Chapter 39
Tian Cheng who came out of Lao Mu's house, after returning home, on the one hand arranged for his son to deliver ink to Lao Mu, and on the other hand wrote the notice himself.

Xiaowangzhuang South Pig Farm was officially changed to "Coproduction Breeding Pig Farm". The opening ceremony will be held at Xiaowangzhuang South Farm at [-]:[-] am tomorrow.

joint production pig farm

The eighth day of the first lunar month
Tian Cheng copied twenty copies of the notice, then took homemade paste and rode out the door, and posted one in each of the neighboring villages with a radius of ten miles. Then he personally visited the branch secretaries of some villages, and invited them to the scene to join them in person. .

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, it was a good day when the rural custom "go outside three, six, nine", the weather was clear, the air seemed to be stagnant, and there was no wind at all. As soon as the breakfast bowl was put down, Tian Cheng asked the helpers to turn on the big speakers in the village I put it on the drying yard next to my pig farm, put up "My Chinese Heart", and at the same time pasted the big characters "Lianyi Breeding Pig Farm" written by Lao Mu yesterday on the back wall of the pig pen. Rise up, making those people who are huddled in front of the haystack basking in the sun a little warmer. Just after nine o'clock, curious people from all over the world slowly gathered towards Xiaowangzhuang. In less than half an hour, people gathered on the drying ground Dozens of people, including old people wearing felt hats, middle-aged people with children in their arms, and children running and interspersed among the crowd, the sound of laughter and chasing combined with the sound of music played by loudspeakers, the drying yard that had been silent for several days immediately Become alive**.

The village party secretary Mu Xiangshu of Xiaowangzhuang was the host invited by Tian Cheng today. Tian Cheng understood that although Secretary Mu was not the oldest among the secretaries of the surrounding villages, with his prestige, especially with him in the government With the support of the leader's eldest brother, he is definitely the most respected among the village secretaries here, so it is most suitable for him to be the host.

There was still a quarter of an hour before ten o'clock in the morning, and the several village secretaries that Tian Cheng had agreed upon had arrived, and everyone sat around the small round table in the management room of the pigsty, chatting casually, waiting for the official start of the opening ceremony.

Just as they were talking, Tian Cheng walked in accompanied by Mu Xiangshu. Everyone was no stranger to this Secretary Mu, so they all stood up in unison to show their respect for Secretary Mu.

Secretary Mu made a fist with his right hand and held it with his left hand. He clasped his fist naturally, and said to everyone with a smile, "I wish everyone a happy old age!"

Everyone said in unison: "I wish you a happy old age too!"

There was a short chatter in everyone's house, and the ten o'clock bell rang, Tian Cheng greeted everyone to leave the house, facing away from the red and black letters "United Production Breeding Pig Farm" pasted on the back wall of the pigsty, facing The crowd stood still in the drying yard, the sound of the horns stopped abruptly, and the children's pursuit immediately stopped. They all waited intently for the opening remarks of the few people standing facing the crowd.

Tian Cheng coughed twice, cleared his throat, picked up the microphone, and said loudly: "Today is the opening day of my joint production pig farm. Here, on behalf of the whole family, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the neighbors and folks who came to this opening ceremony. The most sincere thanks, especially the village party secretary of each village, I am very honored to come to this opening ceremony in spite of his busy schedule, and express my heartfelt thanks and support. Next, I would like to invite the village party secretary of our village, Secretary Mu, to everyone Please welcome the speech." After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding, and everyone followed suit.

Just like that, without any flowers, ribbon cutting, or even the words "Opening Ceremony", only Tian Cheng's short opening remarks, the opening ceremony of the pig farm began.

Mu Xiangshu glanced at everyone, and pulled his collar with his hand: "This pig farm in our village is familiar to everyone more than ten days ago. Everyone gathers here to buy the New Year's pork that they want. It is the pride of the whole village to send a generous gift to everyone on the dining table. There used to be a Peach Blossom Temple in our village, and it was indeed a famous and lively village at that time. , continue to restore our village's former bustle and prosperity."

Mu Xiangshu paused for a while, and continued to speak: "The policy of the country's reform and opening up is to make everyone rich. How do you get rich? We can't wait. We can only seize the opportunity to do it. Last year, the government Provided interest-free loans to everyone. This is a good opportunity, and it is also a good opportunity. Comrade Tiancheng of our village seized it and built these pigpens, and the income is quite good. It is a good idea to change the pigsty into a breeding farm and provide piglets to those who are willing to breed. Comrade Tiancheng told me that I fully support it for the benefit of everyone. We have no reason not to support it. I believe that in Driven by Comrade Tian Cheng, everyone will work together to do a good job in family breeding, and there will be good harvests."

