Chapter 41
The moon on the twelfth day of the first lunar month can't wait for the sun to set, so it will appear early, waiting for the night to open.

The people in Xiaowangzhuang also knew in advance that the matters discussed in the village today involved everyone's interests. This was the second time such a villager meeting was held since the joint production contract system. Everyone had dinner early and came to the drying yard in twos and threes Waiting inside, those who came early, a few people found a firewood pile and sat down, leaning on the firewood pile, folded their hands, hugged their chests, and started talking and laughing about the festival. The old lady of the Lin family who was more than one hundred years old recently went west in Hexi, the Sun family gave birth to a grandson, and the Qian family had a baby. Anyway, as long as it is something that can be said in front of the public, it will be discussed in front of everyone.

At this time, the open space on the drying yard will always be a paradise for children, where they chat and argue, and play simple games that have been passed down through generations.

When the crowd was buzzing, the sharp-eyed one was the first to shout: "Ma Lao Si is here, let him tell everyone a story!"

Hearing the yelling, the chatting adults immediately quieted down. Under the moonlight, everyone saw a figure of medium build, a little fat, pacing squarely, walking towards everyone slowly. This fourth Ma is Ma San. My nephew, I read a few books with Mr. Ma in the early years, so I still have some ink in my stomach. As long as the villagers get together and he is there, as long as he hears his humorous stories, people will immediately be refreshed. .

When Ma Laosi heard the crowd calling him, he felt that his face was full of glory. In this small Wangzhuang, only then did he feel that he was a special person.

"Let me tell you one when you come!" It was sent from the firewood pile not far from where Ma Laosi was standing.

"Just tell me one!" Ma Laosi was not polite, and responded directly.

"It is said that there are many animals in the forest, the big one is the tiger, the king of the forest, and the elephant, which is so stable that the tiger is intimidated." Just now, the children who were still shouting heard the tiger, the elephant, Immediately became interested, the game player also stopped, stood there and listened to the story under Ma Laosi.

"Besides tigers and elephants, what other animals do you know?" Ma Laosi asked.

Another firewood pile yelled: "There are too many, wolves, lions, black blind men, rabbits, monkeys, wild horses..."

The voice weakened, and after a few casual words, he became speechless for a while.

"And eagles, owls, sparrows, larks, magpies, crows, and..." was the child's voice.

"There must be mosquitoes!" This made everyone laugh.

"It's really an expert who can think of mosquitoes in this winter. What I want to talk about today is not the animals that you can think of immediately. What I want to talk about is similar to when an expert mentions small animals, and it is easy for people to miss it. An inconspicuous little animal." Ma Laosi paused for a moment, causing everyone's thinking to guess which small animal is going to be talked about next, a small animal about the size of a mosquito.

"It's what we often step on in summer——ants."

"Ant, what else can I say?" Another questioning voice came from the direction of another firewood pile.

"Don't underestimate this ant. We all know that although this ant is small, it can lift several times its own body weight. Can you lift it?" Ma Laosi asked another question, but no one answered it. There is no answer, no one can lift things that are several times larger than their own weight.

"In ancient times, ants did not survive as they do now. They lived a leisurely life independently, because they thought they were strong men. No animal could match his ability to carry things. In the forest In the weightlifting competition held in the kingdom, he became the permanent king of champions. In this way, the ants are very proud of their abilities and feel that they will always be the Hercules in the forest. It is this ability that allows them to live alone in the forest. Among them, the ants at that time did not live in groups like what we see now, foraging for food in groups, and dragging food to the nest in groups, but foraging alone like tigers, and finally one day, an ant met in the foraging A big grasshopper, this grasshopper is a colossal thing compared to an ant, he climbed up on the grasshopper's corpse, turned around a few times, but still couldn't move the colossal thing, just when the ant was frowning, he came from another Another ant came from the same direction, so this ant, like the previous ant, also wanted to move the dead grasshopper. The two ants crawled around on the grasshopper, and then they bumped into each other. After saying hello and thinking of working together to move this huge monster, the grasshopper remained motionless. As time went by, more and more ants gathered, and a dozen or so ants came. They met each other, and finally agreed to use their strength to drag the grasshopper away. Go to a place to hide it, and then everyone enjoys it slowly. The dozen or so ants worked hard together and finally dragged it smoothly to a hidden tree hole, and then shared this huge thing every day according to their initial agreement, so the colony of ants began. And there is a division of labor between each other, tasks that one ant cannot complete, often call more ants to help complete, it is said that this group of ants is to huddle together for a better life."

When Ma Laosi stopped, there were more people in the drying yard. The first people who heard the story were obviously bored by his story, so they said loudly: "This story is too simple and boring. Let me tell you an interesting story." !"

