Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 423 Tasting Classics

Chapter 423 Tasting Classics
When the three of them were talking, the human wall surrounding the pigsty just now had disappeared, and most of the people had left.

Mu Bao came out from nowhere and took Mu Zhen's hand: "Brother, I heard from my sister that you are back, so I came here specially to find you!"

"Mu Bao is a smart kid. He comes to see me from time to time. If I have words I don't know, I always ask him to look them up in the dictionary." Lao Zhao praised Mu Bao happily when he saw Mu Bao.

"It's good that I can find the words that the uncle asked, but if I can't find them, there's nothing I can do!" Mu Bao replied naively.

When Mu Zhen heard this, she immediately thought that she had done something difficult because of Lao Zhao Wen's words, and now it's Mu Bao's turn to help. It seems that the 60-year-old man in front of her really decided that "threesomes are going together" in order to study. There must be a degree of my teacher".

"Uncle not only has a good memory, but he can also be ashamed to ask questions. This learning can be said to have progressed by leaps and bounds!" Mu Zhen admired this old man with a good ear even more from the bottom of her heart.

"It's true. When I saw the uncle just now, he could immediately call me by my name. I admired it very much. I also heard what Mu Bao said just now. Asking Mu Bao to help me learn characters shows my uncle's humility and studious spirit. !” Hu Guoqing said with a thumbs up.

The three of them praised Lao Zhao in unison, which made Lao Zhao really a little bit overwhelmed, and kept saying: "Look, look, you, what's wrong with you, why do you want to lift me up to the sky and fall down again?" ?”

"Look at what you said, how could we have that meaning, we are telling the truth!" Mu Zhen said to ease the atmosphere.

"Don't talk about it. If you talk about it, I can't hold it anymore!" Lao Zhao saw that the people had almost left, and only a few children were still chasing and playing there, so he said to the three people: "Let's take the towel Move into the house, and then sit in the house for a while!"

"Look, you still need to feed the pig! We'll come back when we have time!" Mu Zhen said very politely.

"Now almost all the work of feeding the pigs is handed over to the newcomer Che Xiaoguang. He is also honest and honest in his work. Since he came, he has competed with me in all tasks, which has saved me a lot of worry." Old Zhao said as he went into the room to clean up the towels on the table.

Seeing this, Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing helped to set up the table inside the room, while Mu Bao was busy moving the stools, and in a moment, all the things that were outside the door just now were moved into the room.

Mu Zhen noticed that there was a copy of "Dream of Red Mansions" wrapped in kraft paper on the table. The three characters were neatly written in block letters with a brush. The books borrowed there are all in this style.

"I borrowed this from Mr. Ma!" Mu Zhen asked, picking up the copy of A Dream of Red Mansions.

"Yes! I have read it three times now, but he is not at home, and I can't change the middle volume. This is really a precious book. I can't understand the poems written, but I feel that the book is good. Come." Old Zhao couldn't help boasting a few words.

"This book is the pinnacle in the history of Chinese classical literature. The "Gourd Monk Judging the Gourd Case" in our Chinese textbook is selected from it. Listening to our teacher's talk about the characters in it, all of them have their own heads, such as Zhen Shiyin, The names of Jia Yucun and others are all metaphors." Hu Guoqing heard Lao Zhao boasting about "Dream of Red Mansions", and immediately answered a few words.

"No, sometimes I think about it. There are many characters in this book, but each of them is written without repetition and has its own characteristics, especially the "Good Song" in the book. I can’t forget having money. All my life, I only hate that I don’t have much money, and when it’s too long, I’ll close my eyes.’ You said that the old landlords and rich people in the past gathered money like this, and finally their families were ruined?” Old Zhao Neng recited these few sentences in a smooth manner, so that Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing were also a little stunned. They didn't expect Lao Zhao to be able to memorize it after reading it three times. It can be said that he has read the book a hundred times, and it's self-evident!
"You are really amazing! You can recite it after only reading it three times!" Mu Zhen praised.

"Aren't I figuring it out over and over again?" Old Zhao smiled modestly.

"You're not thinking about it, you're thinking about it carefully!" Hu Guoqing's voice had just finished, when suddenly there was a reply from outside the door.

"What are you thinking about? What are you thinking about?"

Everyone turned their eyes to the door...

(End of this chapter)

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