Hearing this, Tian Cheng took the lead in applauding again, and everyone followed suit. Perhaps Secretary Mu's words resonated with the crowd, and the applause was much louder than before.

Mu Xiangshu saw the applause stopped, and continued: "Today, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy New Year, wishing everyone a safe and happy new year, and wishing everyone a more peaceful and prosperous Spring Festival in the coming year. "The last sentence Tian Cheng clearly remembered was what the secretary of the commune said at the first meeting after the Spring Festival when he held a meeting in the commune last year. It was just right for Secretary Mu to move here.

Seeing that Secretary Mu had finished speaking, Tian Cheng took the lead in applauding again. When the applause stopped, Tian Cheng smiled knowingly at the standing clerks, and asked, "Who do you want to say?" He waved his hand, indicating that he had nothing to say.Tian Cheng turned his head and said to everyone: "Let me introduce the situation of the pig breeding farm to you. There are a total of [-] pig pens in my pig farm. Calculated by raising ten pigs in each pig house, the total number of pig farms is [-] at most. One, two hundred pigs can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket for our market demand, so my greatest wish is to lead everyone to raise them together, using these pig houses, I can provide you with piglets that can be reared, do you like it?" Tian Cheng finally said The answer is left to everyone, this is the cleverness of Tian Cheng's speech, he always thinks of the audience first, not himself.

"Good!" Someone in the crowd took over and shouted, and then heard more "good" voices.

Tian Cheng saw that the atmosphere of the opening ceremony he had imagined was better than expected, so he went on to say: "To show everyone's support today, I specially prepared festive candy for everyone to taste. The wedding candy was thrown to the crowd, and Secretary Mu also grabbed the wedding candy and sprinkled it on the crowd. The crowd started to commotion, and everyone rushed to pick up the wedding candy that fell on the ground.

Tian Cheng was excited when he saw the happy candy being picked up on the ground, and he immediately felt that with the support of these neighbors and folks, the prosperous days of the pig farm had just begun.

Everyone tasted the wedding candies they had snatched, and as they gradually left, Tian Cheng looked at the backs of the people who were slowly leaving, and said to the village party secretaries who stayed behind: "I prepared some thin wine at noon, please stay and have a drink to your heart's content Let's go again." Tian Cheng knew in his heart that these were the leaders of various villages, and with their rhetoric, they might get twice the result with half the effort, and these were immeasurable.

The meal at noon is relatively rich, and the ten large bowls are mainly fish. When the opened box of wine is finished, everyone is basically full. On this wine table, Li Yuguang, the village secretary of Dali Village, said, He will build a pigsty when he goes back, and wait for Tian Cheng's piglets to enter the pen. As for the quantity, he will decide at that time.

Tian Cheng sent all the village party secretaries away from Xiaowang Village one by one, and when he returned home to see the sun setting towards the west mountain again, he hurried to the pig house, Zhao Yimin was packing up his things, preparing to prepare feed for the pigs.

"Brother Zhao, you see that you have been very busy today. There may be more things in my place in the future, and it all depends on your brother's help!" Tian Cheng said with a full belch.

"Brother, what did you say? Before liberation, I worked as a long-term worker for the landlord. At that time, I had no status at all. The little money I gave at the end of the year could not even live a New Year. Now in the new society, my brother treats me so well. I am too late to thank you." , I was just doing a favor last year, I never thought about my brother giving me money, and my brother still thinking about me during the holidays, this incident moved me so much that I didn’t sleep well for several days.”

"You get busy first, I still have things to deal with in the village today!" Tian Cheng said and turned back to the village, Zhao Yimin looked at Tian Cheng's shaky figure, and sighed for a long time: "Hey! It's not easy to do anything. !"

Tian Cheng who left the pigsty did not go home, but went to the secretary Mu Xiangshu's home. He respected this secretary very much, and his speech today could be heard in his ears: "The policy of the country's reform and opening up is to make everyone rich. How to get rich? We can’t wait, so we can only seize the opportunity to do it.” This is true, if you don’t grasp it well, no matter how good the opportunity is, it will become a gust of wind, blowing past you without any trace, Nor will there be any results.

