Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 346 Awakened

Chapter 346 Awakened
"Are you going to see our Teacher Ji?" Wang Sanyuan looked at Tian Cheng's unnatural expression and asked.

"Is he okay these days?" Tian Cheng stabilized his mood.

From Tian Cheng's point of view, Mr. Ji and Mu Xiangshu are relatives, and he is also very good at teaching in class. If he encounters such a big problem here, he should help him. It's just that he doesn't want more people to know about it. I was afraid that Teacher Ji would lose face, and it was precisely because of this that he became a little nervous and seemed incoherent.

"Since that incident, Mr. Ji has changed a lot. The lights are turned off very late every night, and I don't know what to do?" Wang Sanyuan sighed.

"You forgot to turn on the lamp!" Tian Cheng guessed in a low voice.

"It doesn't look like it!" Wang Tianyuan also lowered his voice.

"I'm not looking for him. I wanted to look for old Mu Ge. I saw that the light in his room was on. I wanted to see him. After what you said, I don't need to see him!" Tian Cheng said with a smile, and turned to old Mu go home.

As soon as he walked to the gate of Old Mu's house, Mu Bao, who was playing in the courtyard, had sharp eyes: "Uncle, why don't you come and find my older one?"

"As long as you are smart, you can guess right!" Tian Cheng was amused by Mu Bao's cleverness.

"Uncle, as soon as he got home after school, he went out with the shovel without saying a word. He may have gone to dig the ground in the vegetable garden. Let Mu Bao call him!" Xiuhua who heard the voice in the yard came from the kitchen. Li leaned out half of his body and responded.

"Sister-in-law, there's no need to call, I'll just look for him in the vegetable garden." After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he turned and left the house, walking towards the vegetable garden of Lao Mu's house.

Apart from teaching at school, the current old Mu is no longer like Mu Zhen when she was in elementary school. When Mu Zhen was there, she never thought about going to the field after school. Apart from guiding Mu Zhen's homework, she checked what she had learned in class. Now Mu Zhen’s ups and downs in her studies have caused great changes in Mu Zhen’s thinking. Perhaps she has learned some lessons from Mu Zhen. Although Mu Bao’s learning is not laissez-faire, it is no longer I will pay attention to every detail as I did to Mu Zhen.It is also because of this that after school, I often find some farm work to do by myself, first to share the farm work of Mu Yan's mother and daughter, and second to comfort my wounded heart.

After walking halfway through the village, Tian Cheng saw a person swaying in the vegetable field. From the outline of the body, Tian Cheng knew that it must be Lao Mu.

This ten-acre vegetable garden used to be the reliance of the whole village on the dining table. Whenever the vegetables were harvested, the face of the vegetable growers was filled with the smiles of winners. , When the adults received the distributed vegetables, the children took the initiative to help their parents carry the vegetables home.It is also because of this vegetable field that some of the children are "disgusted". When those high-yield vegetables such as pumpkins, cucumbers, and winter squash are harvested in batches, they will be presented on the tables of every household in the village for a week. The same dish was served, and the children jokingly called it "choke vegetables", and it is still boring to mention these vegetables to these children.This scene has become history, gone forever.Since the implementation of the joint production contract responsibility system in the village, the vegetable plots have also been allocated to households. Although various vegetables are still grown, the scenes of the past can no longer be found, and "choking vegetables" will never occur again.

It's mid-spring now, and there aren't many vegetables that can be grown in the vegetable garden. Tian Cheng looked into the distance, and the sun, which had turned into a big fireball, had already hidden half of its body in the western horizon. Only in this field can you enjoy this beauty.

Old Mu had already noticed Tian Cheng who was walking towards him, stopped what he was doing, and went up to him: "Why did you sneak here?"

"I came to look for you! I didn't expect that you are really a busy person right now. Putting down the teaching pole, you will be a sickle and hoe!" Tian Cheng responded.

"How can I compare with you? You are a person who does great things. What else can I do besides teaching?" Lao Mu said in a helpless tone.

"Forget it, I don't know you yet. You pretend to be the students of the school, but I pretend to be the people of the whole village." Tian Cheng said with a smile.

