Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 48 Share the Joy

Chapter 48 Share the Joy
For those who are in sweetness, time always feels extremely fast. It has been more than a month since Xiaojuan wrote the first note to Mu Zhen. During this period, Xiaojuan followed the learning method written by Mu Zhen, Coupled with the powerful motivation generated deep in her heart, it is the power of love, it is the source of power, like a clear stream that waters her heart from time to time, she has already put the divorce of her parents behind her, and more The most important thing is to immerse yourself in the sweetness and attachment of love.

"The results of the math unit test have come down this time. How many points did you get?" Xiaojuan asked Mu Zhen excitedly on the way home at night.

"As far as your math grades are concerned, you have the nerve to ask Mu Zhen!" Zhang Ran answered with a sarcasm.

"Yo, yo, you look down on sister, don't you?" Xiaojuan pursed her lips.

"It's not the first time that you didn't do well in the exam!" Zhang Ran said with some sarcasm in his tone.

"Can't you still look at me with admiration?" Xiaojuan said, "giggling" and laughed.

"You still fail the [-] exam!" Zhang Ran disagreed.

"Test [-], do you invite everyone to go to the lake to see the lotus?" Xiaojuan deliberately teased this cousin who made fun of her all day long.

"Just please, I want to please, but you don't have that ability!" Zhang Ran was still persistent.

"Then you decide!" Saying that, Xiaojuan took out the test paper that was just handed out that night and handed it over.

Liu Xuchang pushed away the flashlight and shone it on the test paper. On the front of the test paper, there was a big "100" written in ink pen, which was absolutely true.

Zhang Ran couldn't believe it, rubbed his eyes, and checked the name carefully - Wu Xiaojuan.

"Oh, my God, who did this copy?" Zhang Ran still didn't believe his cousin's achievements.

"Hey, don't say that, I think you can get a perfect score at any time, and let's talk about the content of this chapter, you can ask questions as you like, and take an on-site test, okay?" Xiaojuan issued a new challenge.

The dispute between the two of them, only Mu Zhen understands in her heart that Xiaojuan's hard work these days has made her not believe in her changes. It turns out that she can make typos when writing a note. I don't know where the strength comes from. These days, She actually recited five texts and showed him the texts she had recited silently.

When she heard that Xiaojuan got a full score in the unit test, Mu Zhen didn't feel surprised at all. The learning method is just a guide. No matter how correct the guide is, it will be in vain without putting in practical efforts. However, what Xiaojuan passed on to her The notes are all kinds of learning problems. After getting the answers to these questions from him, she will rely on her own unremitting efforts until she really understands those problems. Based on these, Xiaojuan this time It's no surprise that he got a perfect score on the math test.

Mu Zhen, who had been silent for a long time, really didn't want to speak out at this time, because he really didn't understand that the young lady in front of him had such a strong motivation to learn, and she really had the courage to impress people for three days.

Seeing that Mu Zhen did not speak, the three of them turned to Mu Zhen who only listened but did not speak.

"Tell me how many exams you have taken?" It was still Xiaojuan who asked.

"Same as you, almost the same as usual, and full marks! The questions are very simple, and they are all from books. As long as you learn the knowledge from the books thoroughly and solidly, there will be no problem with a satisfactory score in the test!" Mu Zhen concluded. Speak, so that the three have no words.

Everyone walked silently, stopped for a while, and it was still Xiaojuan's suggestion: "Who made the promise just now, I got full marks in the exam, and I want to invite everyone to go to the lake to see lotus flowers. If a gentleman says something, it's hard to follow a horse, and you must keep your word." !"

"Okay, okay, I invite you to congratulate the two of you?" Zhang Ran raised his hand in surrender, expressing his willingness to take everyone to see the lotus in person.

Zhang Ran's aunt is in Liulou Village in the lake, and he just invites everyone to visit the lotus. Xiaojuan knows that he has this convenience, so she knows that he can do it, so she joins him.

"It's going to be the wheat harvest holiday soon. We must go before the wheat harvest. Let's make this Sunday, how about it?" Xiaojuan suggested impatiently.

For Liu Xuchang and Mu Zhen, this proposal was like a piece of cake from the sky. Mu Zhen thought to himself, Liu Xuchang had a dream to see lotus a few days ago, it seems that this dream has really become a reality.

Everyone prayed to see the lotus together, so they were all very excited, and they broke up at the entrance of the village, and they both went home without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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