future of rural reformers.

Tian Cheng, who came out from Secretary Zhang, did not receive a specific amount of support, but Secretary Zhang's expression of support was definitely not empty talk. He wanted to tell Xu Yidao the good news, and also hoped to get some more support from him. Information beneficial to the development of feed mills.

When Xu Yidao heard Tiancheng mention that the feed factory was about to get the support of the town, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Tiancheng would not only start the enterprise, but also get the support from the government. In his opinion, this is simply an honor and unrivaled. of glory.

"This new black gauze has not been worn for three days, and you are about to become a celebrity. Your level has risen fast enough, and you are flying up like a rocket?" Xu Yidao, who came back to his senses, stretched out his thumb and praised .

"Others don't know, you don't know our level, that's it, and it didn't come out of your palm, but you didn't do it, let me actually operate it! I didn't ask you to put a high hat on me, I wanted to Do you have any other good ideas?" Tian Cheng deliberately said angrily.

"I have no idea, but I have a suggestion!" Xu Yidao said slowly.

"Don't be foolish, at this moment, I really can't wait to say it!" Tian Cheng knew that this Xu Yidao was full of "good ideas" in his mind.

"Set up a feed distribution point in Binhu and our town as soon as possible. First, it can publicize and increase our popularity. Second, it can promote sales and maximize the return of funds. The distribution points can be established by themselves, or they can be found Whether investors need to manage it or not depends on you, the chief executive, to decide!" As soon as Xu Yidao's voice fell, Tian Cheng was attracted by the voice of "Yes" from outside the door before he could answer...

(End of this chapter)

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