Chapter 57 Gossip
Mu Zhen's three-summer vacation ended soon, and she sat in the school with the exhaustion of working in the field. These days, although she was in the field, her heart was already in the classroom. He never forgot Xiaojuan's figure studying, and always felt Xiaojuan's thirst for knowledge has already affected him. The various problems Xiaojuan mentioned always spur him to study and think.

The first day passed relatively long, and Muzhen’s physical fatigue made it difficult for him to concentrate. In class, his eyelids kept fighting, even though he tried to wake himself up by twisting his thighs, tearing his mouth, etc., But still can't get rid of that terrible sleepy bug.In the end, I couldn't bear it any longer. I watched the teacher's mouth move, but couldn't hear the sound. After a while, the teacher's face began to become blurred, and finally he put his head against the desk, and he didn't know where he was.He didn't know what the teacher had said, he only knew that when he woke up, the next bell rang.

At this time, Xiaojuan was different from Mu Zhen. She didn't have to work hard in the field, so she didn't feel tired at all. What she had was how to communicate with Mu Zhen about the problems she encountered in the past few days.These questions can be solved by asking the teacher or even the classmates, but she feels that it is easiest for her to understand these questions when Mu Zhen talks about them.She was looking forward to school and how to communicate with Mu Zhen, so she wrote a note -- "See you at the old place after lunch?"

When Mu Zhen received Xiaojuan's note, it was already noon after school. After reading it, he nodded immediately.The old place on this note is naturally the big willow tree at the head of Zhangji Village.

The scorching sun in June was like tongues of fire, Mu Zhen didn't neglect, and he didn't wash his rice bowl, so he rode to the big willow tree early to wait for Xiaojuan.At this time, there were not many people in the field, and those who were lazy went home from work early, and most of them went home for lunch. Mu Zhen was standing under the tree, feeling like the weather in her heart—getting angry, Xiaojuan was very concerned about the time. Every time I make an appointment with her, usually I am the one who arrives late, why haven't I come today?Mu Zhen asked herself, looking at the direction Xiao Juan should be walking from time to time.

Just as he was looking left and right, Xiaojuan appeared in his field of vision. She didn't ride a bicycle, she moved forward in small steps, her legs were like the wind, and quickly came to him: "How long have you been waiting? My uncle's family is here today." There are no guests, so the meal is a bit late, and we are late." Xiaojuan said apologetically.

Mu Zhen blamed herself for coming early: "Look, it's not because you came late, but because I came too early." She rubbed her hands together as she spoke.

Just after I said a few words, two women happened to pass by here, and only one woman said: "Hey, did you see that, isn't that Zhang Gongyun's niece?"

"Yeah, what is she doing here? And that boy is not from our village." Another woman said while sneaking a few glances at the place where the two were standing.

"Could it be..." The voices behind the two women became weaker and weaker. Mu Zhen didn't hear clearly, but only vaguely heard words such as "talking about love, talking about love, falling in love". Mu Zhen guessed and discussed The topic of this topic is inseparable from the matter between him and Xiaojuan.

At this time, Mu Zhen noticed that the book Xiaojuan was holding had several notes in it. Mu Zhen found that it was all the various problems Xiaojuan encountered during her holiday study, and Mu Zhen answered them one by one. Listen patiently.The heads of the two people were getting closer and closer, and this shot was immediately seen by another pair of young people returning home.

"Children start to fall in love, when will it be a head!" The words of the two young people pierced Mu Zhen's heart, and he suddenly had an impulse to rush up to ask what happened. At this moment, he suddenly remembered the scene between Holiday and Wang Qiang. , Immediately froze there again.

"Go your own way, let them talk!" Mu Zhen secretly encouraged herself in her heart.

Xiaojuan listened to these gossips, but was indifferent. Obviously she was not interested in their conversations. In her eyes, compared with gossip, learning is much more important than gossip, that is, learning is more important than the sprouting of youth. But it's not that love is at the top, but learning is at the top.

