Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 190 Ignite Passion

Chapter 190 Ignite Passion

The changes in Xiaowangzhuang left a good impression on Hu Guoqing. This good impression is not only the changes in the village and the busy scene, but more importantly, he has met such a respected elder as Ma Sanye, and he has learned a lot from this elder. Unheard of ancestral stories.

When Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing returned to school, they heard the students talking most about the results of the final exam, who was the first in grade, and who had the first subject in the report card. In the list of these discussions, Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing were not heard. Although the two didn't say anything about Hu Guoqing's name, they were both a little bit disappointed.

After the class bell rang, teacher Zhang Jingrui, the teacher in charge, walked onto the podium, glanced at the whole class, smiled and said: "This time, our class ranked first in the grade. This is the glory of our whole class. Proud! Before announcing the results, I would like to say a few words. This final exam is only a comprehensive test of our learning at this stage, and it cannot fully evaluate the actual situation of each of us. How did you do this time? Explain that the study situation in the past semester has little effect on the final high school entrance examination results."

Dozens of pairs of eyes in the class stared at Teacher Zhang, and everyone had different attitudes.Those students with an indifferent mentality are thinking: more exams and fewer exams, and they don’t expect scores to survive. Besides, they are just mixed with a junior high school diploma. The red books are the same for more exams and fewer exams. Where is there so much nonsense?Those students who pay attention to their scores are thinking: I hope that their grades will be ranked as high as possible. The good grades in this test will lay the foundation for the senior high school entrance examination.

Teacher Zhang looked at the nervous expressions of most of the students, paused, and continued: "The graduating class of the third year of junior high school is different from the previous two years. Review it carefully, because the time for review is set aside, so the learning progress of each subject is a little faster. Because of the fast progress, many students may have mastered the knowledge, but it has not been consolidated. It is unavoidable to not get the best performance, but even so, we still need to commend and reward students who do well in the exam to show encouragement."

Teacher Zhang stopped at this point, took out the report card and read it in the class according to the ranking.The top ten students in the class are all old students. At this time, the students in the class are eagerly hoping to read their scores as soon as possible. However, when Teacher Zhang finished reading No. 30, he suddenly stopped.

Mu Zhen heard it clearly, and heard both her and Hu Guoqing's names. She only got No. 11 in the class, and Hu Guoqing No. 15. The difference in total scores was less than ten points.Mu Zhen was very dissatisfied. According to the feeling after the exam, her maths went so smoothly, not a full score, nor a score just over a hundred!However, for Hu Guoqing, it is not easy for him to think that he can achieve such a result. During this period, he not only learned some homework, but also did not fall behind in the new learning, which is inseparable from his all-out efforts.

Teacher Zhang saw everyone's eyes, not because he didn't want to read, but because he was afraid that reading the following grades would hurt the self-esteem of some students.At this time, Teacher Zhang changed his tone and said: "I have finished reading the previous students, why should I read it? I want to reward the students who are outstanding in this exam, but not all the top [-] students will be rewarded. No matter if it is a freshman or a senior student, it will be rewarded, and for the freshmen, the students who enter the top [-] will be rewarded."

After Mr. Zhang said this, he stepped off the podium and stepped out of the classroom. The classroom immediately seemed to explode, and the discussion was louder and louder. Everyone agreed with Mr. Zhang's approach.Mu Zhen is very interested in Teacher Zhang's reward, no matter how much the reward is, it can be regarded as an encouragement to herself and a new beginning.

According to the ranking of the whole class, Mu Zhen is not qualified to win the award at all, but if the freshmen enter the top [-] and can win the award, he and Hu Guoqing can both win the honor, so they are naturally very happy.

Teacher Zhang walked in carrying a box, and the discussion stopped abruptly. Everyone was eager to know what "treasure" was hidden in the box that Teacher Zhang was carrying?
Teacher Zhang sat down behind the desk, opened the box, took out two boxes, opened them separately, held up a pen and said: "The top ten students will each receive a pen." The students I read below, You can come up and get a pen. "

According to the ranking, while Teacher Zhang was reading the names of the people, some students came to the stage to take back the pen representing honor.

After distributing the pens, Teacher Zhang took out a pink soft leather notebook from another box on the desk, and said, "This is for the top 1 freshmen. No.[-] Mu Zhen!"

As soon as Teacher Zhang finished speaking, Mu Zhen stood up immediately, ran to the front of the podium, and took the diary that seemed to have the highest honor from Teacher Zhang with both hands.Mu Zhen knew in her heart that although she didn't get the best result in the exam this time, among the freshmen, winning this honor already made him feel very satisfied. The grades are very unusual, especially the No.1 student Zhang Wei, who was admitted to high school last year with excellent grades, but because his family wanted him to go to junior high school and technical secondary school, he gave up the opportunity to go to high school and stayed on. Those who repeat, in the final analysis, this is also the elite of the elite, the top of the best.This year's re-reading is just to consolidate the knowledge of the third stage of junior high school.

Although Hu Guoqing was four places behind Mu Zhen in the class, among the freshmen, there was only one place between them. Among the freshmen, Hu Guoqing ranked third, which really impressed the whole class. He didn't go to class in the second semester of the second grade of junior high school, and he came so many days late at the start of the third grade of junior high school. All the substitute teachers were surprised that he got such a result in the test.

When Mr. Zhang handed over the diary to Hu Guoqing, he said happily: "Work hard and strive for a better result in the next test!"

Hu Guoqing took the diary and was so excited that he didn't say a word, tears already filled his eyes.He shed tears for the rewards for his hard work, he shed tears for being able to return to school and receive rewards, he shed tears for the care of all the teachers and students in his class, he was grateful, excited, wished, and I hope that everything in front of me is a good start.

When the students returned to their seats, when they opened the title page of the diary, Teacher Zhang’s smooth and skillful cursive script came into view, and it was written on it: "Award to XXX for ranking XX in the class in the final exam." This diary Although it is not worth two yuan, it represents the teacher's recognition of his grades, and it is also a great encouragement to all freshmen. This encouragement is worth a thousand words, and it inspires every student who gets a diary.

After distributing the prizes, Mr. Zhang opened his mouth again: "The end of this stage of study is the beginning of the next stage of study. The semester that has already ended will never be repeated. There is no repeat of life, and there is no rehearsal. , so every start of ours is a very important performance. Every performance is determined to be successful and not to fail. Although there is a saying that failure is the mother of success, those failures are all due to hard work. Failure with sweat is not a failure of waiting, let alone a failure of letting nature take its course, so each of our classmates must attach great importance to every start of yours, and there must be no sloppy, otherwise your life will be ruined. Can be eclipsed. Whether it is the students who have achieved ideal results this time or those who have not, they should face up to this result. Those who do better in the test should guard against arrogance and impetuosity, continue to work hard, and devote themselves to the next one as always. During the stages of study, strive for better grades, and those who do not pass the test should never give up on themselves, and must work harder, and try to catch up with the students in front of them, do you have confidence?"

A few students who listened attentively shouted involuntarily: "Yes!"

The rest of the students seemed to be encouraged, and shouted: "Yes!"

"Speak up, everyone!" Teacher Zhang's tone was obviously a little excited.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison.

The voice was very firm and calm. Teacher Zhang felt sincerely happy to arouse everyone's enthusiasm, and said a little excitedly: "We not only have, but must have, I believe that everyone, in the last semester of hard work, It will be better and better!"

(End of this chapter)

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