Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 25 Huimin Conference

Chapter 25 Huimin Conference
Teacher Guo left County Magistrate Qi's house. When Magistrate Qi returned to the house, he grabbed the phone on the coffee table in the living room and directly called Wang Shouzhu, the director of the county government office. A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "County Qi Chief, I am Shouzhu!"

"Director Wang, inform the members of the county government team to meet in the conference room on the second floor of the government at two o'clock this afternoon. There are important matters to discuss!" County Mayor Qi explained in a slow tone.

Wang Shouzhu didn't dare to be negligent when he received the call. He knew the leadership's consistent style and would only make such a temporary decision when it was urgent. It's very urgent, otherwise we wouldn't be in such a hurry to notify everyone of the meeting on the weekend.

The afternoon meeting was held on time in the small meeting room on the second floor of the government office building. After the participants were seated, the county magistrate Qi made an opening speech: "Since the implementation of the joint production contract responsibility system, the income of farmers has increased, but due to the foundation of rural industries Bo, the ability to develop agricultural and sideline industries is still very limited. Some time ago, I arranged personnel to conduct research. According to the research results, farmers want to develop, but what they lack is technology and start-up funds. Technical issues have been arranged by the agricultural department. Training, each commune is equipped with At least one agricultural technician, at the same time, provides agricultural technical training for educated personnel in the county, and solves the technical problem. The next step is to solve the problem of farmers' start-up funds. If it is not solved, it will be difficult to make progress in the slow development of agricultural and sideline industries. We We can't wait for today's meeting, we can't wait for agricultural development, farmers' pockets can't wait, not to mention that the current agricultural development is also the season when funds are most needed. From the height of understanding, there has been a saying since ancient times that there is no stability in agriculture, and that there is no wealth without business. At present, the development of agricultural and sideline industries is the most critical problem to solve the problem of whether farmers have enough pockets. Farmers have the consciousness of wanting to be rich, but they have no money. How to do it? It is difficult to solve it by ourselves, we have to find a way to overcome it for them, please talk about how to solve this problem with the start-up funds for the development of agricultural and sideline industries today, and talk about your personal thoughts and ideas. "

"After I read the research report last week, I have been thinking about this problem. I lack funds and need financial support. But everyone knows that our financial situation is not optimistic. We can only get loans from banks, but some production teams have outstanding debts. The loan has not yet been repaid. At this time, it is difficult for the individual farmers to refinance the loan. This requires the government to coordinate and provide loans to the farmers. The agricultural and sideline industries in the countryside will develop. When the farmers have money, they will repay it in time. It's the best of both worlds." Immediately following the county magistrate to speak was Wu Liangjun, the executive deputy county magistrate sitting next to the county magistrate.Obviously, he supported the county magistrate Qi's proposal to solve the problem of starting funds for the development of agricultural and sideline industries as soon as possible, and clarified the loan method.

Deputy county magistrate Wu's statement provided ideas for the following speeches. The successive speeches of the deputy county magistrates all revolved around how to solve the problem of mass loans, and put forward many constructive ideas and ideas.Finally, a consensus was reached that the government should coordinate bank loans to farmers who want to develop sideline business. Each family can borrow [-] yuan per person based on population to develop agriculture or agricultural sideline production. Interest-free and low-interest rates are adopted according to the situation. form, the time limit is one year, and it will be fully repaid after one year.The meeting lasted for nearly two hours, and finally formed the minutes of the meeting and issued a document. The content of the document is mainly that the rural credit cooperatives of the communes will provide interest-free loans to farmers for one year, which can be used for the development of sideline businesses such as planting and breeding. For the purchase of production materials, the brigade is responsible for guaranteeing loans.

After the meeting, County Magistrate Qi called Director Wang Shouzhu to his office.

"Recently, I heard that the county education committee selects excellent teachers in the county according to the quotas of each commune. Some teachers with better grades in the commune lost the opportunity to be selected because of the limited quota. This incident obviously hit some outstanding teachers. Teachers’ work enthusiasm, you can contact the director of the county education committee to see if there is an appropriate increase in the number of places for the commune where the teachers who perform particularly well, so that the truly outstanding teachers can get the honor they deserve, and fully mobilize their work enthusiasm and work enthusiasm. " County Magistrate Qi paused when he said this. "This matter should not be delayed, please ask as soon as possible!"

After County Magistrate Qi finished speaking, Wang Shouzhu nodded and immediately said, "I'll call Director Zhang Changrong immediately."

After finishing talking and walking out of County Magistrate Qi's office, Wang Shouzhu felt uneasy. This is a small matter in the work of a department, and it was poked on the county magistrate's desk. Okay, otherwise I don't know where else it will be stabbed?

It was already [-] o'clock in the evening when Wang Shouzhu got through to Director Zhang Changrong of the County Education Commission, and Director Zhang took advantage of Sunday to visit his relatives.When Director Wang Shouzhu mentioned on the phone that the county magistrate had intervened, he immediately said that the party committee of the bureau would be convened tomorrow and the matter would be handled properly.

Director Zhang Changrong, who put down the phone, muttered inwardly. The number of outstanding teachers in the county was determined by the party committee. At that time, in order to seek balance, the gap between communes was not considered. The purpose was that every commune should have one. It is good to have a role model in place.At the same time, there were two more schools assigned to the high school, after all, the level of teachers there was higher, and there were more concentrated excellent teachers.How to increase if increased?This quota must at least include those who reported the problem, otherwise, even if it is adjusted, it will be difficult to meet the satisfaction of the county.

The next day, as soon as Director Zhang Changrong arrived at the office, he told his office to convene a meeting of the leading group of the Education Committee.

At the meeting, Director Zhang Changrong did not mention the requirements of the county, but said that although the selection of outstanding teachers this year has been completed, I always feel that there are still many outstanding teachers who have lost their chances. It is not because they are not good enough to teach, but because of quota restrictions. Losing the opportunity will have a negative impact on mobilizing the enthusiasm of some excellent teachers, so it is suggested to increase the number of outstanding teachers in the county based on the results of this final exam, so that truly outstanding teachers can get the honor they deserve.His proposal immediately won the unanimous approval of the members of the team, and finally formed a plan for the selection of outstanding teachers. All outstanding teachers who won the top two in the county in this examination will be included in the selection of outstanding teachers in the county.

He Ruoping, the deputy director of the Education Committee who was in charge of the assessment and evaluation, immediately arranged for the personnel department to list the top two teachers in the county in accordance with the new selection method, and made special marks for the outstanding teachers who had already been evaluated. In the list, there are nearly three times more than the last selection.Director Zhang Changrong frowned when he saw the list, and then he calmed down. Although there were a lot more than before, these were indeed the best candidates for the county's education front.

Director Zhang Changrong carefully put the list into a large kraft paper envelope, then took the patched briefcase, and rode a bicycle to the county government compound. He wanted to hand over the list to Wang Shouzhu, the director of the county office. There, it's best to let the county magistrate look over it to see if the list can satisfy the leaders.Although he didn't know what to do, what he could do was to follow the steps and implement them one by one according to the results, and he didn't dare to go beyond.

When Teacher Guo learned that she had won the honor of an outstanding teacher at the county level, she knew in her heart that it was the result of finding the county magistrate Qi. In fact, she didn't know that she went to the county this time not only to win the honor for a truly excellent teacher, More importantly, it has brought initial capital for the development of agricultural and sideline industries to the people of the county.

(End of this chapter)

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