Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 416 Disturbed by Dreams 2

Chapter 416 Disturbed by Dreams 2
Hu Guoqing was not ambiguous at all, and wrote an letter according to the envelope written by Mu Zhen. After finishing writing, Hu Guoqing wanted to show it to Mu Zhen, but Mu Zhen waved her hand: "Don't read it, I told you to It depends, I believe you are!"

Although Mu Zhen acted nonchalantly on the surface, after saying these words, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, what would Hu Guoqing write?If according to the letter I wrote yesterday, it might not be a bad thing to talk casually, at least to share my gloomy mood and let Wu Xiaojuan think that she has not forgotten her friend, but it doesn't matter. But if you add oil and vinegar, wouldn't you be born with unreasonable troubles?But when I think about it carefully, no matter what I write, the result is the same, that is, this letter will definitely remind Wu Xiaojuan of her relationship with her.

In the three classes at noon, Mu Zhen was a little absent-minded. Although she listened to some occasionally, she still couldn't raise her spirits.In the last self-study class, Mu Zhen, who was sitting in front of the desk, seemed to be a little turbulent in her heart and couldn't calm down, she couldn't help but looked up out of the window and became dazed.

The poplar leaves outside the window are covered with branches, the dense leaves are swaying there when the breeze blows, Mu Zhen's heart is erratic following the swaying leaves, her eyes are fixed on the shiny green, floating people On the psychedelic leaves, the mind returned to the scene a year ago. It was in this season that Mu Zhen received a note from Wu Xiaojuan to herself. Everything changed from that note. Mu Zhen relived the sweet relationship with Wu Xiaojuan. every detail.

Seeing Teacher Lu Shuang's angry expression, Mu Zhen felt her eyes moistened. This old antique, just like the members of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai Middle School, is unkind.Mu Zhen quietly wrote down on the paper: I thought I went to the appointment just to make friends, but I never wanted to hold hands and almost became enemies; I thought the exchange of notes was friendship, but I never thought it would be mistaken for mandarin ducks; I thought that helping each other promotes learning, I never thought that the escalation of the relationship would be difficult to forget; I thought that talking to each other was heartfelt, but I never thought that meeting each other would become a luxury.At this time, I was searching hard in my dream, why did I push it into the river again?

Mu Zhen, who put down the pen in her hand, returned to reality. When she read Hu Guoqing's letter last night, she felt a strange feeling in her heart. Thinking about it carefully, even if there was no dream last night, her heart would still be troubled. This is enough to show that I Wu Xiaojuan has not given up in her subconscious, maybe this is really the love in love novels, and the seeds have been planted in her heart.

Mu Zhen suddenly thought of the recent popularity of Qiongyao. Ms. Qiongyao is definitely a master of writing love. An autobiographical novel "Outside the Window" is full of winds and winds. Thinking about the classic Chinese and foreign masterpieces since ancient times, which one is not infused with love It is a "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that shows the war of the Three Kingdoms, and there is no shortage of pen and ink to describe the joys and sorrows of Lu Bu and Diao Chan.This is life, and this is the life of ordinary people. If there is no love, the world will be ordinary. If there is no love, literature and art at all times and in all over the world will become a pool of stagnant water. joyous?
Love has spread endlessly since it was recorded in writing. No one can stop each other from coming, and no one can get rid of the shackles of love. Hu Guoqing has no intention of Hu Yufen. Maybe Hu Yufen has a little love for Hu Guoqing , It was this conjecture that ignited Mu Zhen's fire that had been silent for a year, and the spark of love rose again. At this time, Mu Zhen had to admit that if there was no Lu Shuang's pressure back then, maybe she would have made herself really happy. Just get addicted to it.

Mu Zhen collected herself, took a pen and wrote a small poem on the paper:
love is a word
Entanglement is difficult to sort out

Keep chopping, reason is still chaotic

Don't have a taste in my heart
love is a word
Written for thousands of years and all generations

Throughout the ages there have been Spring and Autumn

love in it

(End of this chapter)

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