Chapter 414
When Mu Zhen finished reading Hu Guoqing's letter, Mu Zhen, who was just beginning to fall in love, couldn't help thinking of Xiaojuan, but it was inconvenient to mention this to Hu Guoqing, and she didn't want to mention it. Mu Zhen, who was under the blanket, closed her eyes, but it seemed like a movie was playing, replaying the details of her relationship with Wu Xiaojuan.

Mu Zhen tried several times to drive this scene out of her mind, but she never thought that the more you drive it away, the more messy it will become. There is really no way, so instead of recalling the knowledge learned that day in the past, she began to secretly count the numbers there, counting from one to One hundred, if you still haven't fallen asleep, then repeat the count again. This is the hypnotism taught by a classmate in Gucheng No. [-] Middle School.

It is said that this hypnotism is very effective for people who often suffer from insomnia. At this time, in order to get out of the chaotic thoughts, Mu Zhen can only try this magical spell.

"1, 2, 3..."

Repeatedly like this, I don't know how many times I counted, and I don't know how many times I counted. Mu Zhen actually came to a small town in a trance. This town is full of red bricks and red tiles. This is very strange for Mu Zhen. Looking at the streets in the center of the town, there are pedestrians wearing colorful clothes, shoulder to shoulder, and Mu Zhen walks slowly through the crowd.

Mu Zhen felt very lonely. There were so many people, but she didn't even know anyone. In this crowd, Mu Zhen suddenly felt her insignificance. With so many people and such a fascinating place, how could there be no familiar people? Woolen cloth?

Mu Zhen was in doubt when someone patted her shoulder from behind. When Mu Zhen looked back suddenly, she was startled. A middle-aged woman she didn't know was standing in front of her. The middle-aged woman had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and she looked very Youshen, with shawl hair hanging down to her thighs like a waterfall, showing a bit of coquettishness, when Mu Zhen was in a daze, she heard a middle-aged woman ask: "Is your name Mu Zhen?"

"Yes! How do you know me?"

"Don't ask why yet? Someone asked me to find you, so I chased you here!"

"where is this?"

"This is Fengyue Town, haven't you heard of it?"

"Fengyue Town? Why don't I know anything about it?"

"It's right if you don't know. You can't find it on the map. How do you know?"

"Hey, you just said that someone entrusted you to find me. Who is the entrusted person?"

"Wu Xiaojuan, you don't know me, do you?"

"I know! How could I not know her? Where is she?"

"Follow me, I'll take you to see her, will you go?"

Mu Zhen hesitated for a moment, feeling that it was unbelievable to follow a stranger, but when she thought of Wu Xiaojuan, she was naturally relieved, so she replied in a very positive tone: "You lead the way!"

The middle-aged woman didn't answer, she pointed to the direction ahead, and walked through the crowd. Mu Zhen didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed, wondering from time to time, why did Wu Xiaojuan send her to find me?Who is she?
Mu Zhen wanted to ask, but the words came to her lips, but she didn't ask.

The middle-aged woman took Mu Zhen out of Zhongxin Street, and saw a river with an arched bridge on it. Mu Zhen couldn't help but wondered that there were so many people on the street just now, but there was no one on the bridge. , as if it had nothing to do with that busy street.

Walking to the middle of the bridge, the middle-aged woman stopped, asked Mu Zhen to stand on the side of the bridge, pointed to the bridge and said, "Do you see what is under the bridge?"

Mu Zhen leaned over to look down the bridge, she never wanted to be pushed down the bridge by the woman, after Mu Zhen was pushed by her like this, she couldn't get back when she leaned out of the bridge guardrail, she just jumped over the guardrail and fell straight into the river .

Mu Zhen was extremely frightened and shouted, "Xiaojuan, Xiaojuan, save me!"

The cry was so tragic that even Mu Zhen who woke up could hear the lingering sound.

"Who is Xiaojuan?" Hu Guoqing asked, looking back at Mu Zhen who was still in shock.

Mu Zhen collected herself and did not answer immediately. She thought about the scene in her dream, and then asked, "Did I yell loudly just now?"

"What are you calling Xiaojuan so loudly!" Hu Guoqing replied with a smile.

"It's all because you asked me to write a reply letter!" Mu Zhen blamed.

"What kind of soul did it bring to mind?" Hu Guoqing asked in surprise.

"What nonsense, sleep!" After Mu Zhen finished speaking, she turned around, turned her back to Hu Guoqing and stopped responding.

Hu Guoqing didn't ask any more questions knowingly, and lowered his head to start the chemistry test paper with two questions.

(End of this chapter)

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