Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 205 Another Good News

Chapter 205 Another Good News
Xiaowangzhuang's snow-sweeping army was full of enthusiasm, sweeping all the way, and cleaned a road entering and exiting Xiaowangzhuang. It directly connected to the township road in the east of the village in the east, and went straight to the head of the neighboring village Liji in the west.

When Tian Cheng returned home, before he had time to wash off the sweat on his face, Tian walked into the gate by the way.

"Brother Tiancheng, although the road leading to the outside of our village has been cleaned, the road outside has not been cleaned, and our feed still cannot be transported out!" Tianshun said anxiously.

"Haven't those pig farms that have orders with us already withdraw their post-holiday consumption?"

"But there are still retail investors engaged in breeding, plus two agents, if we want the goods, we have no way to ship them out!"

"You go to the road to discuss vigorously and see if he dares to send it?"

Tian Cheng's opinion reminded Tian Shun that Wang Dali was an experienced tractor driver after all, maybe he would have a solution.

"I'll go find him now." Tianshun was about to leave after speaking.

"Don't hurry, I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, brother." Tianshun stopped.

"Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, and it happens to be snowing, you should also check the accounts of the feed factory to see how much profit it has made. In addition to keeping some reserve funds for the next operation, the rest will be distributed to the villagers and to the whole village. Let's cheer up and cheer up, next year's production will be smoother."

"I'll do what you said right away!"

"Not only that, but my pig breeding farm should also do some calculations to see how much profit it is, and then I should distribute dividends to everyone. But at the end of the year, in addition to distributing some cash, I should also distribute some pork to the villagers who have invested in shares. You can buy some if you don’t have enough to eat.”

Tianshun had already thought about Tiancheng's thoughts, but he felt that there was still a week before the festival, so it was too early to bring it up. Now that Tiancheng mentioned the dividends of the two factories, he was naturally happy. As the person in charge of the feed factory In addition to the identity of the village accountant, I also feel that it has added a lot of color.

"Okay, you are really thoughtful!" Tianshun praised Tiancheng.

"Don't wear a high hat. This is not the time to wear a high hat. Only when the villagers are satisfied is our greatest success!"

"Yes, yes!" Tianshun said two yeses in succession, admiring Tiancheng in his heart, for the big brother in front of him, he really served the people.

"I plan to hold a party member meeting for these two matters. As a probationary party member, you will also attend as a non-voting party, and make good work notes, so that it will be convenient to look back at our work progress." Tian Cheng said after a moment of pondering.

"Well, when will it be held?" Tianshun asked immediately.

"The sooner the better, what time is it?" Tian Cheng looked up at the sun and asked.

Tianshun raised his wrist, looked at his watch, and responded, "Ten ten."

"You go and inform now that in 10 minutes, all party members' village branches will gather for a meeting!" Tian Cheng's words were firm.

Before Tianshun could reply, Tian Cheng continued, "Do you have any other comments?"

"Absolutely obey your opinion!" Tianshun said smoothly.

"You have to prepare a little bit. When the time comes, you will be asked to report on the work of the feed factory during this period. It should be concise and to the point!"

"There is no problem!" Tianshun agreed very simply, as if he had already made up his mind.

"Then go and make an announcement!"

"I'm going!" As soon as the voice fell, the person turned around and walked out the door.

Tian Cheng watched Tianshun's leaving back, thinking about what to say at the meeting.

In the past year, I have been running between villages and towns. I can’t remember how many sleepless nights I have. However, I can read the daily itinerary from the motorcycle’s mileage meter. Nearly [-] kilometers, the first I ran the kilometers by myself; in the past year, I worked as a researcher in the early stage, a designer in the middle stage, and a salesperson in the later stage. , Aunt, holding a bowl of warm tea touched him, the eyes of those farmers who were in urgent need of help made him insomnia, and the tears when he hit a wall made him helpless.At this time, everything has turned into a wisp of light smoke and disappeared.

Tian Cheng walked into the room, took out the diary, wrote a brief outline, closed it and tucked it into his elbow. Over the years, he has always maintained a good habit, no matter what meeting he has, no matter what the appointment is When meeting such a friend, he never let others wait for him, he can only wait for the other party when he arrives early.

This time was no exception. When Tian Cheng arrived at the village committee, the other participants had not yet arrived. He took out the key from his pocket, opened the door, sat in his usual place, and waited silently for everyone to arrive.

After all, the village is not that big, and besides, everyone has just returned home after cleaning the snow. Tianshun knows the importance of this meeting to the whole village, and knows that there are many things to do after today's meeting. It takes a few days to be busy with things, and it is estimated that after finishing these things, it will be New Year's Eve.So Tianshun left the gate of Tiancheng's house, and rode a bicycle from home to go around the village.

As soon as Cheng sat down that day, other participants also arrived one after another.The last one to come was the old secretary Mu Xiangshu. Although he didn't retire for a long time, he looked much older because he learned the profound things in simple terms at home during this period.

"The old secretary sits here!" Tian Cheng patted an empty seat beside him and greeted him.

Mu Xiangshu smiled, turned around a few seats, and sat down according to Tian Cheng's invitation. He knew that since Tian Cheng took office, he had led the whole village to do very popular things. Over the years, according to his understanding of Tian Cheng, this Young people are born with a big heart. When they were village accountants, the accounts were clear and they never took advantage of the village. From this point of view, they believed that Tian Cheng was a person who did great things, especially seeing the benefits that Tian Cheng pig farm brought to everyone. When it comes to bonuses, let Mu Xiangshu look at Tian Cheng differently. Although he has all the people in the village, he has not led everyone to become rich. Being able to act swiftly and resolutely, the words of his mother when she was dying are as close to her ears as she is to know her son. She loves her son dearly before she leaves. Looking at it now, Tian Cheng is indeed a good leader. He was right to let him out of this seat, and let him out one day earlier , Let the people in the village follow this young man on the road to wealth one day earlier.

Just as Mu Xiangshu sat down, Tiancheng started his topic.

"Today's meeting is very short, but very important. Let's talk about three topics..."

Although Tian Cheng's words were short, they lifted everyone's spirits.

According to Tiancheng's arrangement, Tianshun made a brief summary speech on the operation of the feed factory during this period. Although the speech did not have an outline, it also showed the seriousness and responsibility of Tianshun these days. of business leaders are poor.

In the end, Tiancheng proposed to everyone to set up an audit team to check the accounts of the feed factory as soon as possible, and then distribute dividends according to the corresponding proportion after the audit, so that everyone can get the dividends brought by the village-run enterprises.

The meeting was very short, and it was over before eleven o'clock. All the participants left the village committee with smiles on their faces, and then the news of the village's dividend spread spread throughout the village. Spread thousands of miles.

(End of this chapter)

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