"See what you said, we are all very noble!" Old Mu Jingtiancheng was very happy when he boasted so much.

"Let's not talk about this, let me report something to you. I went to the county seat about the naming of the feed that I mentioned a few days ago. The leader of the Agriculture Bureau sent the name. You can give it to the staff!" Tian Cheng pointed out the question directly and revealed it. The purpose of finding Lao Mu.

"What's your name?" Lao Mu asked impatiently.

"Peach Blossom Temple!" Tian Cheng seemed to blurt out, and replied very quickly.

"This name is good. Combined with the history of our village, it shows that our feed also has a historical origin!" Lao Mu still has some shallow memories of Peach Blossom Temple in his mind, and the old people often mentioned it when he was young. Dusty, but also left an indelible mark.

"Then use this!" Tian Cheng said smoothly.

"Did you just tell me this specifically?" Lao Mu was a little puzzled. According to the work procedures, Tian Cheng didn't have to come to him just because he confirmed the name of the feed, not to mention that the name had nothing to do with him!

"Yes, and no!" Tian Cheng said ambiguous words.

"Come on, what else is there?" Old Mu felt that there must be something important for Tian Cheng to come here to find him.

"There's one more thing. Teacher Ji from our school didn't get angry because of the last incident, did he?" Tian Cheng asked.

"This..." Lao Mu stood there hesitantly.

At this time, Lao Mu slowly took out a cigarette from his pocket, put it in his mouth, and took out a match unhurriedly, struck the fire with a sound of "嗞", and ignited the cigarette held in his mouth. cigarettes.

"If you talk about emotions, I really don't have any. He is still very serious about preparing lessons, lecturing, and correcting homework. Listening to the students in his class, the lessons he teaches are still liked by the students. How can you say that he has emotions?" Lao Mu Finally, it ended with a rhetorical question. In fact, Lao Mu was very satisfied with Teacher Ji's performance.

"I came over from school just now and saw that the lights were on in his room. I heard from Uncle Sanyuan that this Teacher Ji turns off the lights very late every night, so he shouldn't have something on his mind?" Tian Cheng said to Teacher Ji and Mr. Mu introduced by Lao Mu. The teacher Ji mentioned by Wang Sanyuan was a little different, so he deliberately reminded Lao Mu to say the above words.

"I also know about this matter. Since the last incident, I found that Mr. Ji has changed a bit, and he has become fond of studying. He has added high school textbooks on his desk. Using his spare time, he is reviewing those left behind in high school. Cultural class, I also talked to him alone because of this matter!" After Tian Cheng said this, he took another big drag on his cigarette, the butt of the cigarette turned red as if impatient, and then it went dark again.

"Why does he learn these things?" Tian Cheng asked a little puzzled by Mr. Ji's strange approach.

"He is busy reviewing these homework now and preparing for the college entrance examination. He said that teaching here is not an option. Not to mention the low income, it is not a long-term solution. In the future, he will not be the same as his parents. Cultivating the land, not to mention that you can't see the direction of your life, you don't know what kind of difficulties you will encounter in the future!" Lao Mu said and looked at Tian Cheng.

"This is really an interpretation of the story of a poor man!" Tian Cheng sighed.

"In the last incident, Mr. Ji really came to his senses, as if he changed overnight. He told me that teaching taught him a lot of truths. Learning is no longer as difficult as it used to be, and life has a direction. , will definitely reach the other side of success! These words are very philosophical! I support him very much, after all, it is a school, and the school is based on teaching and educating people. It not only teaches primary school students, but also educates people with aspirations!" Mu was amazed and moved by the changes in Teacher Ji.

"I also support him. If he passes the exam from us, it will be an honor for our village!" Tian Cheng said excitedly.

The setting sun seemed to be pulled by something and fell into the horizon. The sky darkened, and the cigarette butt that Lao Mu connected was almost burned out. If he can be nominated from our gold list, he will definitely have a bright future!"

Tian Cheng didn't reply for a moment, looked at the red sunset in the west, and said in a low voice: "Go home and drink soup, otherwise sister-in-law will ask Mu Bao to call you again!"

After the two finished speaking, they walked towards the village side by side...

(End of this chapter)

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