When he knocked on the door of Secretary Mu's house, Secretary Mu was sitting in a stately room drinking tea, when he saw Tian Cheng coming in: "Come and drink some tea, sober up!"

Hearing Mu Xiangshu's greeting, Tian Cheng didn't express his politeness any more. He went directly into the room and sat opposite Mu Xiangshu and said, "Brother, you are my leader in work, and you are my respected elder brother in life. Your speech today is really high-level, it not only analyzes the current policy, but also supports my work, so that everyone is convinced, and you are a good secretary respected by our villagers!"

Tian Cheng's words sounded very useful, Mu Xiang wrote with a smile on his face, and instead of answering the words, he handed the poured water to him.

"In terms of national policy, I know a lot more, but I didn't grasp it well and make good use of it. I am indeed not as good as you in this regard. In a few years, my secretary should also give way. You are more suitable than me!" Mu The words of the photo book seem very sincere.

"What's the point of this, I only did a little thing, which is far from your request, and besides, you will always be a good secretary of our Xiaowangzhuang Village, and a respected good friend of our Xiaowangzhuang Village. Secretary!" Tian Cheng drank his saliva and said what was in his heart. Secretary Mu was very supportive of his work, and often gave himself the opportunity to show off. He never made excessive demands, and never used himself Overcoming any stumbling blocks made Tian Cheng feel grateful to this old brother.

"At present, you are doing very well. I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not!" Mu Xiangshu said, staring at Tian Cheng intently.

"Say, you should say it. You are an elder brother, so there is nothing wrong with it!" Tian Cheng felt that there was something in Secretary Mu's words, so he said it smoothly.

"I sincerely hope that you will make your business bigger and really make money. Don't forget that the big guy in Xiaowangzhuang, no matter what method you use, you must give back to the villagers. Only in this way can we party members be worthy of our title I'm sorry for our current position!" Mu Xiangshu thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with any solution. He just felt that Tiancheng was not a stingy person. Judging from his behavior before the holiday, this brother who was nearly 20 years younger than himself In fact, he is much more flexible than his own brain, has a good grasp of policies, and has the spirit of daring to think and do, and he is indeed inferior to others.

"That is, don't worry, I came here today to discuss with you because of this matter. I built a pigsty at the time in response to the country's call. Now that I have some income, I think more. After the holiday, I have been planning. I bought a breeding pig farm, and I needed a lot of money to buy sows, but since I didn’t have an interest-free loan, I couldn’t get enough money, so I was thinking, if the villagers’ money can be pooled and invested in pigs like mine Isn’t it the best of both worlds for everyone to share dividends at the end of the year? So I’m discussing with you to see if we can use the name of the village committee to let big guys buy shares in a pig farm like mine. Firstly, everyone trusts you, and secondly, I have obtained funds , the pig breeding farm can be made bigger." Tian Cheng thought about it for a long time, and then he came up with it.

"I haven't really thought about what you said, but it's a good idea. I'll think about it!" Mu Xiangshu thought it was a good thing, and worried that if it went wrong, it would be better not to do it. Keeping a hand, this matter is not only for consideration, but I want to ask the elder brother who is the leader of the district to see if it is feasible?The eldest brother will retire in a few days, and he said to himself from time to time that if there is any important matter, he must discuss it with him. This involves the interests of thousands of households in Xiaowangzhuang. He thinks this is a very important matter. Be sure to discuss it with your elder brother and let him give you an idea, so I said something to think about.

Tian Cheng knew that Secretary Mu in front of him had always acted prudently, and this was also one of the important reasons for his high morals. No matter in the face of any big issue, he was as calm as Mount Tai, calm and calm, and he would handle things with ease in the end. Let the whole village admire.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Tian Cheng picked up the glass again, drank the water in the glass, stood up and said goodbye.

Mu Xiangshu bowed and said: "I won't give it away, and I won't let you wait too long!"

After leaving Mu Xiangshu's house, Tian Cheng hummed a little tune that he didn't know which artist he learned from:

Peach blossoms come in the spring breeze,
There is pink under the peach blossom,
Look at the mandarin ducks while the peach blossoms and willows are green,
Every household hangs lanterns...

Tian Cheng's little one really didn't hum very well, a child walking towards him shaves his face and laughs at him, he looks at the child's shaving movements, and smiles "hehe" at him, stops humming, and quickly asks the old man The Mu family went.

(End of this chapter)

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