Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 384 A Trip to the Provincial City 21

Chapter 384 A Trip to the Provincial City 21
The three of them walked around the street where the stalls were set up, and bought some daily necessities, bedding for the bed, etc. by the way.

"It's so much more convenient. With this market, there are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't buy!" Tianshun said with emotion.

"These goods can be purchased in the wholesale market in the provincial capital. Judging from the fact that they can all be seen here, the popularity of this town is really not inferior to that of our county!" Bu San replied seriously.

The three of them brought the things they bought back to the rented house, and they started to clean up the room together. It was really high spirits for everyone to gather firewood. In less than half an hour, everything was tidied up. The three looked at each other and smiled.

"The problem of accommodation and food has been solved, let's go to the store to see what else is needed?" Tianshun said first.

"Secretary Wang mentioned the matter of buying shares during the meal. I haven't brought any cash yet. When I go back and bring the cash, I'll hand it over to Tianshun!" Bu San interrupted Tianshun.

"Then it's settled, it doesn't matter how much you invest, you decide for yourself, we don't force it!" Tian Cheng seemed to be reminding Bu San not to force himself to invest in the amount of shares.

"Of course, I'm not a three-year-old child anymore. At this age, I understand everything. Don't worry, I will take care of it! The money will probably be delivered tomorrow." Bu San said with a smile.

Tian Cheng looked at Bu San approvingly: "Then let's go to the store now to have a look and discuss how to make a sign?" After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he walked out of the room, followed by Tian Shun and Bu San.

Because I was a little tired yesterday, I didn't have time to think about the decoration of the store in the evening. Now I walked through the market and looked carefully at the door made by others. When I walked to the door of my store, Tian said by the way: , I have been thinking about what kind of store name we should name, and now I finally have a plan!"

"If you don't talk about it, I really forgot about it. I just wanted to make a logo. In fact, isn't this logo the name of the store? Come on, let Brother Bu refer to it!" Tian Cheng stood in front of the store and looked at it. Said by the door.

"Look at what you said, how can I have this ability? It's not something that Secretary Wang has ordered!" Bu San said modestly.

Looking at the two of them being polite, Tianshun felt that it was unavoidable to be a bit tricky, but he had to say: "Our feed is called Peach Blossom Temple, and this temple has a taste of eating fast and reciting Buddha on the door. I think of the word Peach Blossom Spring." Come on, that Paradise Garden makes people linger and forget to return, why not call it the Taohuayuan Feed Direct Sales Office."

"This name is good. Not to mention the artistic conception, it also shows that our feed source is good. It is a good place like a fairyland. It is called this name. Our feed can also be changed to Taohuayuan feed, which is better than that of Peach Blossom Temple. !" Tian Cheng was very satisfied with Tianshun's proposal, he couldn't help praising the "Little Zhuge" in front of him, and complained about his own fault, when he named the feed at that time, why did he forget about this little brother!

"According to this name, make a sign and hang it up. The font on the door should not be too small, it should be bolder, and the color should be brighter. In addition, install a telephone in the store as soon as possible. After installing it, you should tell Brother Bu first. When the time comes, I will Call Brother Bu." Tian Cheng was very thoughtful, the purpose of this trip to the provincial capital was to establish his own sales office here, and now everything is going smoothly, all that is left is to go back and prepare to deliver the first batch of goods here thing.

Tianshun nodded, and said to himself: "I wonder if there is such a shop in this town?"

"You underestimate this small town. This small town is not the town we are in. There are so many things here. Didn't you just say that the wind blowing here is the wind of the provincial capital, and the provincial capital has a great influence on this place. Otherwise, the bus from the provincial capital will not be Baitong!" Bu San was obviously a little dismissive of Tianshun's question, and then said: "I asked Shang Datou yesterday afternoon, and I went out of the market Not far to the east, there is probably a decorated store not far from the department store mentioned yesterday, just go there and order!"

"It's true that he's a boss in the provincial capital, he just thinks differently!" Tianshun couldn't help but admire Bu San's carefulness.

(End of this chapter)

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