Chapter 17
As soon as the freshness at the time of enrollment passed, everyone quickly integrated into the collective life of No. [-] Middle School. The class was divided into six duty groups, from one group to six groups. The duty was arranged according to the weekly turnover, and they were responsible for the classroom cleaning and maintenance of the day. Carrying rice and distributing rice and so on.In the first few days when he came here, whenever the meal was served, Mr. Li would always stand by and watch the students on duty distribute the meals. When the meals were distributed and the students received their meals, he would leave silently. .

For these naive children in the class, it goes without saying that they pay attention to normal study and life. The small details of life are just like treating their own children. Normal growth and development will not attract the attention of parents, but time After a long time, it is inevitable that there will be a minor illness or disaster, which will spoil the parents and break the heart.The 72 students in the class, in the eyes of Mr. Li, are 72 children, and each child is always connected with his tense heart. The 72 children, far away from their parents and relatives, are handed over to the school and let them take on the responsibility of teachers and teachers. He understands the dual responsibilities of parents, and his burden is not light.In addition to teaching the children daily life, he also has to guide the children to have good living habits, get up on time, turn off the lights and go to bed on time. In the few days after entering the school, he did not relax for a moment. Every morning, the children were still dreaming, and he was already waiting outside the dormitory door, watching the children get up on time and go to practice.For him who has been serving as the head teacher of high school students, he has never felt so busy. Although those high school students are a few years older, they have a stronger ability to live independently, but right now this group of children who have just left home and are still childish need more help. Lots of love and care.

Many times, worries come uninvited.One evening self-study just three days after entering school was exactly the self-study class tutored by Mr. Li. As usual, he came to the classroom early, sat at the desk by himself, prepared lessons, and scanned the children who were studying in the classroom from time to time. Suddenly, a sound of "Kang Dang" broke the silence of the classroom. Teacher Li was startled, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound. There was a "buzz" in the head, "No, something happened!" Then he stood up like a conditioned reflex, walked off the podium in three steps in two steps, and quickly came to the place where the classmate fell, squatted down, helped him up, and found The student gritted his teeth tightly and his face turned blue. Teacher Li immediately held him up with his left hand, and pressed the thumb of his right hand tightly directly under his nose. Move, don't dare to breathe.

The child regained consciousness a little bit, and his complexion began to turn rosy. Without thinking about anything, Teacher Li picked up the classmate, walked out of the classroom without looking back, and strode towards the school clinic.

The school doctor in the school clinic is a retired army doctor, surnamed Liu. Everyone respectfully calls him Doctor Liu. He is a little fat. The voice was like a torrent of bells, as if others might not hear it.Because it is a key middle school in the area, each student is subsidized with one yuan of medical expenses per semester. The medical expenses are used in the clinic to buy some common pills for colds and diarrhea and several commonly used antipyretic injections. I usually come to him to see For students who have a cold, he always takes three tablets of "APC", puts them in a small medicine bag, and then repeatedly tells him loudly to "drink more boiled water".So the students called him "Doctor Boiled Water" in private.

From the classroom to the school clinic, you have to pass through the playground on campus, about 300 meters away, but there are no street lights, so you can only use the faint light from the classroom to illuminate the road in front of you. Teacher Li is standing When I was outside the door of the bathroom, my body was already soaked, and the sweat on my forehead rolled down like dew on the leaves in autumn morning.

The bathroom hangs only "15W" tungsten bulbs, which are red. In addition, the electricity consumption is high at night and the voltage is insufficient, making it even more dim and dull. After describing his condition, Dr. Liu unhurriedly rolled the child's eyelids, took a light with the flashlight he just took out from the drawer, opened his heavy throat, and coughed dryly twice: "It's okay, maybe It’s an epileptic seizure! Observe more! You don’t need to take any medicine!” Dr. Liu has always spoken briefly and never explained his condition too much. Maybe he learned some medical knowledge in the army, which is equivalent to the level of a barefoot doctor in the countryside. In the [-]s, there was a shortage of medical books, and the knowledge he knew was very limited. If he talked too much, he would be like a fortune-telling gentleman, and it would be easy to leak his mouth!
Hearing this, Teacher Li felt relieved, and let out a sigh of relief: "I was really scared just now!"

"This problem is urgent. It may be life-threatening. It is also urgent. As long as it is rescued in time, nothing will happen!" Dr. Liu said a few more words like never before, perhaps to comfort, perhaps more to remind Teacher Li's attention.

The classmate who got sick was called Sun Shicai. According to him afterwards, it had never happened before. This was the first time it happened. He didn’t know what happened. , and then he was lying in Teacher Li's arms, not wanting to move.Perhaps it was because of this that in the next few years, the students never argued with him, and even if they were unhappy, they tried their best to accommodate him, so that he not only did not suffer from the disease, but also did not suffer from it during the three years. any grievances.

In daily life, Mr. Li pays close attention to the changes of each student. If someone is sick, he will take him to the clinic for consultation. If the clinic cannot see him, he will personally take him to the hospital outside the school for treatment. Sometimes he has to pay the student in advance medical bills.The children are young, and they have to bring pocket money of three to five yuan every week. Although the money seems pitifully small now, the prices were very low at that time. A bowl of noodles in a restaurant cost less than two yuan. Dime, the price of a catty of fried dough sticks is only [-] cents. In order to prevent students from losing money, Teacher Li specially set up a "cash deposit box" for students. In fact, they put the living expenses brought by Teacher Li first, and then withdraw them at any time. Mr. Li is serious about keeping records.

There was no psychological counseling room in the school back then, but every teacher in the school was the best master of psychological counseling. This was gradually summed up by the hard-working teachers in the cycle of school life. Teachers not only teach in daily life, What is more important is educating people.

There is a small book hanging behind the door of the classroom. It is a book of good people and good deeds. Who did what good deeds and who helped others? Fill in, "On X-month X, XXX picks up the money, picks up one yuan and returns it to the owner", "X-month X, XXX helps classmates wash clothes", "XXX cleans the dormitory by itself"... In less than a month, The densely recorded above are all the excellent performances of the students in the class.

Every Monday is the first day of returning home to school after the weekend. Most students use bicycles for transportation, and students who are far away from home use "two legs". Therefore, this day is the most tiring day for students in a week. One day, during class, most of the students were drowsy and listless. Teacher Li would always tell some jokes in class to make everyone happy, so that everyone could cheer up in happiness.He often said a sentence: "After Wednesday, one day is almost one day, after Thursday, it is too fast, and after Friday, there is still a morning!" Although this sentence is just a jingle, it always reminds the children Our week flies by quickly, and everyone's homesickness is dispelled.

In the eyes of children, Mr. Li can be called the king of stories, and his stories are often as simple as they come.There was a math test, and everyone's grades were not very satisfactory. Teacher Li saw that everyone was frustrated, and he said to everyone: "When I was correcting the math test papers, I met a student who was an expert. For the name, I didn’t do a single question, but wrote four lines on the test paper—difficult, really difficult, really difficult, it’s hard to kill me!”

Everyone laughed loudly. After the laughter, Teacher Li asked everyone: "Compared with him, which student can't do a single question? Difficult, it’s not your fault, it’s my fault that I didn’t talk about so many places, right?” Everyone was relieved, and it didn’t affect their learning mood at all.

(End of this chapter)

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