Chapter 352
After returning from the pig farm, it was already noon, Tian Cheng took Yu and Guan together, instead of going back to his own home, he went directly to Ma Hanbang's restaurant.

Yu Guangzhou said politely: "We are undoubtedly causing you trouble when we come here. Now that you eat here, it will be even more troublesome!"

"Look at what you said, I just want to invite you, and I don't have a chance. If it weren't for Section Chief Guan who wanted to come here for research, how could I expect you to come here? Besides, it should be a coincidence to have a light meal. When you come to the county, aren't you Will you still invite me to eat?" Tian Cheng spoke reasonably, and stopped talking in Guangzhou.

The three of them walked all the way, and Tian Cheng never idled for a moment. He described the changes in Xiaowangzhuang Village over the past year like a few treasures, and after listening to Tian Cheng's introduction in Guangzhou, he thought to himself, when he first met, he guessed that this person was extraordinary. Now it seems that he is indeed a capable person!
Guan Shengli listened to the introduction, saw the situation in front of him, and felt that what Tian Cheng said in front of him in the county was true, he was a man of action, and for such a man of action, if he didn't help him, he would feel sorry.

Walking through an alley, walking along the street, one can see Mu Xinzheng standing on the side of the road at a glance, putting his hands on his forehead from time to time, looking towards Tiancheng, if he sees the figure of Butiancheng again, he will Then I will go to the pig farm to find Tiancheng.

Seeing Tian Cheng walking towards him, Mu Xinzheng immediately went up to meet him.

"Brother, I have asked Hanbang to prepare the dishes, and I hope that you will come back and cook!" Mu Xinzheng explained eagerly when he saw Tiancheng.

"Okay, we came back just in time, let him get ready!" Tian Cheng waved his hand at Mu Xinzheng and said.

Mu Xinzheng nodded, turned his head and walked quickly to the door of Han Bang's house.

"Since the opening of the feed factory in our village, it has led the smart people in the village to set up the tertiary industry. First, the feed retail department, followed by the tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea consignment point, and then the restaurant where we eat. The latter two solve our problems. It turns out that it is troublesome to go to Binhu Town for shopping and eating, especially the restaurant of this villager. The special dish is stewed fish. It is said that it is a unique skill handed down from the ancestors. come..."

Before Tian Cheng finished speaking, Mu Xinzheng who rushed out of the courtyard greeted him: "Quick, please drink water in the room. The dishes are already in the pot, and they will come up after a little tilt!"

Mu Xinzheng greeted everyone to enter a private room at the entrance. The private room was very simple and inferior to those elegant seats in the county. There was a table with four legs in the middle of the room, and four benches were placed around the table. Two people can sit on a bench, and eight people can sit on a table. Because of this, rural people call this table "Eight Immortals table".

There is still a lot of attention to the seating of this kind of table. If all eight people are seated, it means that the back is facing the door. The one sitting in the upper right corner is the VIP, and the row goes down one by one. The person with his back to the door is the one who is in charge of serving tea and pouring water, except for a wine assistant.

There were a total of four people who had dinner today, Tian Cheng suddenly seemed to be missing something, and immediately reminded Mu Xinzheng: "Why did you forget to call our old secretary, go!"

Mu Xinzheng was taken aback, and immediately understood what Tian Cheng meant, he quickly filled the cup on the table with water, turned around and went out the door.

Even with the addition of Mu Xiangshu, there were only five people, so the seats were changed at this time. On the stool facing the door, there was only one host and accompaniment, and the guest of honor sat next to his right hand. The left hand is the second guest, on the stool next to the door, Tiancheng and Mu Xinzheng will be sitting, one is serving wine, the other is in charge of serving, Tianshun is busy selling feed, otherwise Mu Xinzheng's seat must be reserved for Tianshun.

When Mu Xiangshu came, he was unavoidably polite. After getting to know each other, he sat down as the guest of honor. Ma Hanbang served the two prepared dishes on the table, and brought a pot of homemade shochu. Mu Xinzheng I took five small tea cups of two taels and filled them with homemade shochu respectively. Immediately, the aroma of the dishes on the table was mixed with the taste of shochu, arousing the appetite of all present. Aroma begins...

(End of this chapter)

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