"No need, this story is not vivid, but it tells us a truth, that is, to concentrate the power of the whole village to accomplish something great." A familiar voice came from the newcomers, and everyone knew in their hearts that this was Mu Xiangshu, secretary of the village branch, was speaking.

Everyone was silent, and Mu Xiangshu went on to say: "We opened the village committee today, and everyone may know what it is when we come here? The pig breeding farm run by Tiancheng has been listed, which is the pride of our village, but due to lack of funds, He asked me to discuss, and wanted everyone to invest some money, and then participate in the dividends of the pig breeding farm. If everyone is a little worried about investing, the village will act as a guarantor for everyone. Is it feasible for everyone to discuss?"

Mu Xiangshu stopped, and the people didn't speak a word. Except for the silver moonlight in the whole drying yard, there was the sound of everyone panting, as if they were waiting for someone to stand up and speak first.

"My idea is very simple. Everyone knows that I haven't been raising pigs for a long time. It's only seven months before and after. But I made some money. I won't forget the help everyone gave me. During the Spring Festival At that time, I gave a red envelope to each of the people who contributed to the pig farm, which was more or less out of my heart. This incident gave me a bolder idea, that is, to develop a little bigger, so that everyone can benefit from the pig farm. It's fine if you believe me, but if you don't believe me, there is a village committee!" Tian Cheng broke the brief silence and expressed his thoughts.

"I'm willing to vote! I believe that Uncle Tiancheng's designation of a pig breeding farm will allow everyone to share in the profits!" The person who spoke was Mingde who received Tiancheng's red envelope before the festival. He is not from Tiancheng's family. Uncle Tian Cheng.

"Although I don't have much money, Tian Cheng's idea is to make us better, and I have no objection, I have to invest as much as I can!" A figure stood up from the pile of firewood and said.

Although everyone couldn't see clearly, they knew from the shape of his body and face that this was Ma Chunwu. This person used to blush with Tian Cheng because of trivial matters, but now he actually spoke from Tian Cheng's train of thought. Those who knew this were a little puzzled stand up.It seems that a good thing is a good thing, regardless of past suspicions!
"Ants know how to concentrate everyone's strength to accomplish great things, and we are the same. I am also convinced of Tiancheng's guy!" The person who expressed his opinion was Mu Fang, a well-known idiot in the village.

"A good thing is a good thing, but is it optional or voluntary at the moment?" The woman who asked the question was Fang Yuxia, who was called "the second sister-in-law of Kuaizui" in the village. He usually speaks much faster than others, and he is a foreigner. When we first came here, we often couldn't understand what she said, so someone gave him this nickname.

"It's not forced, it's voluntary. You can enter as much as you want, and you can't force it if you don't." Tian Cheng said.

"That's good!" The words of "Quai Zui Er Sister" seem to have resonated with some people. They think that this pig farm will make money this year, and there is no guarantee that it will make money next year. After all, everyone has raised pigs and eaten this kind of food. What a loss, these people are afraid that if they lose the money they invested, it will be difficult to ask for it again.

In fact, Tian Cheng also understands that everyone's difficulties are not the same, there are those whose families can't afford the money, those who have some money to build a house for their children to get married, and those who are reluctant to spend it to join a family. Various situations may exist. In this matter You can't force it!

Old Mu was squatting far away beside a small tree. He also felt that everyone might not understand Tian Cheng's kindness. After hearing everyone's speech just now, he felt that most people were still very positive, and his family couldn't show much now. Well, the old classmate did good things for everyone, so he had to support him no matter what, and when Tian Cheng came to him alone, he also expressed Tian Cheng's trust in him.He wanted to say a few times several times, but he swallowed the words again. He felt that there was no need to say more, and besides, everyone knew his relationship with Tian Cheng, so he said it so as not to misunderstand everyone.

Mu Xiangshu listened to everyone's stance and speech, and kept silent. He only hoped that everyone would be more involved and support this matter. If it is done, it will be beneficial to the villagers, and it will also be of great benefit to the next step of the village's work.When everyone was silent, as if waiting for the steady secretary to make a final speech, Mu Xiangshu coughed and said slowly: "Everyone has said a lot, and I should not say more. If anyone is willing to invest some money Yes, you can go to the village committee to register and pay money tomorrow, as much as you want. Just now someone mentioned that you can buy [-] catties of wheat. Come on joke! Let’s drive here today!”

Mu Xiangshu's words can also be regarded as concluding speeches. He has always been like this. Although he doesn't talk much, he always makes things clear enough to make people have no doubts.

The village meeting was over, the moon became brighter, the adults left the drying yard one after another, and went home, leaving only some fun children playing hide-and-seek there.

(End of this chapter)

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