Chapter 426
Mu Bao followed Lao Zhao to the new pigsty and came back. The light in the room became much darker. Mu Zhen and Hu Guoqing had already read about ten pages. It was obvious that what was written in this book must have been drafted by Lao Zhao. After the modification, the sentences copied here are fluent, and some of them use the tone of an opera, especially those seven-character sentences, which are catchy and rhyme very well. It really took a lot of effort.

"It's so dark in the room, it's time to turn on the light!" Lao Zhao said and turned on the light in the room. It was an ordinary light bulb, which glowed reddish when turned on. Although it brightened the room a lot, but for Reading and writing, slightly dim.

"Are you reading under this light?" Hu Guoqing asked a little puzzled.

"It's much brighter than the kerosene lamps in the past, and I'm very satisfied!" Lao Zhao said with emotion.

Mu Zhen feels that it is understandable for an old man who has lived in the old society to be satisfied with the new life, but the lights are too dim, let alone a 60-year-old man, even young people will suffer from myopia.

"Grandpa, this light is fine for daily lighting, but if you use it for reading, it's better to light it under a kerosene lamp! If you want to read, you'd better buy a simple desk lamp, or your eyes won't be able to bear it!" Mu Zhen said with great concern.

"Every time I read a book, I put the book under the electric lamp, which is much brighter than the kerosene lamp I used to light. Besides, the desk lamp is so expensive. For an old man like me, it is too wasteful. You children should protect Eyes, and I am an old man, there is nothing to protect or not, a little light is much better than that, so why are there so many complaints?" Old Zhao said very naturally , no complaints at all.

"What is Nangying Yingxue?" Mu Bao asked looking up at Old Zhao's face.

"Have you ever heard of the bone-piercing cantilever?" Mu Zhen asked.

"I've heard of it, but I haven't heard of Nangying Yingxue!" Mu Bao turned to Mu Zhen and said.

"This is similar to the bone-piercing head-hanging beam awl. They both refer to the story of studying hard in ancient times. Nangying Yingxue refers to Che Yin catching fireflies in his pocket during the day and putting them in his pocket at night. He reads books by the light of the fireflies. Yingxue It is also about a poor man in ancient times, his name is..." Mu Zhen suddenly couldn't remember Ying Xueren's name, and got stuck there.

Old Zhao looked at what Hu Guoqing was thinking about, so he blurted out: "Sun Kang of the Jin Dynasty!"

"Yes, it's the story of Sun Kang studying in the light of the winter snow, and later both of them became high-ranking officials!" Mu Zhen added.

Hu Guoqing was also very surprised. How could these stories be remembered so clearly in Lao Zhao's mind? You really can't underestimate the old man in front of you. Although he studied late, the amazing memory makes it hard for us to match. Hu Guoqing was thinking wildly , and heard Mu Bao muttering: "Is this Che Yin's brain exhausted? He catches fireflies during the day, and uses the light of fireflies to read at night. Why not use the time of catching fireflies during the day to read, so as to avoid trouble? "

Mu Zhen suddenly became dumb, and Hu Guoqing immediately corrected him: "Your brother is wrong, this Che Yin catches fireflies at night, where can I go to catch fireflies during the day?"

Mu Zhen felt her face heat up, and she gave Mu Bao a hard look: "You're getting horny again!"

"I'm not blaming you for making a mistake, but blaming me!" Mu Bao argued with his elder brother Mu Zhen more seriously.

Seeing the two brothers singing the opposite scene, Lao Zhao hurriedly made a rescue and said: "Everyone remembers wrongly, let's not talk about this, it's a little late, you three brothers can have dinner here!"

"How can I eat at your place! Our family's meal should be ready, and we will come to the village meeting after eating!" Mu Zhen responded and handed the notebook in her hand to Lao Zhao.

"You haven't made any comments yet?" Lao Zhao took it over and asked.

"The writing is fluent and the matter is explained very clearly. I really can't think of any comments. National Day, do you have any comments? Let me mention it to the uncle." Mu Zhen cast her eyes on Hu Guoqing who was beside her.

"I have no objection either. My uncle has studied for less than a year, and he can write so well. He is more knowledgeable than our students at school. How can there be any objections?"

After hearing this, Old Zhao was happy, but he kept saying, "Are you sorry to raise your opinions with me, an old man, or are you afraid that I won't be able to stand up?"

"I really don't have any comments. Haven't you finished watching it? Next time I come back, I will definitely give some comments. But now that I see this, it's really good. I don't have any comments!" Mu Zhen said very sincerely, and Lao Zhao's heart welled up. A gleam of warmth, fleeting.

"Listen, listen, my mother is calling me!" Mu Bao pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

Everyone immediately stopped talking, and after listening carefully, Mu Zhen faintly heard the familiar voice: "Mu Bao is right, my mother told me to go back to eat!"

The three of them bid farewell to Lao Zhao immediately and ran home.

(End of this chapter)

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