After all, since ancient times, there have been some fearsome words. Although children's love for each other is very pure, in front of those gossips, this purity immediately casts a shadow, and this shadow immediately arouses the resentment of the elders.

However, what Mu Zhen and Xiaojuan didn't think of was that in the afternoon Zhang Gongyun knew something about Xiaojuan and Mu Zhen, and he found Xiaojuan's class teacher, the bearded Zhang.

"I heard that our Xiaojuan has a boy dating her?" Zhang Gongyun asked the bearded Zhang directly.

The bearded Zhang was so startled that he didn't say a word for a long time: "Dating? How can a child fall in love? I guess you misread it or listened to nonsense?"

"No, I listen to Dongtou Zhang's sister. But..." Zhang Gongyun regretted asking the bearded Zhang these words, but since the words were all about this point, it was difficult to hide it. Zhang Gongyun looked at the bearded Zhang. The face seems to have got the answer on the face of the bearded Zhang.

"Don't talk about it, I'll talk about it later!" The bearded Zhang said softly.

Zhang Gongyun thinks that what the bearded Zhang said is more reasonable, how can it be credible to only hear the hearsay?Besides, this is a matter related to the fate of the two children, so we must not act too hastily.Then he said: "Man, please!" He clenched his fists and hugged them to his chest.

The bearded Zhang has been engaged in education for so many years, and this is not the first time he has encountered such a thing. Normal communication between men and women is very normal, not to mention that this is just hearsay, and it is normal for men and women to have good feelings. After talking a few more words between men and women, it was concluded that they were in love. When I was young, the relationship between men and women was quite harmonious. At that time, no one considered love between men and women, but for Zhang Gongyun who could find If you come to talk about this matter by yourself, you can't just go over it lightly, you should understand it first.

During the recess time in the afternoon, the bearded Zhang called Wu Xiaojuan to the office. There were only the two of them in the office. The bearded Zhang said kindly, "You have made great progress in your studies recently. Can you tell me about your learning experience?"

The bearded Zhang felt that this matter should not be brought up lightly, otherwise it would be self-defeating, not only making a fool of himself, but also adding pressure and burden to the students, let alone a girl who is making progress.

"I don't have any experience, but I am willing to learn, I am very willing to learn, and I think learning is a very easy thing!" Xiaojuan felt that it was normal for the bearded Zhang to ask, so she answered quite casually.In any case, she couldn't say that it was Mu Zhen's help. After all, in this campus, there was such a big gap between men and women, how could she tell about the things between herself and Mu Zhen?
The bearded Zhang feels that if a girl is in a relationship, her studies will inevitably be affected. How can a girl who loves to study and is progressing by leaps and bounds in her studies be in a relationship?Of course the bearded Zhang believed Xiaojuan's words.

After communicating with Xiaojuan, the bearded Zhang went directly to Zhang Gongyun's house.

"Grandpa, I'm going to talk to you about what you said!" said the bearded Zhang Gongyun when he saw Zhang Gongyun repairing farm tools in the yard.

When Zhang Gongyun saw the bearded Zhang, he was very polite, and quickly asked him to sit down in the room: "You are worried about this matter!"

"Sure, I have to give you an answer." The bearded Zhang smiled and said calmly: "My cousin's grades have improved a lot during this period of time. I don't think you heard what you said. Yes, if it is like you said, how did you improve so much in your studies? You got full marks in the math exams before the holiday. When I asked her in the afternoon, she also said that she was interested in studying. If she said that she was in love, Hurt her self-esteem, wouldn't that add to the chaos?" The bearded Zhang said very implicitly, but very convincingly, which made Zhang Gongyun very happy, after all, the child is making progress, and the progress is so great, he still needs it Worry, even some people make irresponsible remarks, maybe deliberately provoking right and wrong.

Zhang Gongyun nodded and said, "That's good, thank you so much!"

The two exchanged some polite words, and the bearded Zhang got up to leave.

For the bearded Zhang, this matter was handled quite rationally, but for Mu Zhen, he was not so lucky. What was waiting for him, and how his head teacher, Mr. Lu, looked at it, was a different story.

(End of this chapter)

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