Chapter 418
It was only two days after Hu Guoqing sent the letter that the county’s unified examination for junior high school graduates was ushered in. It was said to be a unified examination, but it was actually a pre-selection examination before the high school entrance examination. This examination will select more outstanding students to participate in the county’s outstanding graduation Students with poor grades will also lose the chance to take the high school entrance examination.

The pre-selection exam is unified in the county, and the school organizes the exam. In order to select the best students to participate in the county-wide exam, all schools attach great importance to it. The students in the first and second grades of junior high school have a three-day holiday, and all classrooms in the school serve as the pre-selection exam. the examination room.All the junior high school graduates in the county are ready for the battle. This is a big review of the grades of the junior high school graduates in the county, and it is also a big test of the knowledge learned by each student. This test is for outstanding students. Speaking is the first step towards success in life, and for extremely poor students, it will be a wake-up call to end their studies early.

Although the school before the exam seems unusually calm, the calmer it is before the exam, the more it hides an undercurrent. The good students are gearing up and eager to try, while the poor students are anxious and dejected. The atmosphere in front of the "Soldiers" is that tension and excitement coexist, discouragement and disappointment coexist.

The exam was carried out quietly and nervously. The three-day preliminary selection was over, and the school gave graduates a two-day holiday. After discussing with Hu Guoqing, Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing went back to Xiaowangzhuang together.

Mu Zhen has been back twice since the Spring Festival. Every time she came home, it was almost time to light the lanterns. After breakfast, she left home and went to school. Every time, she came and went in a hurry. So this time I brought Hu Guoqing back to Xiaowangzhuang, just wanting to go around the village and see what changes have taken place in the village?Especially Ma Sanye in the village, is he recovering?And the old Zhao who mentioned last time that he wanted to write a novel, what new progress has he made?These are the common concerns of Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing. While caring for them, they should also relax their minds.

It was after five o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to Xiaowangzhuang Village, and the sun was still high.From time to time, the sound of reading can be heard from the school across the wall. Mu Yan, who was busy tidying up the yard, saw Mu Zhen coming back, and hurriedly stopped what she was doing, and said hello to her brother: "Brother, today is not Sunday, why are you back so early? "

"Our county-wide unified examination is over, and the school is on vacation for two days. If we don't bring Hu Guoqing to stay at home for a day, we will return to school early in the morning the day after tomorrow." Mu Zhen replied hastily.

"There are guests at home, so I'm going to cook!" Mu Yan said, throwing a few straws in her hand on the haystack beside her.

"Look at how enthusiastic our sister is, you are busy, I will take Guoqing out for a walk!" Mu Zhen answered before Hu Guoqing and Mu Yan could reply, and then pulled Hu Guoqing out of the gate.

As soon as he left the gate, Hu Guoqing suggested to Mu Zhen impatiently, "Let's go to Mr. Ma's house first!"

"Of course, that's what I mean too." Mu Zhen responded as she walked ahead.

The two of them trotted almost all the way, heading directly to Mr. Ma's house.Usually when Mu Zhen went to Ma Sanye's house, she would always walk around the back of the village. There were few people there, which saved the trouble of greeting people. Now, in order to save time, she walked directly through the village along the avenue in the village and turned around. Then I will go to Ma Sanye's house.

When the two were walking on the village street, the village was a bit quiet, and they didn't even meet anyone. Even the old people who used to sit at the gates of every house hid somewhere, and Mu Zhen felt a little uncomfortable. Too adaptable, and said to Hu Guoqing: "Today is really a bit strange. Usually, the street has never been so quiet like today. What's the matter today? Let alone idlers, there are no people, just like ghosts entering the village. It's like a big sweep, don't you think it's strange?"

"Everyone is busy with their own business now, so how can there be idlers?" Hu Guoqing's answer did not solve Mu Zhen's doubts.

"No matter how busy this is, the whole village, men, women and children are not busy?" Mu Zhen asked rhetorically.

"That's not sure!" Hu Guoqing responded casually.

(End of this chapter)

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