Chapter 420
Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing watched Gao Shan turn around the entrance of the alley, and looked at each other. Mu Zhen spread her hands and said, "It seems that Mr. Ma has gone on a long journey. There is something you don't know. According to my father, he My son is an official in another place, so I guess he went to his son's house?"

Hu Guoqing looked at Mu Zhen disappointedly.

"Then let's go to the pig breeding farm to watch the fun!" Hu Guoqing suggested.

Mu Zhen nodded her head in agreement.

The two immediately walked along the alley to the pig breeding farm in the south of the village.

Before leaving the village, I heard the cry of pigs, mixed with people's cheers.

When I ran to the entrance of the village, I saw a crowd of people around the pig farm. From a distance, it was dark, like a wall blocking the outside of the pig farm.

"The scene is truly unprecedented!" Hu Guoqing couldn't help but praised.

"Don't tell me, there really isn't anything in the village that gathers as much as it did today. It's probably because of towels and money!" Mu Zhen guessed.

"Listen to you, we also went for the towel!" Hu Guoqing said casually.

"We are different. Even if it is given to us, we can't take it. We don't get rewarded for nothing. Besides, we can't help much. How can we ask for their towels?" Mu Zhen is not interested in towels.

Hu Guoqing looked at Mu Zhen approvingly: "Listen to your voice, you are not greedy for money, we are only spectators."

"Of course, wealth is not obtained by greed, but by earning. If you think about it, since ancient times, people have been contemptuous of doing nothing for nothing. If we take a towel, in the eyes of others, we will think that we are too bad to die." , Don’t you think so?” Mu Zhen said with a bit of contempt.

Hu Guoqing was still thinking about being happy to get a towel just now, but now hearing what Mu Zhen said, he didn't mean to ask for a towel at all, so he nodded and followed Mu Zhen's words: "You are right, According to the ancient times, we have to be regarded as scholars no matter what, cheap people don’t eat cheap food, we understand this, we can’t even take it!”

While talking, the two had already walked past the feed factory. The booing of people and the howling of pigs were in their ears. Everyone turned their backs to the direction Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing were coming from. No one seemed to pay attention to their arrival. When they arrived, Mu Zhen took Hu Guoqing and walked a few steps, stood behind the crowd, and stood on tiptoe to visit.

Next to the newly built two rows of brand new pig houses, several tractors were parked, and each tractor was covered with rope nets pulled up to cover the piglets on the vehicle. More than a dozen big men were surrounding the tractors to carry the piglets down.Whenever he grabs the piggy's ears and pulls it down, the ear-piercing howling sound comes out along with the piggy's fright.

The people watching shouted loudly, as if they were stimulated like the frightened piglets.

The big man carrying the piglet passed the pig to the person standing in the pigsty, and the person standing in the pigsty carefully put the piglet into the pen, and the piglet immediately jumped up and walked towards the corner of the pigsty. The group of piglets rushed forward, plunged into the group of piglets, and arched inward as if they only cared about their heads and ignored their buttocks.

Just as Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing were watching intently, Mu Zhen suddenly felt that someone had patted her on the shoulder, and hurriedly turned her head: "Master, why didn't I see you just now?"

Hu Guoqing heard Mu Zhen's words, turned his head hastily, saw Lao Zhao standing in front of him, and greeted him: "Uncle Zhao, do you still recognize me?"

"I know, I know. Your name is Hu Guoqing, and you are Mu Zhen's classmate. Am I right?" Old Zhao asked back.

"You really have a good memory!" Hu Guoqing was surprised that Uncle Zhao could blurt out his name, and couldn't help secretly admiring the 60-year-old man standing in front of him for having such a good memory.

"Don't laugh at me, your name is easy to remember. I saw it when you came over just now, but someone was talking to me, and I didn't have time to greet you. That person left, so I came to greet you two scholars!" Old Zhao said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

"Seeing what you said, we are all a little embarrassed!" Hu Guoqing responded hastily.

"Don't be too polite, I have towels, as long as everyone who comes here today will have a share!" Old Zhao gave way sincerely.

"No, we didn't come here to ask for towels. We came here to find you, but we were attracted by this hot scene!" Mu Zhen responded hastily.

"Do you know the function of our towel?" Old Zhao asked quickly.

Both Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing shook their heads and looked at Lao Zhao suspiciously. Mu Zhen immediately replied, "What else can a towel do? It's for wiping your face!"

"It's not that simple. Our towel has writing on it. Secretary Wang said that it's not only for wiping your face, but also for publicity. The purpose is to promote pig farms like ours."

Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing became even more confused when they heard this.

"Propaganda, how to publicize?" Mu Zhen was incredulous.

"You'll know it when you see it!" Old Zhao dragged Mu Zhen towards the management room.

(End of this chapter)

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